Reference: Test GPU functionality - AWS Batch

Reference: Test GPU functionality

The following example job definition tests if the GPU workload AMI described in Use a GPU workload AMI is configured properly. This example job definition runs the TensorFlow deep MNIST classifier example from GitHub.

{ "containerProperties": { "image": "tensorflow/tensorflow:1.8.0-devel-gpu", "resourceRequirements": [ { "type": "MEMORY", "value": "32000" }, { "type": "VCPU", "value": "8" } ], "command": [ "sh", "-c", "cd /tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/tutorials/mnist; python" ] }, "type": "container", "jobDefinitionName": "tensorflow_mnist_deep" }

You can create a file with the preceding JSON text called tensorflow_mnist_deep.json and then register an AWS Batch job definition with the following command:

aws batch register-job-definition --cli-input-json file://tensorflow_mnist_deep.json