Configuring Other Application Parameters - AWS SDK for .NET (version 3)

Version 4 (V4) of the AWS SDK for .NET is in preview! To see information about this new version in preview, see the AWS SDK for .NET (version 4 preview) Developer Guide.

Configuring Other Application Parameters


The information in this topic is specific to projects based on .NET Framework. The App.config and Web.config files are not present by default in projects based on .NET Core.

There are a number of application parameters that you can configure:

These parameters can be configured in the application’s App.config or Web.config file. Although you can also configure these with the AWS SDK for .NET API, we recommend you use the application’s .config file. Both approaches are described here.

For more information about use of the <aws> element as described later in this topic, see Configuration Files Reference for AWS SDK for .NET.


Configures how the SDK should log events, if at all. For example, the recommended approach is to use the <logging> element, which is a child element of the <aws> element:

<aws> <logging logTo="Log4Net"/> </aws>


<add key="AWSLogging" value="log4net"/>

The possible values are:


Turn off event logging. This is the default.


Log using log4net.


Log using the System.Diagnostics class.

You can set multiple values for the logTo attribute, separated by commas. The following example sets both log4net and System.Diagnostics logging in the .config file:

<logging logTo="Log4Net, SystemDiagnostics"/>


<add key="AWSLogging" value="log4net, SystemDiagnostics"/>

Alternatively, using the AWS SDK for .NET API, combine the values of the LoggingOptions enumeration and set the AWSConfigs.Logging property:

AWSConfigs.Logging = LoggingOptions.Log4Net | LoggingOptions.SystemDiagnostics;

Changes to this setting take effect only for new AWS client instances.


Specifies whether or not the SDK should log performance metrics. To set the metrics logging configuration in the .config file, set the logMetrics attribute value in the <logging> element, which is a child element of the <aws> element:

<aws> <logging logMetrics="true"/> </aws>

Alternatively, set the AWSLogMetrics key in the <appSettings> section:

<add key="AWSLogMetrics" value="true">

Alternatively, to set metrics logging with the AWS SDK for .NET API, set the AWSConfigs.LogMetrics property:

AWSConfigs.LogMetrics = true;

This setting configures the default LogMetrics property for all clients/configs. Changes to this setting take effect only for new AWS client instances.


Configures the default AWS region for clients that have not explicitly specified a region. To set the region in the .config file, the recommended approach is to set the region attribute value in the aws element:

<aws region="us-west-2"/>

Alternatively, set the AWSRegion key in the <appSettings> section:

<add key="AWSRegion" value="us-west-2"/>

Alternatively, to set the region with the AWS SDK for .NET API, set the AWSConfigs.AWSRegion property:

AWSConfigs.AWSRegion = "us-west-2";

For more information about creating an AWS client for a specific region, see AWS Region Selection. Changes to this setting take effect only for new AWS client instances.


Configures when the SDK should log service responses. The possible values are:


Never log service responses. This is the default.


Always log service responses.


Only log service responses when an error occurs.

To set the service logging configuration in the .config file, the recommended approach is to set the logResponses attribute value in the <logging> element, which is a child element of the <aws> element:

<aws> <logging logResponses="OnError"/> </aws>

Alternatively, set the AWSResponseLogging key in the <appSettings> section:

<add key="AWSResponseLogging" value="OnError"/>

Alternatively, to set service logging with the AWS SDK for .NET API, set the AWSConfigs.ResponseLogging property to one of the values of the ResponseLoggingOption enumeration:

AWSConfigs.ResponseLogging = ResponseLoggingOption.OnError;

Changes to this setting take effect immediately.


Configures the default TableNamePrefix the DynamoDBContext will use if not manually configured.

To set the table name prefix in the .config file, the recommended approach is to set the tableNamePrefix attribute value in the <dynamoDBContext> element, which is a child element of the <dynamoDB> element, which itself is a child element of the <aws> element:

<dynamoDBContext tableNamePrefix="Test-"/>

Alternatively, set the AWS.DynamoDBContext.TableNamePrefix key in the <appSettings> section:

<add key="AWS.DynamoDBContext.TableNamePrefix" value="Test-"/>

Alternatively, to set the table name prefix with the AWS SDK for .NET API, set the AWSConfigs.DynamoDBContextTableNamePrefix property:

AWSConfigs.DynamoDBContextTableNamePrefix = "Test-";

Changes to this setting will take effect only in newly constructed instances of DynamoDBContextConfig and DynamoDBContext.


Configures whether or not the Amazon S3 client should use signature version 4 signing with requests.

To set signature version 4 signing for Amazon S3 in the .config file, the recommended approach is to set the useSignatureVersion4 attribute of the <s3> element, which is a child element of the <aws> element:

<aws> <s3 useSignatureVersion4="true"/> </aws>

Alternatively, set the AWS.S3.UseSignatureVersion4 key to true in the <appSettings> section:

<add key="AWS.S3.UseSignatureVersion4" value="true"/>

Alternatively, to set signature version 4 signing with the AWS SDK for .NET API, set the AWSConfigs.S3UseSignatureVersion4 property to true:

AWSConfigs.S3UseSignatureVersion4 = true;

By default, this setting is false, but signature version 4 may be used by default in some cases or with some regions. When the setting is true, signature version 4 will be used for all requests. Changes to this setting take effect only for new Amazon S3 client instances.


Configures whether the SDK should use a custom configuration file that defines the regions and endpoints.

To set the endpoint definition file in the .config file, we recommend setting the endpointDefinition attribute value in the <aws> element.

<aws endpointDefinition="c:\config\endpoints.json"/>

Alternatively, you can set the AWSEndpointDefinition key in the <appSettings> section:

<add key="AWSEndpointDefinition" value="c:\config\endpoints.json"/>

Alternatively, to set the endpoint definition file with the AWS SDK for .NET API, set the AWSConfigs.EndpointDefinition property:

AWSConfigs.EndpointDefinition = @"c:\config\endpoints.json";

If no file name is provided, then a custom configuration file will not be used. Changes to this setting take effect only for new AWS client instances. The endpoint.json file is available from

AWS Service-Generated Endpoints

Some AWS services generate their own endpoints instead of consuming a region endpoint. Clients for these services consume a service Url that is specific to that service and your resources. Two examples of these services are Amazon CloudSearch and AWS IoT. The following examples show how you can obtain the endpoints for those services.

Amazon CloudSearch Endpoints Example

The Amazon CloudSearch client is used for accessing the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service. You use the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service to create, configure, and manage search domains. To create a search domain, create a CreateDomainRequest object and provide the DomainName property. Create an AmazonCloudSearchClient object by using the request object. Call the CreateDomain method. The CreateDomainResponse object returned from the call contains a DomainStatus property that has both the DocService and SearchService endpoints. Create an AmazonCloudSearchDomainConfig object and use it to initialize DocService and SearchService instances of the AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient class.

// Create domain and retrieve DocService and SearchService endpoints DomainStatus domainStatus; using (var searchClient = new AmazonCloudSearchClient()) { var request = new CreateDomainRequest { DomainName = "testdomain" }; domainStatus = searchClient.CreateDomain(request).DomainStatus; Console.WriteLine(domainStatus.DomainName + " created"); } // Test the DocService endpoint var docServiceConfig = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainConfig { ServiceURL = "https://" + domainStatus.DocService.Endpoint }; using (var domainDocService = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient(docServiceConfig)) { Console.WriteLine("Amazon CloudSearchDomain DocService client instantiated using the DocService endpoint"); Console.WriteLine("DocService endpoint = " + domainStatus.DocService.Endpoint); using (var docStream = new FileStream(@"C:\doc_source\XMLFile4.xml", FileMode.Open)) { var upload = new UploadDocumentsRequest { ContentType = ContentType.ApplicationXml, Documents = docStream }; domainDocService.UploadDocuments(upload); } } // Test the SearchService endpoint var searchServiceConfig = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainConfig { ServiceURL = "https://" + domainStatus.SearchService.Endpoint }; using (var domainSearchService = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient(searchServiceConfig)) { Console.WriteLine("Amazon CloudSearchDomain SearchService client instantiated using the SearchService endpoint"); Console.WriteLine("SearchService endpoint = " + domainStatus.SearchService.Endpoint); var searchReq = new SearchRequest { Query = "Gambardella", Sort = "_score desc", QueryParser = QueryParser.Simple }; var searchResp = domainSearchService.Search(searchReq); }

AWS IoT Endpoints Example

To obtain the endpoint for AWS IoT, create an AmazonIoTClient object and call the DescribeEndPoint method. The returned DescribeEndPointResponse object contains the EndpointAddress. Create an AmazonIotDataConfig object, set the ServiceURL property, and use the object to instantiate the AmazonIotDataClient class.

string iotEndpointAddress; using (var iotClient = new AmazonIoTClient()) { var endPointResponse = iotClient.DescribeEndpoint(); iotEndpointAddress = endPointResponse.EndpointAddress; } var ioTdocServiceConfig = new AmazonIotDataConfig { ServiceURL = "https://" + iotEndpointAddress }; using (var dataClient = new AmazonIotDataClient(ioTdocServiceConfig)) { Console.WriteLine("AWS IoTData client instantiated using the endpoint from the IotClient"); }