AWS Data Exchange is integrated with Amazon EventBridge, formerly called Amazon CloudWatch Events. EventBridge is an event bus service that you can use to connect your applications with data from a variety of sources. For more information, see the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.
As a subscriber with an active subscription to a product, you receive an event from AWS Data Exchange every time the provider publishes new
revisions or adds new data sets to an existing product. The event contains the
and the list of RevisionIds
that have been
Providers can send notifications corresponding to data updates, data delays, schema changes, and deprecations. Providers have the option to include comments and expected actions for subscribers to follow. Subscribers receive these notifications as events in Amazon EventBridge, which they can use to build automated workflows or deliver human-readable notifications to emails and chat programs using AWS User Notifications.
Data product related events are emitted in the AWS Region where the provider published the data set. You must set up EventBridge rules that use these events in the same AWS Region or see Sending and receiving Amazon EventBridge events between AWS Regions for more options.
This topic provides detailed information about each event listed in the following table. The table includes events received by a subscriber when a provider adds a data set to a product, adds a revision to a product, revokes a revision to a product, or removes access to a product.
Actions | Event received | Related topic |
Adds a file-based data set to a product and publishes it | Data Sets Published To Product |
Events for adding file-based data sets |
Adds an Amazon S3 data access data set to a product and publishes it | Amazon S3 Data Access Data Sets Published To Product |
Events for adding Amazon S3 data access data sets |
Adds an AWS Lake Formation data permission data set and publishes it | AWS Lake Formation Data Permission Data Set Published To
Product |
Events for adding AWS Lake Formation data permission data sets |
Adds an Amazon Redshift data set to a product and publishes it | Redshift Data Shares Data Sets Published To Product |
Events for adding Amazon Redshift datashare data sets |
Adds an Amazon API Gateway data set to a product and publishes it | API Gateway API Data Sets Published To Product |
Events for adding Amazon API Gateway API data sets |
Adds a file-based data set revision to a product and publishes it | Revision Published To Data Set |
Events for adding revisions |
Adds an Amazon S3 data access data set revision to a product and publishes it | Revision Published to Amazon S3 Data Access Data Set |
Events for adding Amazon S3 data access data set revisions |
Adds an AWS Lake Formation data permission data set revision to a product and publishes it | Revision Published To Lake Formation Data Permission Data Set |
Events for adding AWS Lake Formation data permission data set revisions (Preview) |
Adds an Amazon Redshift datashare data set revision to a product and publishes it | Revision Published To Redshift Data Shares Data Set |
Events for adding Amazon Redshift datashare data set revisions |
Adds an Amazon API Gateway data set revision to a product and publishes it | Revision Published To API Gateway API Data Set |
Events for adding Amazon API Gateway API data set revisions |
Revokes revision to a product | Revision Revoked |
Events for revoking revisions |
Takes an action on their Amazon Redshift resources that might remove access from a subscriber | Action Performed On Redshift Data Share By Provider |
Events for an action performed on an Amazon Redshift resource |
Takes an action on their Amazon Redshift resources that removes access from a subscriber | Redshift Data Share Access Lost |
Events for losing access to an Amazon Redshift datashare |
Sends a notification for a data update | Data Updated in Data Set |
Events for a provider-generated notification of a data update |
Sends a notification for a schema change | Schema Change Planned for Data Set |
Events for a provider-generated notification of a schema change |
Sends a notification for a data delay | Data Set Update Delayed |
Events for a provider-generated notification of a data delay |
Sends a notification for a data deprecation | Deprecation Planned for Data Set |
Events for a provider-generated notification of a data deprecation |
Sends an event when a data consumer accepts a data grant | Data Grant Accepted |
Events for accepting a data grant |
Sends an event when a data producer extends a data grant | Data Grant Extended |
Events for extending data grants |
Sends an event when a data producer revokes a data grant | Data Grant Revoked |
Events for revoking a data grant |
Auto-export job completed | Auto-export Job Completed |
Events for an auto-export job completed |
Auto-export job failed | Auto-export Job Failed |
Events for an auto-export job failed |
AWS Data Exchange emits events on a best effort basis. For more information about event delivery, see Events from AWS services.
Events for adding file-based data sets
When a provider adds file-based data sets to a product and publishes it, the
subscriber receives an event with the Data Sets Published
To Product
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Data Sets Published To Product",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2020-07-29T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Id" : "5bgd734EXAMPLE100f7gdd9EXAMPLEe9
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_Two
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding Amazon S3 data access
data sets
When a provider adds an Amazon S3 data access data set to a product and publishes it, the
subscriber receives an event with the following detail type: Amazon S3
Data Access Data Set(s) Published To Product
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "S3 Data Access Data Set(s) Published to Product",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2020-07-29T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [{
"Id": "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Id": "5bgd734EXAMPLE100f7gdd9EXAMPLEe9
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_Two
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding AWS Lake Formation data permission
data sets
When a provider adds an AWS Lake Formation data permission data set to a product and publishes
it, the subscriber receives an event with the Lake
Formation Data Permission Data Sets Published To Product
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Lake Formation Data Permission Data Sets Published To Product",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [
"Id": "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Id": "5bgd734EXAMPLE100f7gdd9EXAMPLEe9
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_Two
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding Amazon Redshift datashare data sets
When a provider adds an Amazon Redshift datashare data set to a product and publishes it, the
subscriber receives an event with the Redshift Data Shares
Data Sets Published To Product
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Redshift Data Shares Data Sets Published To Product",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Id" : "5bgd734EXAMPLE100f7gdd9EXAMPLEe9
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_Two
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding Amazon API Gateway API
data sets
When a provider adds an Amazon API Gateway API data set to a product and publishes it, the
subscriber receives an event with the Amazon API Gateway Data Sets
Published To Product
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "API Gateway API Data Sets Published To Product",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Id" : "5bgd734EXAMPLE100f7gdd9EXAMPLEe9
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_Two
"Product": {
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding revisions
When a provider adds a data set to a product and publishes it, the subscriber receives
an event with the Revision Published To Data Set
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Revision Published To Data Set",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2020-07-29T04:16:28Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"RevisionIds": [
"Revisions": [
"Id" : "3afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe7
"Comment": "Revision_Comment_One
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "aae4c2cdEXAMPLE54f9369dEXAMPLE66
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Product": {
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding Amazon S3 data access data set
When a provider adds an Amazon S3 data access data set revision to a product and publishes
it, the subscriber receives an event with the Revision
Published To Amazon S3 Data Access Data Set
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Revision Published to S3 Data Access Data Set(s)",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2020-07-29T04:16:28Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"RevisionIds": [
"Revisions": [
"Id" : "3afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe7
"Comment": "Revision_Comment_One
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Product": {
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding AWS Lake Formation data permission data
set revisions (Preview)
When a provider adds an AWS Lake Formation data permission data set revision to a product and
publishes it, the subscriber receives an event with the Revision Published to Lake
Formation Data Permission Data Set
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Revision Published to Lake Formation Data Permission Data Set",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [
"Id": "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Id": "5bgd734EXAMPLE100f7gdd9EXAMPLEe9
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_Two
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding Amazon Redshift datashare data set
When a provider adds an Amazon Redshift datashare data set revision to a product and publishes
it, the subscriber receives an event with the Revision
Published To Redshift Data Shares Data Set
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Revision Published To Redshift Data Shares Data Set",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"RevisionIds": [
"Revisions": [
"Id" : "3afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe7
"Comment": "Revision_Comment_One,
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "aae4c2cdEXAMPLE54f9369dEXAMPLE66
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Product": {
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for adding
Amazon API Gateway API data set revisions
When a provider adds an Amazon API Gateway API data set revision to a product and publishes it,
the subscriber receives an event with the Revision
Published To API Gateway Data Set
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Revision Published To API Gateway API Data Set",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"RevisionIds": [
"Revisions": [
"Id" : "3afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe7
"Comment": "Revision_Comment_One
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "aae4c2cdEXAMPLE54f9369dEXAMPLE66",
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Product": {
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
The following table describes the API Gateway API data set revision error codes.
Error code | Message | Description |
The datashare is unavailable because the provider deleted their
cluster. Please contact the provider for more
information. |
This message is sent when the datashare is no longer available because the provider deleted the cluster containing the datashare. |
The datashare is unavailable because the provider disabled
encryption on their cluster. Please contact the provider for more
information. |
This message is sent when the datashare is no longer available because the provider disabled encryption on their cluster. To use a datashare, both the provider and the subscriber must have encryption enabled. |
The datashare is unavailable because the provider deleted the
datashare. Please contact the provider for more
information. |
This message is sent when the datashare is no longer available because the provider deleted it. The provider must create a new datashare so that you can regain access to the data. |
The datashare is unavailable because the provider de-authorized
the datashare. Please contact the provider for more
information. |
This message is sent when the datashare is no longer available because the provider reauthorized the datashare. The provider must create a new datashare so that you can regain access to the data. |
You cannot access a non-publicly accessible datashare from a
publicly accessible cluster. You must turn off public accessibility
on your cluster to access this datashare. Please contact your
provider for more information. |
This message is sent when a provider sets the Publicly accessible option to Disable on the cluster that contains their datashare. If the subscriber's cluster has the Publicly accessible option set to Disable, it will not affect their ability to access the datashare. For the subscriber to access the datashare, either the subscriber must set the Publicly accessible option to Disable on their cluster, or the provider must set the Publicly accessible option to Enable on their cluster. Disable on the cluster that contains their datashare. If the subscriber's cluster has the Publicly accessible option set to Disable, it will not affect their ability to access the datashare. For the subscriber to access the datashare, either the subscriber must set the Publicly accessible option to Disable on their cluster, or the provider must set the Publicly accessible option to Enable on their cluster. |
Events for revoking revisions
When a provider revokes a revision to a product and publishes it, the subscriber
receives an event with the Revision Revoked
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Revision Revoked",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2022-02-17T21:25:06Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"RevisionIds": [
"RevocationComment": "example revocation comment
"Revisions": [
"Id" : "3afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe7
"Comment": "Revision_Comment_One
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "aae4c2cdEXAMPLE54f9369dEXAMPLE66
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Product": {
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for an action performed on an Amazon Redshift
When a provider takes an action on their Amazon Redshift resources that might remove access from a subscriber, the subscriber receives an event
with the Action Performed On Redshift Data Share By
detail type.
For example, if a provider changes the data share's public accessibility setting from
to false
, the subscriber receives an event.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Action Performed On Redshift Data Share By Provider",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"Message": "This is an example message which explains why you may have lost access.
"AssociatedProducts": [
"ProductId": "aae4c2cdEXAMPLE54f9369dEXAMPLE66
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Product": {
"Id" : "aae4c2cdEXAMPLE54f9369dEXAMPLE66
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for losing access to an Amazon Redshift
When a provider takes an action on their Amazon Redshift resources that removes access from a
subscriber, the subscriber receives an event with the Redshift Data Share Access Lost
detail type.
For example, if a provider deletes an Amazon Redshift datashare or deletes a cluster, the subscriber receives an event.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Redshift Data Share Access Lost",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2021-12-15T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"Message": "This is an example message which explains why you may have lost access.
"AssociatedProducts": [
"ProductId": "aae4c2cdEXAMPLE54f9369dEXAMPLE66
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Product": {
"Id" : "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
"Name": "Product_Hello_World
Events for an auto-export job completed
After an auto-export job moves all the data in a newly published File data set
revision to the subscriber's chosen Amazon S3 bucket, the subscriber receives an event with the
Auto-export Job Completed
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Auto-export Job Completed",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2020-07-29T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"RevisionIds": [
"Revisions": [{
"Id": "3afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe7
"Comment": "Revision_Comment_One
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [{
"Id": "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
}, ],
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
Events for an auto-export job
When an auto-export job fails, the subscriber receives an event with the Auto-export Job
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Auto-Export job failed",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2020-07-29T18:24:04Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"RevisionIds": [
"Revisions": [{
"Id": "3afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe7
"Comment": "Revision_Comment_One
"DataSetIds": [
"DataSets": [{
"Id": "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"Id": "5bgd734EXAMPLE100f7gdd9EXAMPLEe9
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_Two
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-uEXAMPLEabc1d
Events for
a provider-generated notification of a data update
When a provider sends a notification for a data update, the subscriber receives an
event with the Data Updated in Data
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Data Updated in Data Set",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2023-08-21T10:29:48Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSet": {
"Id": "b5538f9f45e4613d448eb9eEXAMPLEc6
"Name": "Example Data Set
"AssetType": "S3_DATA_ACCESS"
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-7ip6EXAMPLEhs
"Name": "Example Data Product
"ProviderContact": "
"Notification": {
"Comment": "This is a test DATA_UPDATE notification.
"Type": "DATA_UPDATE",
"Details": {
"DataUpdate": {
"DataUpdatedAt": "2023-07-12T00:00:00Z
"Scope": {
"S3DataAccesses": [{
"KeyPrefixes": [
"Keys": [
for a provider-generated notification of a schema change
When a provider sends a notification for a schema change, the subscriber receives an
event with the Schema Change Planned for Data
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Schema Change Planned for Data Set",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2023-08-21T10:29:48Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSet": {
"Id": "b5538f9f45e4613d448eb9eEXAMPLEc6
"Name": "Example Data Set
"AssetType": "S3_DATA_ACCESS"
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-7ip6EXAMPLEhs
"Name": "Example Data Product
"ProviderContact": "
"Notification": {
"Comment": "This is a test SCHEMA_CHANGE notification.
"Details": {
"SchemaChange": {
"Changes": [{
"Type": "ADD
"Description": "This object is being added to the bucket, or a field is being added to the object.
"Name": "KeyA
"Type": "REMOVE
"Description": "This object is being removed from the bucket or a field is being removed from the object.
"Name": "KeyB
"Type": "MODIFY
"Description": "The usage or meaning of this key prefix is changing, or something is changing about every file under this key prefix.
"Name": "KeyPrefix
"SchemaChangeAt": "2023-09-08T13:46:01Z
"Scope": {
"S3DataAccesses": [{
"KeyPrefixes": [
"Keys": [
Events for a
provider-generated notification of a data delay
When a provider sends a notification for a data delay, the subscriber receives an event with the following detail type: Data Set Update Delayed.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Data Set Update Delayed",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2023-08-21T10:29:48Z",
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSet": {
"Id": "b5538f9f45e4613d448eb9eEXAMPLEc6
"Name": "Example Data Set
"AssetType": "S3_DATA_ACCESS"
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-7ip6EXAMPLEhs
"Name": "Example Data Product
"ProviderContact": "
"Notification": {
"Comment": "This is a test DATA_DELAY notification.
"Type": "DATA_DELAY",
"Scope": {
"S3DataAccesses": [{
"KeyPrefixes": [
"Keys": [
Events for
a provider-generated notification of a data deprecation
When a provider sends a notification for a data deprecation, the subscriber receives
an event with the Deprecation Planned for Data
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Deprecation Planned for Data Set",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2023-08-21T10:29:48Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSet": {
"Id": "b5538f9f45e4613d448eb9eEXAMPLEc6
"Name": "Example Data Set
"AssetType": "S3_DATA_ACCESS"
"Product": {
"Id": "prod-7ip6EXAMPLEhs
"Name": "Example Data Product
"ProviderContact": "
"Notification": {
"Comment": "This is a test DEPRECATION notification.
"Details": {
"Deprecation": {
"DeprecationAt": "2023-09-08T13:46:01Z
"Scope": {
"S3DataAccesses": [{
"KeyPrefixes": [
"Keys": [
Events for accepting a data grant
When a data consumer accepts a data grant, the data owner receives an event with the Data Grant Accepted
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Data Grant Accepted",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2022-02-17T21:25:06Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"DataGrant": {
"Arn" : "arn:aws:dataexchange:us-east-1
"Name": "DataGrant_Hello_World
Events for extending data grants
When a data owner extends a data grant, the data consumer receives an event with the Data Grant Extended
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Data Grant Extended",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2022-02-17T21:25:06Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"DataGrant": {
"Arn" : "arn:aws:dataexchange:us-east-1
"Name": "DataGrant_Hello_World
Events for revoking a data grant
When a data owner revokes a data grant, the data consumer receives an event with the Data Grant Revoked
detail type.
The following example shows the event body for the detail type.
"version": "0",
"id": "dc529cb6-2e23-4c5f-d020-EXAMPLE92231
"detail-type": "Data Grant Revoked",
"source": "aws.dataexchange",
"account": "123456789012
"time": "2022-02-17T21:25:06Z
"region": "us-east-1
"resources": [
"detail": {
"DataSets": [
"Id" : "4afc623EXAMPLE099e6fcc8EXAMPLEe8
"Name": "Data_Set_Hello_World_One
"DataGrant": {
"Arn" : "arn:aws:dataexchange:us-east-1
"Name": "DataGrant_Hello_World