This is prerelease documentation for a feature in preview release. It is subject to change.
The following table lists the telemetry metrics that the SDK emits. Configure a telemetry provider to make the metrics observable.
Metric name | Units | Type | Attributes | Description |
---|---|---|---|---| | s | Histogram | rpc.service, rpc.method | Overall call duration (including retries and time to send or receive request and response body) |
client.uptime | s | Histogram | rpc.service | The amount of time since a client was created | | {attempt} | MonotonicCounter | rpc.service, rpc.method | The number of attempts for an individual operation | | {error} | MonotonicCounter | rpc.service, rpc.method, exception.type | The number of errors for an operation | | s | Histogram | rpc.service, rpc.method | The time it takes to connect to the service, send the request, and get back HTTP status code and headers (including time queued waiting to be sent) | | s | Histogram | rpc.service, rpc.method | The time it takes to resolve an endpoint (endpoint resolver, not DNS) for the request | | s | Histogram | rpc.service, rpc.method | The time it takes to serialize a message body | | s | Histogram | rpc.service, rpc.method | The time it takes to deserialize a message body | | s | Histogram | rpc.service, rpc.method | The time it takes to sign a request | | s | Histogram | rpc.service, rpc.method | The time it takes to acquire an identity (such as AWS credentials or a bearer token) from an Identity Provider |
client.http.bytes_sent | By | MonotonicCounter | server.address | The total number of bytes sent by the HTTP client |
client.http.bytes_received | By | MonotonicCounter | server.address | The total number of bytes received by the HTTP client |
Following are the column descriptions:
Metric name–The name of the emitted metric.
Units–The unit of measure for the metric. Units are given in the UCUM
case sensitive ("c/s") notation. -
Type–The type of instrument used to capture the metric.
Attributes–The set of attributes (dimensions) emitted with the metric.
Description–A description of what the metric is measuring.