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Geofences pricing

Geofences pricing - Amazon Location Service
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For pricing information for tracking and geofencing APIs, see the Amazon Location Service pricing page.

Position Evaluation

You can use BatchEvaluateGeofences to evaluate device positions against the geofence geometries from a given geofence collection. One request will evaluate up to ten device positions against all geofences in a single geofence collection. Price is based on the number of device positions in your API requests. Unit price per device position evaluated is based on the total monthly usage volume. See the Amazon Location Service pricing page for details on unit price and volume tiers.

You can optimize your Position Evaluation cost by configuring the device position update frequency (also known as ping rate) from your tracking devices, and leveraging the filtering feature on Trackers to only evaluate relevant position updates.

Geofence Management and Storage

You can use GetGeofence, PutGeofence, BatchPutGeofence, and BatchDeleteGeofence to manage your geofences in a geofence collection. The price for these APIs is based on the number of geofences in your API requests.

The storage for geofences will be charged monthly (only for geofences you store for more than one month). You can also manage your Geofence Collection using the following APIs: CreateGeofenceCollection, DeleteGeofenceCollection, DescribeGeofenceCollection, ListGeofenceCollections, UpdateGeofenceCollection, and ListGeofences. The price for these APIs is based on the number of API requests.

Geofence Event Forecast

You can use ForecastGeofenceEvents to forecast future geofence events that are likely to occur within a specified time horizon if a device continues moving at its current speed. The price is based on number of API requests.

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