ModifyChimeMeetingAttendee (muting and unmuting audio) - Amazon Chime SDK

ModifyChimeMeetingAttendee (muting and unmuting audio)

Allows the SIP media application to modify the status of a telephony attendee by providing the Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID and attendee list.


This action currently supports mute and unmute operations on telephony attendees. Also, the user must be joined into a meeting using the JoinChimeMeeting action. This action can be performed on a participantTag=“LEG-B”, or a corresponding CallId.

This action only applies to the callLeg that joins from the SIP media application to "+13605550122", LEG-B, or the leg joined from the SIP media application to the meeting.

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Actions": [ { "Type" : "ModifyChimeMeetingAttendees", "Parameters" : { "Operation": "Mute", "MeetingId": "meeting-id", "CallId": "call-id", "ParticipantTag": LEG-B", "AttendeeList": ["attendee-id-1", "attendee-id-2"] } } ] }

Description – The operation to perform on the list of attendees

Allowed values – Mute, Unmute

Required – Yes

Default value – None


Description – The ID of the meeting to which the attendees belong

Allowed values – A valid meeting ID. The person muting or unmuting must also belong to the meeting.

Required – Yes

Default value – None


Description – The ID of the meeting to which the attendees belong

Allowed values – A valid call ID.

Required – No

Default value – None


Description – The tag assigned to the attendee.

Allowed values – A valid tag.

Required – No

Default value – None


Description – List of attendee IDs to mute or unmute

Allowed values – A list of valid attendee IDs

Required – Yes

Default value – None, maximum of 100

After running this action, Audio Service always invoke an AWS Lambda function with the ACTION_SUCCESSFUL or ACTION_FAILED invocation event type. The following example code shows a typical ACTION_SUCCESSFUL invocation event.

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Sequence": INTEGER, "InvocationEventType": "ACTION_SUCCESSFUL", "ActionData": { "Type" : "ModifyChimeMeetingAttendees", "Parameters" : { "Operation": "Mute", "MeetingId": "meeting-id", "CallId": "call-id", "ParticipantTag": "LEG-B", "AttendeeList": ["attendee-id-1", "attendee-id-2"] } } "CallDetails": { ... } }
Error handling

In cases of invalid instruction parameters or API failures, SIP media applications call an AWS Lambda function with the error message specific to the failed instruction or API.

Error Message Reason


The ModifyChimeMeetingAttendees Operation parameter value is invalid

The Operation value must be Mute or Unmute.

Meeting ID parameter value is invalid.

Meeting ID is empty.

Attendee List parameter value is invalid.

The Attendee ID list is empty, or it exceeds the maximum of 100.

Invalid action on the call.

The call isn't bridged.

Call is not connected to Chime Meeting.

The attendee is not connected to a Chime Meeting.

One or more attendees are not part of this meeting. All attendees must be part of this meeting.

The attendee is not authorized to modify attendees in the meeting.


System error while running action.

A system error occurred while running an action.

The following example code shows a typical failure event:

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Sequence": INTEGER, "InvocationEventType": "ACTION_FAILED", "ActionData": { "Type" : "ModifyChimeMeetingAttendees", "Parameters" : { "Operation": "Mute", "MeetingId": "meeting-id", "CallId": "call-id", "ParticipantTag": "LEG-B", "AttendeeList": ["attendee-id-1", "attendee-id-2"] }, "ErrorType": "", "ErrorMessage": "", "ErrorList": [] } "CallDetails": { ... } }

See working examples on GitHub: