Here are descriptions and examples for the Resources
object in the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF). For
more information about these fields, see Resources.
Identifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application involved in the finding.
"ApplicationArn": "arn:aws:resource-groups:us-west-2:123456789012:group/SampleApp/1234567890abcdef0"
Identifies the name of the application involved in the finding.
"ApplicationName": "SampleApp"
The DataClassification field provides information about sensitive data that was detected on the resource.
"DataClassification": {
"DetailedResultsLocation": "Path_to_Folder_Or_File",
"Result": {
"MimeType": "text/plain",
"SizeClassified": 2966026,
"AdditionalOccurrences": false,
"Status": {
"Code": "COMPLETE",
"Reason": "Unsupportedfield"
"SensitiveData": [
"Detections": [
"Count": 34,
"Occurrences": {
"LineRanges": [
"Start": 1,
"End": 10,
"StartColumn": 20
"Pages": [],
"Records": [],
"Cells": []
"Count": 59,
"Occurrences": {
"Pages": [
"PageNumber": 1,
"OffsetRange": {
"Start": 1,
"End": 100,
"StartColumn": 10
"LineRange": {
"Start": 1,
"End": 100,
"StartColumn": 10
"Count": 2229,
"Type": "URL",
"Occurrences": {
"LineRanges": [
"Start": 1,
"End": 13
"Count": 13826,
"Type": "NameDetection",
"Occurrences": {
"Records": [
"RecordIndex": 1,
"JsonPath": "$.ssn.value"
"Count": 32,
"Type": "AddressDetection"
"TotalCount": 32
"CustomDataIdentifiers": {
"Detections": [
"Arn": "1712be25e7c7f53c731fe464f1c869b8",
"Name": "1712be25e7c7f53c731fe464f1c869b8",
"Count": 2,
"TotalCount": 2
The Details field provides additional information about a
single resource using the appropriate objects. Each resource must be provided in a
separate resource object in the Resources
Note that if the finding size exceeds the maximum of 240 KB, then the
object is removed from the finding. For control findings that
use AWS Config rules, you can view the resource details on the AWS Config console.
Security Hub provides a set of available resource details for its supported resource types.
These details correspond to values of the Type
object. Use the provided
types whenever possible.
For example, if the resource is an S3 bucket, then set the resource Type
to AwsS3Bucket
and provide the resource details in the AwsS3Bucket
The Other object allows
you to provide custom fields and values. You use the Other
object in the
following cases:
The resource type (the value of the resource
) does not have a corresponding details object. To provide details for the resource, you use the Other object. -
The object for the resource type does not include all of the fields that you want to populate. In this case, use the details object for the resource type to populate the available fields. Use the
object to populate the fields that are not in the type-specific object. -
The resource type is not one of the provided types. In this case, set
, and use theOther
object to populate the details.
"Details": {
"AwsEc2Instance": {
"IamInstanceProfileArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IamInstanceProfileArn",
"ImageId": "ami-79fd7eee",
"IpV4Addresses": [""],
"IpV6Addresses": ["2001:db8:1234:1a2b::123"],
"KeyName": "testkey",
"LaunchedAt": "2018-09-29T01:25:54Z",
"MetadataOptions": {
"HttpEndpoint": "enabled",
"HttpProtocolIpv6": "enabled",
"HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 1,
"HttpTokens": "optional",
"InstanceMetadataTags": "disabled"
"NetworkInterfaces": [
"NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-e5aa89a3"
"SubnetId": "PublicSubnet",
"Type": "i3.xlarge",
"VirtualizationType": "hvm",
"VpcId": "TestVPCIpv6"
"AwsS3Bucket": {
"OwnerId": "da4d66eac431652a4d44d490a00500bded52c97d235b7b4752f9f688566fe6de",
"OwnerName": "acmes3bucketowner"
"Other": { "LightPen": "blinky", "SerialNo": "1234abcd"}
The identifier for the given resource type.
For AWS resources that are identified by Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), this is the ARN.
For AWS resources that lack ARNs, this is the identifier as defined by the AWS service that created the resource.
For non-AWS resources, this is a unique identifier that is associated with the resource.
"Id": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket"
The partition in which the resource is located. A partition is a group of AWS Regions. Each AWS account is scoped to one partition.
The following partitions are supported:
– AWS Regionsaws-cn
– China Regionsaws-us-gov
– AWS GovCloud (US) Region
"Partition": "aws"
The code for the AWS Region where this resource is located. For a list of Region codes, see Regional endpoints.
"Region": "us-west-2"
Identifies the role of the resource in the finding. A resource is either the target of the finding activity or the actor that performed the activity.
"ResourceRole": "target"
This field provides tag key and value information for the resource
involved in a finding. You can tag resources that are supported by the GetResources
operation of the AWS Resource Groups Tagging API. Security Hub calls this operation though the service-linked role and retrieves the resource tags if the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF)
field is populated with the AWS resource ARN. Invalid resource IDs are ignored.
You can add resource tags to findings that Security Hub ingests, including findings from integrated AWS services and third-party products.
Adding tags tells you the
tags that were associated with a resource at the time the finding was processed.
You can include the Tags
attribute only for resources that have an associated
tag. If a resource has no associated tag, don't include a Tags
attribute in
the finding.
The inclusion of resource tags in findings eliminates the need to build data enrichment pipelines or manually enrich the metadata of security findings. You can also use tags to search or filter findings and insights and create automation rules.
For information about restrictions that apply to tags, see Tag naming limits and requirements.
You can only provide tags that exist on an AWS resource in this field. To
provide data that isn't defined in the AWS Security Finding Format, use the
details subfield.
"Tags": {
"billingCode": "Lotus-1-2-3",
"needsPatching": "true"
The type of resource that you are providing details for.
Whenever possible, use one of the provided resource types, such as
or AwsS3Bucket
If the resource type does not match any of the provided resource types, then set the
resource Type
to Other
, and use the Other
subfield to populate the details.
Supported values are listed under Resources.
"Type": "AwsS3Bucket"