With dynamic domain variables, you can use multiple domains, such as the my-ads-server.com part of the URL http://my-ads-server.com, with the player parameters in your configuration. This makes it possible for you to use more than one content source or ad decision server (ADS) in a single configuration.
You can use domain variables with any parameter that contains a URI:
Domain variables are used alongside configuration aliases to perform dynamic variable replacement. Configuration aliases map a set of aliases and values to the player parameters that are used for dynamic domain configuration.
Creating configuration aliases to
use as dynamic variables
Before you start to use domain variables, you create configuration aliases for your configuration. You use the configuration aliases as domain replacement variables at session initialization time. For example, you can use configuration aliases to dynamically configure an origin URL during session initialization.
Creating configuration aliases
To create configuration aliases to use for domain replacement using the MediaTailor console, perform the following procedure.
To create configuration aliases using the console
Open the MediaTailor console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/mediatailor/
. -
On the Configuration aliases section on the Configurations page, choose Add player parameter.
Type the player parameter name that you would like to use as a dynamic variable for domain replacement. You must prefix the name with
. -
Choose OK.
AWS Elemental MediaTailor displays the new parameter in the table in the Configuration aliases section.
Now, you'll add an alias and value. Select the player parameter that you just named. This expands the section below the parameter name.
Select Add new alias.
Enter an Alias key and Value. MediaTailor uses Value as the replacement value for the domain variable.
Using configuration
aliases to dynamically configure domains for a session
After you set up the configuration aliases, you can use them as replacement variables for domains in your session initialization request. This enables you to dynamically configure the domains for your session.
Note the following restrictions when using configuration aliases:
All dynamic variables used in the domain must be defined as a
dynamic variable. -
The player parameter variables must be prefixed with
. For example,player_params.origin_domain
. -
The list of aliased values must be exhaustive for every player parameter.
If a request is made for a dynamic value that's used in the domain, and that request either doesn’t specify the dynamic variable or one of the preconfigured aliases for that variable, then the request will fail with an HTTP
status code.
Example of usage
Here's an example of a configuration that includes configuration aliases and
dynamic domain variables. Pay special attention to the player parameter
variables, such as [player_params.origin_domain]
, in the
and VideoContentSourceUrl
parameter domains.
PUT /playbackConfiguration
"Name": "aliasedConfig",
"AdDecisionServerUrl": "https://abc.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ads?sid=[session.id]&ad_type=[player_params.ad_type]",
"VideoContentSourceUrl": "https://[player_params.origin_domain].mediapackage.[player_params.region].amazonaws.com/out/v1/[player_params.endpoint_id]",
"ConfigurationAliases": {
"player_params.origin_domain": {
"pdx": "abc",
"iad": "xyz"
"player_params.region": {
"pdx": "us-west-2",
"iad": "us-east-1"
"player_params.endpoint_id": {
"pdx": "abcd",
"iad": "wxyz"
"player_params.ad_type": {
"customized": "abc12345",
"default": "defaultAdType"
Using the preceding configuration, create a session initialization request, specifying the player variables and aliases:
POST master.m3u8
"playerParams": {
"origin_domain": "pdx",
"region": "pdx",
"endpoint_id": "pdx",
"ad_type": "customized"
MediaTailor replaces the alias strings with the mapped values in the configuration aliases configuration.
The request to the ADS looks like this:
The request to the VideoContentSource
looks like this: