Speech mark output - Amazon Polly

Speech mark output

Amazon Polly returns speech mark objects in a line-delimited JSON stream. A speech mark object contains the following fields:

  • time – the timestamp in milliseconds from the beginning of the corresponding audio stream

  • type – the type of speech mark (sentence, word, viseme, or ssml)

  • start – the offset in bytes (not characters) of the start of the object in the input text (not including viseme marks)

  • end – the offset in bytes (not characters) of the object's end in the input text (not including viseme marks)

  • value – this varies depending on the type of speech mark

    • SSML: <mark> SSML tag

    • viseme: the viseme name

    • word or sentence: a substring of the input text, as delimited by the start and end fields

For example, Amazon Polly generates the following word speech mark object from the text "Mary had a little lamb":


The described word ("had") begins 373 milliseconds after the audio stream begins, and starts at byte 5 and ends at byte 8 of the input text.


This metadata is for the Joanna voice-id. If you use another voice with the same input text, the metadata might differ.