Access IPAM
As with other AWS services, you can create, access, and manage your IPAM using the following methods:
AWS Management Console: Provides a web interface that you can use to create and manage your IPAM. See
. AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI): Provides commands for a broad set of AWS services, including Amazon VPC. The AWS CLI is supported on Windows, macOS, and Linux. To get the AWS CLI, see AWS Command Line Interface
. AWS SDKs: Provide language-specific APIs. The AWS SDKs take care of many of the connection details, such as calculating signatures, handling request retries, and handling errors. For more information, see AWS SDKs
. Query API: Provides low-level API actions that you call using HTTPS requests. Using the Query API is the most direct way to access IPAM. However, it requires your application to handle low-level details such as generating the hash to sign the request, and handling errors. For more information, see Amazon IPAM actions in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.
This guide primarily focuses on using the AWS Management Console to create, access, and manage your IPAM. In each description of how to complete a process in the console, we include links to the AWS CLI documentation that shows you how to do the same thing by using the AWS CLI.
If you are a first-time user of IPAM, review How IPAM works to learn about the role of IPAM in Amazon VPC and then continue with the instructions in Configure integration options for your IPAM.