Amazon ElastiCache Well-Architected Lens Performance Efficiency Pillar - Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache Well-Architected Lens Performance Efficiency Pillar

The performance efficiency pillar focuses on using IT and computing resources efficiently. Key topics include selecting the right resource types and sizes based on workload requirements, monitoring performance, and making informed decisions to maintain efficiency as business needs evolve.

PE 1: How do you monitor the performance of your Amazon ElastiCache cluster?

Question-level introduction: By understanding the existing monitoring metrics, you can identify current utilization. Proper monitoring can help identify potential bottlenecks impacting the performance of your cluster.

Question-level benefit: Understanding the metrics associated with your cluster can help guide optimization techniques that can lead to reduced latency and increased throughput.

  • [Required] Baseline performance testing using a subset of your workload.

    • You should monitor performance of the actual workload using mechanisms such as load testing.

    • Monitor the CloudWatch metrics while running these tests to gain an understanding of metrics available, and to establish a performance baseline.

  • [Best] For ElastiCache (Redis OSS) workloads, rename computationally expensive commands, such as KEYS, to limit the ability of users to run blocking commands on production clusters.

    • ElastiCache (Redis OSS) workloads running engine 6.x, can leverage role-based access control to restrict certain commands. Access to the commands can be controlled by creating Users and User Groups with the AWS Console or CLI, and associating the User Groups to an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster. In Redis OSS 6, when RBAC is enabled, we can use "-@dangerous" and it will disallow expensive commands like KEYS, MONITOR, SORT, etc. for that user.

    • For engine version 5.x, rename commands using the rename-commands parameter on the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster parameter group.

  • [Better] Analyze slow queries and look for optimization techniques.

    • For ElastiCache (Redis OSS) workloads, learn more about your queries by analyzing the Slow Log. For example, you can use the following command, valkey-cli slowlog get 10 to show last 10 commands which exceeded latency thresholds (10 seconds by default).

    • Certain queries can be performed more efficiently using complex ElastiCache (Redis OSS) data structures. As an example, for numerical style range lookups, an application can implement simple numerical indexes with Sorted Sets. Managing these indexes can reduce scans performed on the data set, and return data with greater performance efficiency.

    • For ElastiCache (Redis OSS) workloads, redis-benchmark provides a simple interface for testing the performance of different commands using user defined inputs like number of clients, and size of data.

    • Since Memcached only supports simple key level commands, consider building additional keys as indexes to avoid iterating through the key space to serve client queries.

  • [Resources]:

PE 2: How are you distributing work across your ElastiCache Cluster nodes?

Question-level introduction: The way your application connects to Amazon ElastiCache nodes can impact the performance and scalability of the cluster.

Question-level benefit: Making proper use of the available nodes in the cluster will ensure that work is distributed across the available resources. The following techniques help avoid idle resources as well.

  • [Required] Have clients connect to the proper ElastiCache endpoint.

    • ElastiCache (Redis OSS) implements different endpoints based on the cluster mode in use. For cluster mode enabled, ElastiCache will provide a configuration endpoint. For cluster mode disabled, ElastiCache provides a primary endpoint, typically used for writes, and a reader endpoint for balancing reads across replicas. Implementing these endpoints correctly will results in better performance, and easier scaling operations. Avoid connecting to individual node endpoints unless there is a specific requirement to do so.

    • For multi-node Memcached clusters, ElastiCache provides a configuration endpoint which enables Auto Discovery. It is recommended to use a hashing algorithm to distribute work evenly across the cache nodes. Many Memcached client libraries implement consistent hashing. Check the documentation for the library you are using to see if it supports consistent hashing and how to implement it. You can find more information on implementing these features here.

  • [Better] Take advantage of ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster mode enabled to improve scalability.

    • ElastiCache (Redis OSS) (cluster mode enabled) clusters support online scaling operations (out/in and up/down) to help distribute data dynamically across shards. Using the Configuration Endpoint will ensure your cluster aware clients can adjust to changes in the cluster topology.

    • You may also rebalance the cluster by moving hashslots between available shards in your ElastiCache (Redis OSS) (cluster mode enabled) cluster. This helps distribute work more efficiently across available shards.

  • [Better] Implement a strategy for identifying and remediating hot keys in your workload.

    • Consider the impact of multi-dimensional Valkey or Redis OSS data structures such a lists, streams, sets, etc. These data structures are stored in single Keys, which reside on a single node. A very large multi-dimensional key has the potential to utilize more network capacity and memory than other data types and can cause a disproportionate use of that node. If possible, design your workload to spread out data access across many discrete Keys.

    • Hot keys in the workload can impact performance of the node in use. For ElastiCache (Redis OSS) workloads, you can detect hot keys using valkey-cli --hotkeys if an LFU max-memory policy is in place.

    • Consider replicating hot keys across multiple nodes to distribute access to them more evenly. This approach requires the client to write to multiple primary nodes (the Valkey or Redis OSS node itself will not provide this functionality) and to maintain a list of key names to read from, in addition to the original key name.

    • ElastiCache with Valkey 7.2 and above and Redis OSS version 6 and above support server-assisted client-side caching. This enables applications to wait for changes to a key before making network calls back to ElastiCache.

  • [Resources]:

PE 3: For caching workloads, how do you track and report the effectiveness and performance of your cache?

Question-level introduction: Caching is a commonly encountered workload on ElastiCache and it is important that you understand how to manage the effectiveness and performance of your cache.

Question-level benefit: Your application may show signs of sluggish performance. Your ability to use cache specific metrics to inform your decision on how to increase app performance is critical for your cache workload.

  • [Required] Measure and track over time the cache-hits ratio. The efficiency of your cache is determined by its ‘cache hits ratio’. The cache hits ratio is defined by the total of key hits divided by the total hits and misses. The closer to 1 the ratio is, the more effective your cache is. A low cache hits ratio is caused by the volume of cache misses. Cache misses occur when the requested key is not found in the cache. A key is not in the cache because it either has been evicted or deleted, has expired, or has never existed. Understand why keys are not in cache and develop appropriate strategies to have them in cache.


  • [Required] Measure and collect your application cache performance in conjunction with latency and CPU utilization values to understand whether you need to make adjustments to your time-to-live or other application components. ElastiCache provides a set of CloudWatch metrics for aggregated latencies for each data structure. These latency metrics are calculated using the commandstats statistic from the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) INFO command and do not include the network and I/O time. This is only the time consumed by ElastiCache (Redis OSS) to process the operations.


  • [Best] Choose the right caching strategy for your needs. A low cache hits ratio is caused by the volume of cache misses. If your workload is designed to have low volume of cache misses (such as real time communication), it is best to conduct reviews of your caching strategies and apply the most appropriate resolutions for your workload, such as query instrumentation to measure memory and performance. The actual strategies you use to implement for populating and maintaining your cache depend on what data your clients need to cache and the access patterns to that data. For example, it is unlikely that you will use the same strategy for both personalized recommendations on a streaming application, and for trending news stories.


PE 4: How does your workload optimize the use of networking resources and connections?

Question-level introduction: ElastiCache (Redis OSS) and ElastiCache (Memcached) are supported by many application clients, and implementations may vary. You need to understand the networking and connection management in place to analyze potential performance impact.

Question-level benefit: Efficient use of networking resources can improve the performance efficiency of your cluster. The following recommendations can reduce networking demands, and improve cluster latency and throughput.

  • [Required] Proactively manage connections to your ElastiCache cluster.

    • Connection pooling in the application reduces the amount of overhead on the cluster created by opening and closing connections. Monitor connection behavior in Amazon CloudWatch using CurrConnections and NewConnections.

    • Avoid connection leaking by properly closing client connections where appropriate. Connection management strategies include properly closing connections that are not in use, and setting connection time-outs.

    • For Memcached workloads, there is a configurable amount of memory reserved for handling connections called, memcached_connections_overhead.

  • [Better] Compress large objects to reduce memory, and improve network throughput.

    • Data compression can reduce the amount of network throughput required (Gbps), but increases the amount of work on the application to compress and decompress data.

    • Compression also reduces the amount of memory consumed by keys

    • Based on your application needs, consider the trade-offs between compression ratio and compression speed.

  • [Resources]:

PE 5: How do you manage key deletion and/or eviction?

Question-level introduction: Workloads have different requirements, and expected behavior when a cluster node is approaching memory consumption limits. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) has different policies for handling these situations.

Question-level benefit: Proper management of available memory, and understanding of eviction policies will help ensure awareness of cluster behavior when instance memory limits are exceeded.

  • [Required] Instrument the data access to evaluate which policy to apply. Identify an appropriate max-memory policy to control if and how evictions are performed on the cluster.

    • Eviction occurs when the max-memory on the cluster is consumed and a policy is in place to allow eviction. The behavior of the cluster in this situation depends on the eviction policy specified. This policy can be managed using the maxmemory-policy on the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster parameter group.

    • The default policy volatile-lru frees up memory by evicting keys with a set expiration time (TTL value). Least frequently used (LFU) and least recently used (LRU) policies remove keys based on usage.

    • For Memcached workloads, there is a default LRU policy in place controlling evictions on each node. The number of evictions on your Amazon ElastiCache cluster can be monitored using the Evictions metric on Amazon CloudWatch.

  • [Better] Standardize delete behavior to control performance impact on your cluster to avoid unexpected performance bottlenecks.

    • For ElastiCache (Redis OSS) workloads, when explicitly removing keys from the cluster, UNLINK is like DEL: it removes the specified keys. However, the command performs the actual memory reclaiming in a different thread, so it is not blocking, while DEL is. The actual removal will happen later asynchronously.

    • For ElastiCache (Redis OSS) 6.x workloads, the behavior of the DEL command can be modified in the parameter group using lazyfree-lazy-user-del parameter.

  • [Resources]:

PE 6: How do you model and interact with data in ElastiCache?

Question-level introduction: ElastiCache is heavily application dependent on the data structures and the data model used, but it also needs to consider the underlying data store (if present). Understand the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) data structures available and ensure you are using the most appropriate data structures for your needs.

Question-level benefit: Data modeling in ElastiCache has several layers, including application use case, data types, and relationships between data elements. Additionally, each ElastiCache (Redis OSS) data type and command have their own well documented performance signatures.

  • [Best] A best practice is to reduce unintentional overwriting of data. Use a naming convention that minimizes overlapping key names. Conventional naming of your data structures uses a hierarchical method such as: APPNAME:CONTEXT:ID, such as ORDER-APP:CUSTOMER:123.


  • [Best] ElastiCache (Redis OSS) commands have a time complexity defined by the Big O notation. This time complexity of a command is a algorithmic/mathematical representation of its impact. When introducing a new data type in your application you need to carefully review the time complexity of the related commands. Commands with a time complexity of O(1) are constant in time and do not depend on the size of the input however commands with a time complexity of O(N) are linear in time and are subject to the size of the input. Due to the single threaded design of ElastiCache (Redis OSS), large volume of high time complexity operations will result in lower performance and potential operation timeouts.


  • [Best] Use APIs to gain GUI visibility into the data model in your cluster.


PE 7: How do you log slow running commands in your Amazon ElastiCache cluster?

Question-level introduction: Performance tuning benefits through the capture, aggregation, and notification of long-running commands. By understanding how long it takes for commands to execute, you can determine which commands result in poor performance as well as commands that block the engine from performing optimally. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) also has the capability to forward this information to Amazon CloudWatch or Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

Question-level benefit: Logging to a dedicated permanent location and providing notification events for slow commands can help with detailed performance analysis and can be used to trigger automated events.

  • [Required] Amazon ElastiCache (Redis OSS) running engine version 6.0 or newer, properly configured parameter group and SLOWLOG logging enabled on the cluster.

    • The required parameters are only available when engine version compatibility is set to Valkey 7.2 and higher, or Redis OSS version 6.0 or higher.

    • SLOWLOG logging occurs when the server execution time of a command takes longer than a specified value. The behavior of the cluster depends on the associated Parameter Group parameters which are slowlog-log-slower-than and slowlog-max-len.

    • Changes take effect immediately.

  • [Best] Take advantage of CloudWatch or Kinesis Data Firehose capabilities.

    • Use the filtering and alarm capabilities of CloudWatch, CloudWatch Logs Insights and Amazon Simple Notification Services to achieve performance monitoring and event notification.

    • Use the streaming capabilities of Kinesis Data Firehose to archive SLOWLOG logs to permanent storage or to trigger automated cluster parameter tuning.

    • Determine if JSON or plain TEXT format suits your needs best.

    • Provide IAM permissions to publish to CloudWatch or Kinesis Data Firehose.

  • [Better] Configure slowlog-log-slower-than to a value other than the default.

    • This parameter determines how long a command may execute for within the Valkey or Redis OSS engine before it is logged as a slow running command. The default value is 10,000 microseconds (10 milliseconds). The default value may be too high for some workloads.

    • Determine a value that is more appropriate for your workload based on application needs and testing results; however, a value that is too low may generate excessive data.

  • [Better] Leave slowlog-max-len at the default value.

    • This parameter determines the upper limit for how many slow-running commands are captured in Valkey or Redis OSS memory at any given time. A value of 0 effectively disables the capture. The higher the value, the more entries will be stored in memory, reducing the chance of important information being evicted before it can be reviewed. The default value is 128.

    • The default value is appropriate for most workloads. If there is a need to analyze data in an expanded time window from the valkey-cli via the SLOWLOG command, consider increasing this value. This allows more commands to remain in Valkey or Redis OSS memory.

      If you are emitting the SLOWLOG data to either CloudWatch Logs or Kinesis Data Firehose, the data will be persisted and can be analyzed outside of the ElastiCache system, reducing the need to store large numbers of slow running commands in Valkey or Redis OSS memory.

  • [Resources]:

PE8: How does Auto Scaling help in increasing the performance of the ElastiCache cluster?

Question-level introduction: By implementing the feature of Valkey or Redis OSS auto scaling, your ElastiCache components can adjust over time to increase or decrease the desired shards or replicas automatically. This can be done by implementing either the target tracking or scheduled scaling policy.

Question-level benefit: Understanding and planning for the spikes in the workload can ensure enhanced caching performance and business continuity. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) Auto Scaling continually monitors your CPU/Memory utilization to make sure your cluster is operating at your desired performance levels.

  • [Required] When launching a cluster for ElastiCache (Redis OSS):

    1. Ensure that the Cluster mode is enabled

    2. Make sure the instance belongs to a family of certain type and size that support auto scaling

    3. Ensure the cluster is not running in Global datastores, Outposts or Local Zones


  • [Best] Identify if your workload is read-heavy or write-heavy to define scaling policy. For best performance, use just one tracking metric. It is recommended to avoid multiple policies for each dimension, as auto scaling policies scale out when the target is hit, but scale in only when all target tracking policies are ready to scale in.


  • [Best] Monitoring performance over time can help you detect workload changes that would remain unnoticed if monitored at a particular point in time. You can analyze corresponding CloudWatch metrics for cluster utilization over a four-week period to determine the target value threshold. If you are still not sure of what value to choose, we recommend starting with a minimum supported predefined metric value.


  • [Better] We advise testing your application with expected minimum and maximum workloads, to identify the exact number of shards/replicas required for the cluster to develop scaling policies and mitigate availability issues.
