Importing training data into Amazon Personalize datasets - Amazon Personalize

Importing training data into Amazon Personalize datasets

After you complete create a schema and a dataset, you are ready to import your training data into the dataset. When you import data, you can choose to import records in bulk, individually, or both.

After you import data into an Amazon Personalize dataset, you can analyze it, export it to an Amazon S3 bucket, update it, or delete it by deleting the dataset.

If you import an item, user, or action with the same ID as a record that's already in your dataset, Amazon Personalize replaces it with the new record. If you record two item interaction or action interaction events with exactly the same timestamp and identical properties, Amazon Personalize keeps only one of the events.

As your catalog grows, update your historical data with additional bulk, or individual data, import operations. For real-time recommendations, keep your Item interactions dataset up to date with your users' behavior. You do this by recording real-time interaction events with an event tracker and the PutEvents operation. For more information, see Recording real-time events to influence recommendations

After you import your data, you are ready to create domain recommenders (for Domain dataset groups) or custom resources (for Custom dataset group) to train a model on your data. You use these resources to generate recommendations. For more information, see Domain recommenders in Amazon Personalize or Custom resources for training and deploying Amazon Personalize models.