When you create a distribution, CloudFront provides a domain name for it, such as d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net. Instead of using this provided domain name, you can use an alternate domain name (also known as a CNAME).
To learn how to use your own domain name, such as www.example.com, see the following topics:
Requirements for using alternate domain
When you add an alternate domain name, such as www.example.com, to a CloudFront distribution, the following are requirements:
- Alternate domain names must be lowercase
All alternate domain names (CNAMEs) must be lowercase.
- Alternate domain names must be covered by a valid SSL/TLS certificate
To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to a CloudFront distribution, you must attach to your distribution a trusted, valid SSL/TLS certificate that covers the alternate domain name. This ensures that only people with access to your domain’s certificate can associate with CloudFront a CNAME related to your domain.
A trusted certificate is one that is issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) or by another valid certificate authority (CA). You can use a self-signed certificate to validate an existing CNAME, but not for a new CNAME. CloudFront supports the same certificate authorities as Mozilla. For the current list, see Mozilla Included CA Certificate List
. For information about intermediate certificates when using a third-party CA, see Intermediate certificates. To verify an alternate domain name by using the certificate that you attach, including alternate domain names that include wildcards, CloudFront checks the subject alternative name (SAN) on the certificate. The alternate domain name that you’re adding must be covered by the SAN.
Only one certificate can be attached to a CloudFront distribution at a time.
You prove that you are authorized to add a specific alternate domain name to your distribution by doing one of the following:
Attaching a certificate that includes the alternate domain name, like product-name.example.com.
Attaching a certificate that includes a * wildcard at the beginning of a domain name, to cover multiple subdomains with one certificate. When you specify a wildcard, you can add multiple subdomains as alternate domain names in CloudFront.
The following examples illustrate how using wildcards in domain names in a certificate work to authorize you to add specific alternate domain names in CloudFront.
You want to add marketing.example.com as an alternate domain name. You list in your certificate the following domain name: *.example.com. When you attach this certificate to CloudFront, you can add any alternate domain name for your distribution that replaces the wildcard at that level, including marketing.example.com. You can also, for example, add the following alternate domain names:
However, you can’t add alternate domain names that are at levels higher or lower than the wildcard. For example, you can’t add the alternate domain names example.com or marketing.product.example.com.
You want to add example.com as an alternate domain name. To do this, you must list the domain name example.com itself on the certificate that you attach to your distribution.
You want to add marketing.product.example.com as an alternate domain name. To do this, you can list *.product.example.com on the certificate, or you can list marketing.product.example.com itself on the certificate.
- Permission to change DNS configuration
When you add alternate domain names, you must create CNAME records to route DNS queries for the alternate domain names to your CloudFront distribution. To do this, you must have permission to create CNAME records with the DNS service provider for the alternate domain names that you’re using. Typically, this means that you own the domains, but you might be developing an application for the domain owner.
- Alternate domain names and HTTPS
If you want viewers to use HTTPS with an alternate domain name, you must complete some additional configuration. For more information, see Use alternate domain names and HTTPS.
Restrictions on using alternate domain
Note the following restrictions on using alternate domain names:
- Maximum number of alternate domain names
For the current maximum number of alternate domain names that you can add to a distribution, or to request a higher quota (formerly known as limit), see General quotas on distributions.
- Duplicate and overlapping alternate domain names
You cannot add an alternate domain name to a CloudFront distribution if the same alternate domain name already exists in another CloudFront distribution, even if your AWS account owns the other distribution.
However, you can add a wildcard alternate domain name, such as *.example.com, that includes (that overlaps with) a non-wildcard alternate domain name, such as www.example.com. If you have overlapping alternate domain names in two distributions, CloudFront sends the request to the distribution with the more specific name match, regardless of the distribution that the DNS record points to. For example, marketing.domain.com is more specific than *.domain.com.
If you have an existing wildcard DNS entry that points to a CloudFront distribution and you receive an incorrectly configured DNS error when trying to add a new CNAME with a more specific name, see CloudFront returns an incorrectly configured DNS record error when I try to add a new CNAME.
- Domain fronting
CloudFront includes protection against domain fronting occurring across different AWS accounts. Domain fronting is a scenario in which a non-standard client creates a TLS/SSL connection to a domain name in one AWS account, but then makes an HTTPS request for an unrelated name in another AWS account. For example, the TLS connection might connect to www.example.com, and then send an HTTP request for www.example.org.
To prevent cases where domain fronting crosses different AWS accounts, CloudFront makes sure that the AWS account that owns the certificate that it serves for a specific connection always matches the AWS account that owns the request that it handles on that same connection.
If the two AWS account numbers do not match, CloudFront responds with an HTTP 421 Misdirected Request response to give the client a chance to connect using the correct domain.
- Adding an alternate domain name at the top node (zone apex) for a domain
When you add an alternate domain name to a distribution, you typically create a CNAME record in your DNS configuration to route DNS queries for the domain name to your CloudFront distribution. However, you can’t create a CNAME record for the top node of a DNS namespace, also known as the zone apex; the DNS protocol doesn’t allow it. For example, if you register the DNS name example.com, the zone apex is example.com. You can’t create a CNAME record for example.com, but you can create CNAME records for www.example.com, newproduct.example.com, and so on.
If you’re using Route 53 as your DNS service, you can create an alias resource record set, which has two advantages over CNAME records. You can create an alias resource record set for a domain name at the top node (example.com). In addition, when you use an alias resource record set, you don’t pay for Route 53 queries.
If you enable IPv6, you must create two alias resource record sets: one to route IPv4 traffic (an A record) and one to route IPv6 traffic (an AAAA record). For more information, see Enable IPv6 in the topic Distribution settings reference.
For more information, see Routing traffic to an Amazon CloudFront web distribution by using your domain name in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.