Create a development IPv6 address pool in your IPAM
Follow the steps in this section to create a development pool within your IPv6 Regional pool. If you only need a Regional pool and don't need development pools, skip to Allocate CIDRs from an IPAM pool.
The following example shows the hierarchy of the pool structure that you can create with the instructions in this guide. At this step, you are creating a development IPAM pool:
IPAM operating in AWS Region 1 and AWS Region 2
Regional pool in AWS Region 1 (2001:db8::/52)
Development pool (2001:db8::/54)
Allocation for a VPC (2001:db8::/56)
In the preceding example, the CIDRs that are used are examples only. They illustrate that each pool within the top-level pool is provisioned with a portion of the top-level CIDR.
To create a development pool within an IPv6 Regional pool
Open the IPAM console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Pools.
Choose Create pool.
Under IPAM scope, choose a scope. For more information about scopes, see How IPAM works.
(Optional) Add a Name tag for the pool and a description for the pool.
Under Source, choose IPAM pool. Then, under Source pool, choose the IPv6 Regional pool.
Under Resource planning, leave Plan IP space within the scope selected. For more information about using this option to plan for subnet IP space within a VPC, see Tutorial: Plan VPC IP address space for subnet IP allocations.
(Optional) Choose a CIDR to provision for the pool. You can only provision a CIDR that was provisioned to the top-level pool. You can create a pool without a CIDR, but you won’t be able to use the pool for allocations until you’ve provisioned a CIDR for it. You can add CIDRs to a pool at any time by editing the pool.
You have the same allocation rule options here as you did when you created the IPv6 Regional pool. See Create a Regional IPv6 address pool in your IPAM for an explanation of the options that are available when you create pools. The allocation rules for the pool are not inherited from the pool above it in the hierarchy. If you do not apply any rules here, no allocation rules will be set for the pool.
(Optional) Choose Tags for the pool.
When you’ve finished configuring your pool, choose Create pool.
Repeat these steps to create additional development pools within the IPv6 Regional pool, as needed.