Simplify compute management with AWS Fargate - Amazon EKS

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Simplify compute management with AWS Fargate

This topic discusses using Amazon EKS to run Kubernetes Pods on AWS Fargate. Fargate is a technology that provides on-demand, right-sized compute capacity for containers. With Fargate, you don’t have to provision, configure, or scale groups of virtual machines on your own to run containers. You also don’t need to choose server types, decide when to scale your node groups, or optimize cluster packing.

You can control which Pods start on Fargate and how they run with Fargate profiles. Fargate profiles are defined as part of your Amazon EKS cluster. Amazon EKS integrates Kubernetes with Fargate by using controllers that are built by AWS using the upstream, extensible model provided by Kubernetes. These controllers run as part of the Amazon EKS managed Kubernetes control plane and are responsible for scheduling native Kubernetes Pods onto Fargate. The Fargate controllers include a new scheduler that runs alongside the default Kubernetes scheduler in addition to several mutating and validating admission controllers. When you start a Pod that meets the criteria for running on Fargate, the Fargate controllers that are running in the cluster recognize, update, and schedule the Pod onto Fargate.

This topic describes the different components of Pods that run on Fargate, and calls out special considerations for using Fargate with Amazon EKS.

AWS Fargate considerations

Here are some things to consider about using Fargate on Amazon EKS.

  • Each Pod that runs on Fargate has its own isolation boundary. They don’t share the underlying kernel, CPU resources, memory resources, or elastic network interface with another Pod.

  • Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers (ALBs) can be used with Fargate with IP targets only. For more information, see Create a network load balancer and Route application and HTTP traffic with Application Load Balancers.

  • Fargate exposed services only run on target type IP mode, and not on node IP mode. The recommended way to check the connectivity from a service running on a managed node and a service running on Fargate is to connect via service name.

  • Pods must match a Fargate profile at the time that they’re scheduled to run on Fargate. Pods that don’t match a Fargate profile might be stuck as Pending. If a matching Fargate profile exists, you can delete pending Pods that you have created to reschedule them onto Fargate.

  • Daemonsets aren’t supported on Fargate. If your application requires a daemon, reconfigure that daemon to run as a sidecar container in your Pods.

  • Privileged containers aren’t supported on Fargate.

  • Pods running on Fargate can’t specify HostPort or HostNetwork in the Pod manifest.

  • The default nofile and nproc soft limit is 1024 and the hard limit is 65535 for Fargate Pods.

  • GPUs aren’t currently available on Fargate.

  • Pods that run on Fargate are only supported on private subnets (with NAT gateway access to AWS services, but not a direct route to an Internet Gateway), so your cluster’s VPC must have private subnets available. For clusters without outbound internet access, see Deploy private clusters with limited internet access.

  • You can use the Adjust pod resources with Vertical Pod Autoscaler to set the initial correct size of CPU and memory for your Fargate Pods, and then use the Scale pod deployments with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale those Pods. If you want the Vertical Pod Autoscaler to automatically re-deploy Pods to Fargate with larger CPU and memory combinations, set the mode for the Vertical Pod Autoscaler to either Auto or Recreate to ensure correct functionality. For more information, see the Vertical Pod Autoscaler documentation on GitHub.

  • DNS resolution and DNS hostnames must be enabled for your VPC. For more information, see Viewing and updating DNS support for your VPC.

  • Amazon EKS Fargate adds defense-in-depth for Kubernetes applications by isolating each Pod within a Virtual Machine (VM). This VM boundary prevents access to host-based resources used by other Pods in the event of a container escape, which is a common method of attacking containerized applications and gain access to resources outside of the container.

    Using Amazon EKS doesn’t change your responsibilities under the shared responsibility model. You should carefully consider the configuration of cluster security and governance controls. The safest way to isolate an application is always to run it in a separate cluster.

  • Fargate profiles support specifying subnets from VPC secondary CIDR blocks. You might want to specify a secondary CIDR block. This is because there’s a limited number of IP addresses available in a subnet. As a result, there’s also a limited number of Pods that can be created in the cluster. By using different subnets for Pods, you can increase the number of available IP addresses. For more information, see Adding IPv4 CIDR blocks to a VPC.

  • The Amazon EC2 instance metadata service (IMDS) isn’t available to Pods that are deployed to Fargate nodes. If you have Pods that are deployed to Fargate that need IAM credentials, assign them to your Pods using IAM roles for service accounts. If your Pods need access to other information available through IMDS, then you must hard code this information into your Pod spec. This includes the AWS Region or Availability Zone that a Pod is deployed to.

  • You can’t deploy Fargate Pods to AWS Outposts, AWS Wavelength, or AWS Local Zones.

  • Amazon EKS must periodically patch Fargate Pods to keep them secure. We attempt the updates in a way that reduces impact, but there are times when Pods must be deleted if they aren’t successfully evicted. There are some actions you can take to minimize disruption. For more information, see Set actions for AWS Fargate OS patching events.

  • The Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Amazon EKS is installed on Fargate nodes. You can’t use Alternate CNI plugins for Amazon EKS clusters with Fargate nodes.

  • A Pod running on Fargate automatically mounts an Amazon EFS file system, without needing manual driver installation steps. You can’t use dynamic persistent volume provisioning with Fargate nodes, but you can use static provisioning.

  • Amazon EKS doesn’t support Fargate Spot.

  • You can’t mount Amazon EBS volumes to Fargate Pods.

  • You can run the Amazon EBS CSI controller on Fargate nodes, but the Amazon EBS CSI node DaemonSet can only run on Amazon EC2 instances.

  • After a Kubernetes Job is marked Completed or Failed, the Pods that the Job creates normally continue to exist. This behavior allows you to view your logs and results, but with Fargate you will incur costs if you don’t clean up the Job afterwards.

    To automatically delete the related Pods after a Job completes or fails, you can specify a time period using the time-to-live (TTL) controller. The following example shows specifying .spec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished in your Job manifest.

    apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: busybox spec: template: spec: containers: - name: busybox image: busybox command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 10"] restartPolicy: Never ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 60 # <-- TTL controller

Fargate Comparison Table

Criteria AWS Fargate

Can be deployed to AWS Outposts


Can be deployed to an AWS Local Zone


Can run containers that require Windows


Can run containers that require Linux


Can run workloads that require the Inferentia chip


Can run workloads that require a GPU


Can run workloads that require Arm processors


Can run AWS Bottlerocket


Pods share a kernel runtime environment with other Pods

No – Each Pod has a dedicated kernel

Pods share CPU, memory, storage, and network resources with other Pods.

No – Each Pod has dedicated resources and can be sized independently to maximize resource utilization.

Pods can use more hardware and memory than requested in Pod specs

No – The Pod can be re-deployed using a larger vCPU and memory configuration though.

Must deploy and manage Amazon EC2 instances


Must secure, maintain, and patch the operating system of Amazon EC2 instances


Can provide bootstrap arguments at deployment of a node, such as extra kubelet arguments.


Can assign IP addresses to Pods from a different CIDR block than the IP address assigned to the node.


Can SSH into node

No – There’s no node host operating system to SSH to.

Can deploy your own custom AMI to nodes


Can deploy your own custom CNI to nodes


Must update node AMI on your own


Must update node Kubernetes version on your own

No – You don’t manage nodes.

Can use Amazon EBS storage with Pods


Can use Amazon EFS storage with Pods


Can use Amazon FSx for Lustre storage with Pods


Can use Network Load Balancer for services

Yes, when using the Create a network load balancer

Pods can run in a public subnet


Can assign different VPC security groups to individual Pods


Can run Kubernetes DaemonSets


Support HostPort and HostNetwork in the Pod manifest


AWS Region availability

Some Amazon EKS supported regions

Can run containers on Amazon EC2 dedicated hosts



Cost of an individual Fargate memory and CPU configuration. Each Pod has its own cost. For more information, see AWS Fargate pricing.