Importing actions individually - Amazon Personalize

Importing actions individually

After you complete Creating a schema and a dataset to create an Actions dataset, you can individually import one or more new actions into the dataset. When you individually import actions, you keep your Actions dataset current with small batch imports as your catalog grows. You can import up to 10 actions at a time. If you have a large number of new actions, we recommend that you first import data in bulk and then import action data individually as necessary. See Importing bulk data into Amazon Personalize with a dataset import job.

You can use the Amazon Personalize console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS SDKs to import actions. If you import an action with the same actionId as an action that's already in your Actions dataset, Amazon Personalize replaces it with the new action.

For information about how new records influence recommendations, see Updating data in datasets after training.

Importing actions individually (console)

You can import up to 10 actions into an Actions dataset at a time. This section assumes that you have already created an Actions dataset. For information about creating datasets, see Creating a schema and a dataset.

To import actions individually (console)
  1. Open the Amazon Personalize console at and sign in to your account.

  2. On the Dataset groups page, choose the dataset group with the Actions dataset that you want to add to.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Datasets.

  4. On the Datasets page, choose the Actions dataset.

  5. At the top right of the dataset details page, choose Modify dataset, and then choose Create record.

  6. In Create action record(s) page, for Record input, enter the action details in JSON format. The action's field names and values must match the schema you used when you created the Actions dataset. Amazon Personalize provides a JSON template with field names and data types from this schema.

  7. Choose Create record(s). In Response, the result of the import is listed and a success or failure message is displayed.

Importing actions individually (AWS CLI)

Add one or more actions to your Actions dataset using the PutActions API operation. You can import up to 10 actions at once. This section assumes that you have already created an Actions dataset. For information about creating datasets, see Creating a schema and a dataset.

Use the following put-actions command to add one or more actions with the AWS CLI. Replace dataset arn with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your dataset and actionId with the ID of the action. If an action with the same actionId is already in your Actions dataset, Amazon Personalize replaces it with the new one.

For properties, for each field in your Actions dataset, replace the propertyName with the field name from your schema in camel case. For example, ACTION_EXPIRATION_TIMESTAMP would be actionExpirationTimestamp and CREATION_TIMESTAMP would be creationTimestamp. Replace property data with the data for the property.

aws personalize-events put-actions \ --dataset-arn dataset arn \ --actions '[{ "actionId": "actionId", "properties": "{\"propertyName\": "\property data\"}" }, { "actionId": "actionId", "properties": "{\"propertyName\": "\property data\"}" }]'

Importing actions individually (AWS SDKs)

Add one or more actions to your Actions dataset using the PutActions operation. You can import up to 10 actions with a single PutActions call. If an action with the same actionId is already in your Actions dataset, Amazon Personalize replaces it with the new one. This section assumes that you have already created an Actions dataset. For information about creating datasets, see Creating a schema and a dataset.

The following code shows how to add one or more actions to your Actions dataset. For each action, specify the actionId. If an action with the same actionId is already in your Actions dataset, Amazon Personalize replaces it with the new one. For properties, for each additional field in your Actions dataset, replace the propertyName with the field name from your schema in camel case. For example, ACTION_EXPIRATION_TIMESTAMP would be actionExpirationTimestamp and CREATION_TIMESTAMP would be creationTimestamp. Replace property data with the data for the property.

import boto3 personalize_events = boto3.client(service_name='personalize-events') personalize_events.put_actions( datasetArn = 'dataset arn', actions = [{ 'actionId': 'actionId', 'properties': "{\"propertyName\": \"property value\"}" }, { 'actionId': 'actionId', 'properties': "{\"propertyName\": \"property value\"}" }] )