RecordAudio - Amazon Chime SDK


Allows the SIP media application to record media from a given call ID. For example, a voice mail application and meeting-participant announcements. The application records until it reaches the duration that you set, or when a user presses one of the RecordingTerminators, or when the application detects silence. In those cases, the action tells your application to put the resulting media file into the specified S3 bucket. The S3 bucket must belong to the same AWS account as the SIP media application. In addition, the action must give s3:PutObject and s3:PutObjectAcl permission to the Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector service principal, Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector service principal,


Recordings made using this feature may be subject to laws or regulations regarding the recording of electronic communications. It is your and your end users’ responsibility to comply with all applicable laws regarding the recording, including properly notifying all participants in a recorded session or communication that the session or communication is being recorded, and obtaining their consent.

The following example gives the s3:PutObject and s3:PutObjectAcl permission to the Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector service principal.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "SMARead", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectAcl" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*" } ] }

The following example stops recording when the caller presses the pound key (#), or 10 seconds elapse with no activity, or the caller remains silent for 3 seconds, and it writes the resulting media file into the location defined by RecordingDestination parameter.


This example uses the CallId parameter. You can use the ParticipantTag parameter instead, but you can't use both.

{ "Type": "RecordAudio", "Parameters": { "CallId": "call-id-1", "DurationInSeconds": "10", "SilenceDurationInSeconds": 3, "SilenceThreshold": 100, "RecordingTerminators": [ "#" ], "RecordingDestination": { "Type": "S3", "BucketName": "valid-bucket-name", "Prefix": "valid-prefix-name" } } }

DescriptionCallId of participant in the CallDetails of the AWS Lambda function invocation

Allowed values – A valid call ID

Required – No

Default value – None


DescriptionParticipantTag of one of the connected participants in the CallDetails

Allowed valuesLEG-A or LEG-B

Required – No

Default valueParticipantTag of the invoked callLeg Ignored if you specify CallId


Description – Type of destination. Only S3.

Allowed values – S3

Required – Yes

Default value – None


Description – A valid S3 bucket name. The bucket must have access to the Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector service principal,

Allowed values – A valid S3 bucket for which Amazon Chime SDK has access to the s3:PutObject and s3:PutObjectAcl actions.

Required – Yes

Default value – None


Description – S3 prefix of recording file

Allowed values – A valid prefix name containing up to 979 safe characters. For more information about safe characters, refer to Safe characters in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

Required – No

Default – None. If not specified, the recording are saved to the root of the S3 bucket.


Description – The duration of the recording, in seconds

Allowed values – >0

Required – No

Default value – None


Description – The duration of silence in seconds, after which the recording stops. If not specified, silence detection is disabled.

Allowed values – [1;1000]

Required – No

Default value – 200


Description – Level of noise that is considered "silence." If you don't specify SilenceDurationInSeconds, this parameter is ignored.

Reference values (noise levels and thresholds to treat the noise as silence):
  • 1—30dB or below, such as a quiet room

  • 100—40-50 dB, such as a whisper or quiet office

  • 200—60dB, such as a crowded office

  • 1000—75 dB, such as a loud person or music

Allowed values – [1;1000]

Required – No

Default value – 200


Description – Lists all the available recording terminators.

Allowed values – An array of single digits and symbols from [123456789*0#]

Required – Yes

Default value – None


When the recording ends, the Amazon Chime SDK SIP media application calls the AWS Lambda function and passes to it the ACTION_SUCCESSFUL event, along with the invocation results.

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Sequence": INTEGER, "InvocationEventType": "ACTION_SUCCESSFUL", "ActionData": { "Type" : "RecordAudio", "Parameters": { ... }, "RecordingDestination": { "Type": "S3", "BucketName": "valid-bucket-name", "Key": "valid-S3-key" }, "RecordingTerminatorUsed":"#" }, "CallDetails": { ... } }

The ACTION_SUCCESSFUL event contains ActionData, which contains these fields:


Description – The type of the action, RecordAudio.


Description – The parameters of the action.


Description – Type of destination. Only S3.


Description – The S3 bucket that contains the recording file.


Description – The S3 key of the recording file.


Description – The terminator used to stop recording—one of the terminators passed in the RecordingTerminators parameter. If the recording stops after reaching maximum duration (DurationInSeconds) or because of silence (SilenceDurationInSeconds), this key-value pair is not included in the output.

Error handling

For validation errors, the SIP media application calls the AWS Lambda function with the appropriate error message. The following table lists the possible error messages.

Error Message Reason


CallId or ParticipantTag parameter for action is invalid.

DurationInSeconds parameter value is invalid.

SilenceDurationInSeconds parameter value is invalid.

SilenceThreshold parameter value is invalid.

RecordingDestination parameter value is invalid.

Error occurred while uploading recording to S3 bucket.

Any parameter is invalid.


System error while running an action.

Another type of system error occurred while running an action.

Handling ACTION_FAILED events

When the action fails to record the media on a call leg, the SIP media application invokes an AWS Lambda function with the ACTION_FAILED event type. See the following example.

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Sequence": 5, "InvocationEventType": "ACTION_FAILED", "ActionData": { "Type" : "RecordAudio", "Parameters": { ... }, "ErrorType": "InvalidActionParameter", "ErrorMessage": "RecordingDestination parameter value is invalid." }, "CallDetails": { ... } }

See a working example on GitHub: