Viewing standard operating procedures - AWS Resilience Hub

Viewing standard operating procedures

To view the implemented SOPs from applications
  1. In the left navigation menu, choose Applications.

  2. In Applications, open an application.

  3. Choose Standard operating procedures tab.

    In Standard operating procedures summary section, the Implemented standard operating procedures table displays the list of SOPs that are generated from SOP recommendations.

    You can identify your SOPs by the following:

    • SOP name – Name of the SOP that you have defined for your application.

    • SSM document – S3 URL of the Amazon EC2 Systems Manager document that contains the SOP definition.

    • Description – Describes the objective of the SOP.

    • Test run – S3 URL of the document that contains the results of the latest test.

    • Reference ID – Identifier of the referenced SOP recommendation.

    • Resource ID – Identifier of the resource for which the SOP recommendation is implemented.

To view the recommended SOPs from assessments
  1. In the left navigation menu, choose Applications.

  2. Select an application from the Applications table.

    To find an application, enter the application name in the Find applications box.

  3. Choose Assessments tab.

    In Resiliency assessments table, you can identify your assessments using the following information:

    • Name – Name of the assessment you had provided at the time of creation.

    • Status – Indicates the execution state of the assessment.

    • Compliance status – Indicates if the assessment is compliant with the resiliency policy.

    • Resiliency drift status – Indicates if your application has drifted or not from the previous successful assessment.

    • App version – Version of your application.

    • Invoker – Indicates the role that invoked the assessment.

    • Start time – Indicates the start time of the assessment.

    • End time – Indicates the end time of the assessment.

    • ARN – The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the assessment.

  4. Select an assessment from the Resiliency assessments table.

  5. Choose Operational recommendations tab.

  6. Choose Standard operating procedures tab.

    In the Standard operating procedures table, you can understand more about the recommended SOPs using the following information:

    • Name – Name of the recommended SOP.

    • Description – Describes the objective of the SOP.

    • State – Indicates the current implementation state of the SOP. That is, Implemented, Not implemented, and Excluded.

    • Configuration – Indicates if there are any pending configuration dependencies that needs to be addressed.

    • Type – Indicates the type of SOP.

    • AppComponent – Indicates the Application Components (AppComponents) that are associated with this SOP. For more information about supported AppComponents, see Grouping resources in an AppComponent.

    • Reference ID – Indicates the logical identifier of the AWS CloudFormation stack event in AWS CloudFormation.

    • Recommendation ID – Indicates the logical identifier of the AWS CloudFormation stack resource in AWS CloudFormation.