Receiving AWS Elemental MediaTailor Channel Assembly alerts - AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Receiving AWS Elemental MediaTailor Channel Assembly alerts

MediaTailor creates alerts for issues or potential issues that occur with your channel assembly resources. The alert describes the issue, when the issue occurred, and the affected resources.

You can view the alerts in the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDKs, or programmatically using the MediaTailor ListAlerts API.


Alerts are only available for channel assembly resources created on or after July 14th, 2021.

Channel Assembly Alerts
Alert Type Alert Code Alert Message Notes
VOD Source NOT_PROCESSED MediaTailor hasn't processed the package configuration configurationPath.
UNREACHABLE We can't reach the URL url.
UNAUTHORIZED url didn't authorize the request.
TIMEOUT The connection to url timed out.
UNPARSABLE_MANIFEST MediaTailor encountered an issue while parsing the manifest from url.
VARIANT_DURATION_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered variants with mismatched total durations while parsing the manifest from url. This might cause stalling during playback. Your manifest has varying durations across variants/representations. This might result in missing or incorrect captions, and MediaTailor being unable to insert ads.
SEGMENT_DURATION_TOO_LONG MediaTailor encountered a segment with a duration greater than thirty seconds while parsing the manifest from url. This might cause stalling during playback, missing or incorrect captions, and the inability to insert advertisements. Your manifest contains a segment that is greater than 30 seconds.
TARGET_DURATION_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered a mismatch of EXT-X-TARGETDURATION values across HLS manifests while parsing the manifest from url. This might cause stalling during playback. The target duration doesn't match across all manifests in the source..
Source Location NOT_PROCESSED MediaTailor hasn't processed the resource resourceName.
Program VOD_SOURCE_ALERT The VOD source vodSourceName in this program has the following alert: vodSourceAlertCode: vodSourceAlertMessage
SOURCE_LOCATION_ALERT The source location sourceLocationName contained in this program has the following alert: sourceLocationAlertCode: sourceLocationAlertMessage
CODEC_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered mismatched codec in channelName schedule. The mismatch is in sourceGroupName between programName1's manifest manifestUrl and programName2's manifest manifestUrl.
RESOLUTION_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered mismatched resolution in channelName schedule. The mismatch is in sourceGroupName between programName1's manifest manifestUrl and programName2's manifest manifestUrl.
BANDWIDTH_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered mismatched bandwidth in channelName schedule. The mismatch is in sourceGroupName between programName1's manifest manifestUrl and programName2's manifest manifestUrl.
FRAMERATE_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered mismatched framerate in channelName schedule. The mismatch is in sourceGroupName between programName1's manifest manifestUrl and programName2's manifest manifestUrl.
TARGET_DURATION_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered mismatched EXT-X-TARGETDURATION values across HLS manifests in channelName schedule. The mismatch is in sourceGroupName between programName1's manifest manifestUrl and programName2's manifest manifestUrl.
SEGMENT_DURATION_MISMATCH MediaTailor encountered mismatched segment duration values across manifests in channelName schedule. The mismatch is in sourceGroupName between programName1's manifest manifestUrl and programName2's manifest manifestUrl.
NO_COMMON_SEGMENT_BOUNDARY_FOR_AD_SLATE MediaTailor was not able to insert ad slate at offset offsetMillis for program programName. There is no common segment boundary at the ad slate's start time.
NOT_PROCESSED MediaTailor hasn't processed the resource resourceName.
TOO_MANY_ALERTS MediaTailor has found too many alerts and will not provide any more alerts for programName. Clear existing alerts to continue receiving alerts for programName.
Channel PROGRAM_ALERT The program programName contained in this channel has the following alert: programAlertCode: programAlertMessage

Viewing alerts

You can view alerts for any MediaTailor channel assembly resource. When you view the alerts for channels and programs, MediaTailor includes all of the related resources contained within the channel or program. For example, when you view the alerts for a specific program, you also see alerts for the source location and VOD sources that the program contains.

To view alerts, perform the following procedure.

To view alerts in the console
  1. Open the MediaTailor console at

  2. Choose the resource that you want to view alerts for.

  3. Select the Alerts tab to view the alerts.

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

To list alerts for a channel assembly resource, you need the resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can use the describe-resource_type command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to get the resource's ARN. For example, run the describe-channel command to get a specific channel's ARN:

aws mediatailor describe-channel --channel-name MyChannelName

Then use the aws mediatailor list-alerts command to list the alerts associated with the resource:

aws mediatailor list-alerts --resource-arn arn:aws:mediatailor:region:aws-account-id:resource-type/resource-name

To list alerts for a channel assembly resource, you need the resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can use the DescribeResource operation in the MediaTailor API to get the resource's ARN. For example, use the DescribeChannel operation to get a specific channel's ARN.

Then use the ListAlerts API to list the alerts for the resource.

Handling alerts

When an alert occurs, view the alerts in the AWS Management Console, or use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDKs, or the MediaTailor Alerts API to determine the possible sources of the issue.

After you resolve the issue, MediaTailor clears the alert.