Email Add Ons - Amazon Simple Email Service

Email Add Ons

Email Add Ons is a collection of specialized security tools from SES approved providers that can be used to manage the type of email you allow into your ingress endpoint and to determine actions to be taken on certain types of email. These tools are certified security intelligence and enforcement solutions that are ready to be integrated into your email workflow and can be activated directly from the Mail Manager console.

These Add Ons offer the flexibility to choose from among vetted email security solutions appropriate to your individual use cases that can be used on a metered-price basis, as opposed to purchasing a large, single product solution that may not be optimized for any of your needs. Email Add Ons extends its core threat intelligence and security enforcement features on a per-workload basis, so there’s no guessing about required capacity. These benefits allow you to focus on staying ahead of email security issues and maintain high service standards for your organization.

You can learn more about each Add On directly from the Email Add Ons page located in the Mail Manager console where you'll have access to product descriptions, key benefits, and pricing information. Once you decide on an Add On you'd like to use, simply subscribe to it from Mail Manager console. Once subscribed, you'll be able to select it as a traffic policy condition in determining email allowed into an ingress endpoint, or as a rule set condition to determine actions to be taken on specific emails. Primary support for all Add Ons is provided by AWS and can also be accessed from the Mail Manager console.

The procedure in the next section will walk you through subscribing to an Email Add On in the Mail Manager console.

Subscribing to Email Add Ons in the Mail Manager console

The following procedure shows you how to use the Email Add Ons page in the Mail Manager console to subscribe to an Add On so that it can be used in any of your traffic policies or rule sets.

To subscribe to an Email Add On using the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at

  2. In the left navigation panel, choose Email Add Ons under Mail Manager.

  3. On the Email Add Ons page, select the title of any Add On card to open its overview page where you can learn more about what it does, its key benefits, and pricing information. If you'd like to use this Add On, choose Subscribe.

    • Read the Terms and Conditions presented and check the I accept box followed by Subscribe.

  4. Once you’ve subscribed to an Add On, you’ll be able to integrate it into your email workflow by selecting it as a traffic policy condition to deny or allow email into your ingress endpoint, or a rule set condition to determine an action to take on qualifying messages. The following examples depict using an Add On in a policy statement condition and in a rule condition:

    • Using the Spamhaus Domain Block List Add On in a policy statement condition to block email coming into your ingress endpoint that originates from a domain listed in Spamhaus:

      Using the Spamhaus Domain Block List Add On in a policy statement condition to block email coming into your ingress endpoint.
    • For details on how to create traffic policies and build policy statement conditions with Email Add Ons, see Creating traffic policies and policy statements in the SES console.

    • Using the Trend Micro Virus Scanning Add On in a rule condition to determine a rule action for email that passes the virus scan:

      Using the Trend Micro Virus Scanning Add On in a rule condition to determine a rule action for email that passes the virus scan.
    • For details on how to create rule sets and build rule conditions with Email Add Ons, see Creating rule sets and rules in the SES console.

  5. To view general details or access support for any Add On you're subscribed to, select its name on the Email Add Ons page to open its overview page:

    • In General details you can view the date of when you subscribed and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your Add On.

    • Select the Support tab to access links to AWS Support.

  6. To unsubscribe from an Add On:

    1. You must first remove it from any of your traffic policies or rule sets where you have it defined in a condition; otherwise, the following unsubscribe steps will fail.

    2. Select its name on the Email Add Ons page to open its overview page followed by Unsubscribe.

    3. Type confirm in the Confirm field followed by Unsubscribe.