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Creating an EKS Auto Mode cluster in the AWS Management Console requires less configuration than other options. EKS integrates with AWS IAM and VPC Networking to help you create the resources associated with an EKS cluster.
You have two options to create a cluster in the console:
Quick configuration (with EKS Auto Mode)
Custom configuration
In this topic, you will learn how to create an EKS Auto Mode cluster using the Quick configuration option.
Create an EKS Auto Mode using the quick configuration option
You must be logged into the AWS Management Console with sufficent permissions to manage AWS resources including: EC2 instances, EC2 networking, EKS clusters, and IAM roles.
Navigate to the EKS Console
Click Create cluster
Confirm the Quick configuration option is selected
Determine the following values, or use the defaults for a test cluster.
Cluster Name
Kubernetes Version
Select the Cluster IAM Role. If this is your first time creating an EKS Auto Mode cluster, use the Create recommended role option.
Optionally, you can reuse a single Cluster IAM Role in your AWS account for all EKS Auto Mode clusters.
The Cluster IAM Role includes required permissions for EKS Auto Mode to manage resources including EC2 instances, EBS volumes, and EC2 load balancers.
The Create recommended role option pre-fills all fields with recommended values. Select Next and then Create. The role will use the suggested
name. -
If you recently created a new role, use the Refresh icon to reload the role selection dropdown.
Select the Node IAM Role. If this is your first time creating an EKS Auto Mode cluster, use the Create recommended role option.
Optionally, you can reuse a single Node IAM Role in your AWS account for all EKS Auto Mode clusters.
The Node IAM Role includes required permissions for Auto Mode nodes to connect to the cluster. The Node IAM Role must include permissions to retrieve ECR images for your containers.
The Create recommended role option pre-fills all fields with recommended values. Select Next and then Create. The role will use the suggested
name. -
If you recently created a new role, use the Refresh icon to reload the role selection dropdown.
Select the VPC for your EKS Auto Mode cluster. Choose the Create VPC to create a new VPC for EKS, or choose a VPC you previously created for EKS.
If you use the VPC Console to create a new VPC, AWS suggests you create at least one NAT Gateway per Availability Zone. Otherwise, you can use all other defaults.
For more information and details of IPv6 cluster requirements, see Create an Amazon VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster.
(optional) EKS Auto Mode automatically populates the private subnets for your selected VPC. You can remove unwanted subnets.
EKS automatically selects private subnets from the VPC following best practices. You can optionally select additional subnets from the VPC, such as public subnets.
(optional) Select View quick configuration defaults to review all configuration values for the new cluster. The table indicates some values are not editable after the cluster is created.
Select Create cluster . Note it may take fifteen minutes for cluster creation to complete.