Change authentication mode to use access entries - Amazon EKS

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Change authentication mode to use access entries

To begin using access entries, you must change the authentication mode of the cluster to either the API_AND_CONFIG_MAP or API modes. This adds the API for access entries.

AWS Console

  1. Open the Amazon EKS console.

  2. Choose the name of the cluster that you want to create an access entry in.

  3. Choose the Access tab.

  4. The Authentication mode shows the current authentication mode of the cluster. If the mode says EKS API, you can already add access entries and you can skip the remaining steps.

  5. Choose Manage access.

  6. For Cluster authentication mode, select a mode with the EKS API. Note that you can’t change the authentication mode back to a mode that removes the EKS API and access entries.

  7. Choose Save changes. Amazon EKS begins to update the cluster, the status of the cluster changes to Updating, and the change is recorded in the Update history tab.

  8. Wait for the status of the cluster to return to Active. When the cluster is Active, you can follow the steps in Create access entries to add access to the cluster for IAM principals.


  1. Install the AWS CLI, as described in Installing in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

  2. Run the following command. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster. If you want to disable the ConfigMap method permanently, replace API_AND_CONFIG_MAP with API.

    Amazon EKS begins to update the cluster, the status of the cluster changes to UPDATING, and the change is recorded in the aws eks list-updates .

    aws eks update-cluster-config --name my-cluster --access-config authenticationMode=API_AND_CONFIG_MAP
  3. Wait for the status of the cluster to return to Active. When the cluster is Active, you can follow the steps in Create access entries to add access to the cluster for IAM principals.

Required platform version

To use access entries, the cluster must have a platform version that is the same or later than the version listed in the following table, or a Kubernetes version that is later than the versions listed in the table. If your Kubernetes version is not listed, all platform versions support access entries.

Kubernetes version Platform version

















For more information, see View Amazon EKS platform versions for each Kubernetes version.