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Cilium and Calico are supported as the Container Networking Interfaces (CNIs) for Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes. You must install a CNI for hybrid nodes to become ready to serve workloads. Hybrid nodes appear with status Not Ready
until a CNI is running. You can manage these CNIs with your choice of tools such as Helm. The Amazon VPC CNI is not compatible with hybrid nodes and the VPC CNI is configured with anti-affinity for the hybrid
CNI version compatibility
Cilium version 1.16.x
is supported and recommended for EKS Hybrid Nodes for every Kubernetes version supported in Amazon EKS.
Calico version 3.29.x
is supported and recommended for EKS Hybrid Nodes for every Kubernetes version supported in Amazon EKS.
Supported capabilities
AWS provides technical support for the following capabilities of Cilium and Calico for use with hybrid nodes. If you plan to use functionality outside the scope of AWS support, we recommend that you obtain commercial support for the plugin or have the in-house expertise to troubleshoot and contribute fixes to the CNI plugin project.
Feature | Cilium | Calico |
Kubernetes network conformance |
Yes |
Yes |
Control plane to node connectivity |
Yes |
Yes |
Control plane to pod connectivity |
Yes |
Yes |
Lifecycle Management |
Install, Upgrade, Delete |
Install, Upgrade, Delete |
Networking Mode |
IP Address Management (IPAM) |
Cluster Scope (Cilium IPAM) |
Calico IPAM |
IP family |
IPv4 |
IPv4 |
Yes (Cilium Control Plane) |
Yes |
Cilium considerations
By default, Cilium is configured to run in overlay / tunnel mode with VXLAN as the encapsulation method
. This mode has the fewest requirements on the underlying physical network. -
By default, Cilium masquerades
the source IP address of all pod traffic leaving the cluster to the IP address of the node. This makes it possible to run Cilium with hybrid nodes, whether or not remote pod networks are configured on the cluster. If you disable masquerading, then your pod CIDRs must be routable on your on-premises network and you must configure your Amazon EKS cluster with your remote pod networks. -
If you are running webhooks on your hybrid nodes, your pod CIDRs must be routable on your on-premises network and you must configure your Amazon EKS cluster with your remote pod networks. If your pod CIDRs are not routable on your on-premises network, then it is recommended to run webhooks on cloud nodes in the same cluster. See Configure webhooks for hybrid nodes for more information.
A common way to make your pod CIDR routable on your on-premises network is to advertise pod addresses with BGP. To use BGP with Cilium, you must set
bgpControlPlane.enabled: true
in your Helm configuration. For more information on Cilium’s BGP support, see Cilium BGP Control Planein the Cilium documentation. -
The default IP Address Management (IPAM) in Cilium is called Cluster Scope
, where the Cilium operator allocates IP addresses for each node based on user-configured pod CIDRs. The pod CIDRs are configured with the clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList
Helm value, which should match the remote pod network CIDRs you configured for your Amazon EKS cluster. Cilium allocates segments from theclusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList
to each node. The size of the per node segments is configured with theclusterPoolIPv4MaskSize
Helm value. For more information on theclusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList
, see Expanding the cluster poolin the Cilium documentation.
Install Cilium on hybrid nodes
Ensure that you have installed the Helm CLI on your command-line environment. See the Helm documentation
for installation instructions. -
Install the Cilium Helm repo.
helm repo add cilium
Create a YAML file called
. The following example configures Cilium to run only on hybrid nodes by setting affinity for hybrid
If you configured your Amazon EKS cluster with remote pod networks, configure the same pod CIDRs for your
. For example,
. Your on-premises pod CIDR must not overlap with your on-premises node CIDR when running the CNI in overlay / tunnel mode. -
based on your required pods per node. For example,25
for a /25 segment size of 128 pods per node. -
You should not change your
after deploying Cilium on your cluster, see Expanding the cluster poolin the Cilium documentation. -
For a full list of Helm values for Cilium, see the Helm reference
in the Cilium documentation. affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - hybrid ipam: mode: cluster-pool operator: clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize:
clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList: -POD_CIDR
operator: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - hybrid unmanagedPodWatcher: restart: false envoy: enabled: false
Install Cilium on your cluster.
with your desired Cilium version. It is recommended to run the latest patch version for your Cilium minor version. You can find the latest patch release for a given minor Cilium release in the Stable Releases sectionof the Cilium documentation. -
If you are enabling BGP for your deployment, add the
--set bgpControlPlane.enabled=true
flag in the command below. -
If you are using a specific kubeconfig file, use the
flag with the Helm install command.helm install cilium cilium/cilium \ --version
\ --namespace kube-system \ --values cilium-values.yaml
You can confirm your Cilium installation was successful with the following commands. You should see the
deployment and thecilium-agent
running on each of your hybrid nodes. Additionally, your hybrid nodes should now have statusReady
. For information on how to configure BGP for Cilium, proceed to the next step.kubectl get pods -n kube-system
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cilium-jjjn8 1/1 Running 0 11m cilium-operator-d4f4d7fcb-sc5xn 1/1 Running 0 11m
kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION mi-04a2cf999b7112233 Ready <none> 19m v1.31.0-eks-a737599
To use BGP with Cilium to advertise your pod addresses with your on-premises network, you must have installed Cilium with
bgpControlPlane.enabled: true
. To configure BGP in Cilium, first create a file calledcilium-bgp-cluster.yaml
with aCiliumBGPClusterConfig
with thepeerAddress
set to your on-premises router IP that you are peering with. Configure thelocalASN
based on your on-premises router configuration, which you may have to obtain from your network administrator.apiVersion: kind: CiliumBGPClusterConfig metadata: name: cilium-bgp spec: nodeSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - hybrid bgpInstances: - name: "rack0" localASN:
peers: - name: "onprem-router" peerASN:PEER_ASN
peerConfigRef: name: "cilium-peer" -
Apply the Cilium BGP Cluster configuration to your cluster.
kubectl apply -f cilium-bgp-cluster.yaml
resource defines a BGP peer configuration. Multiple peers can share the same configuration and provide reference to the commonCiliumBGPPeerConfig
resource. Create a file namedcilium-bgp-peer.yaml
to configure the peer configuration for your on-premises network. See the BGP Peer Configurationin the Cilium documentation for a full list of configuration options. apiVersion: kind: CiliumBGPPeerConfig metadata: name: cilium-peer spec: timers: holdTimeSeconds: 30 keepAliveTimeSeconds: 10 gracefulRestart: enabled: true restartTimeSeconds: 120 families: - afi: ipv4 safi: unicast advertisements: matchLabels: advertise: "bgp"
Apply the Cilium BGP Peer configuration to your cluster.
kubectl apply -f cilium-bgp-peer.yaml
resource is used to define various advertisement types and attributes associated with them. Create a file namedcilium-bgp-advertisement.yaml
and configure theCiliumBGPAdvertisement
resource with your desired settings.apiVersion: kind: CiliumBGPAdvertisement metadata: name: bgp-advertisements labels: advertise: bgp spec: advertisements: - advertisementType: "PodCIDR" - advertisementType: "Service" service: addresses: - ClusterIP - ExternalIP - LoadBalancerIP
Apply the Cilium BGP Advertisement configuration to your cluster.
kubectl apply -f cilium-bgp-advertisement.yaml
You can confirm the BGP peering worked with the Cilium CLI
by using the cilium bgp peers
command. You should see the correct values in the output for your environment and the Session State asestablished
. See the Troubleshooting and Operations Guidein the Cilium documentation for more information on troubleshooting.
Upgrade Cilium on hybrid nodes
Before upgrading your Cilium deployment, carefully review the Cilium upgrade documentation
Ensure that you have installed the
CLI on your command-line environment. See the Helm documentationfor installation instructions. -
Install the Cilium Helm repo.
helm repo add cilium
Run the Cilium upgrade pre-flight check. Replace
with your target Cilium version. We recommend that you run the latest patch version for your Cilium minor version. You can find the latest patch release for a given minor Cilium release in the Stable Releases sectionof the Cilium documentation. helm install cilium-preflight cilium/cilium --version CILIUM_VERSION \ --namespace=kube-system \ --set preflight.enabled=true \ --set agent=false \ --set operator.enabled=false
After applying the
, ensure that the number ofREADY
pods is the same number of Cilium pods running.kubectl get ds -n kube-system | sed -n '1p;/cilium/p'
NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR AGE cilium 2 2 2 2 2 <none> 1h20m cilium-pre-flight-check 2 2 2 2 2 <none> 7m15s
Once the number of READY pods are equal, make sure the Cilium pre-flight deployment is also marked as READY 1/1. If it shows READY 0/1, consult the CNP Validation
section and resolve issues with the deployment before continuing with the upgrade. kubectl get deployment -n kube-system cilium-pre-flight-check -w
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE cilium-pre-flight-check 1/1 1 0 12s
Delete the preflight
helm uninstall cilium-preflight --namespace kube-system
During normal cluster operations, all Cilium components should run the same version. The following steps describe how to upgrade all of the components from one stable release to a later stable release. When upgrading from one minor release to another minor release, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest patch release for the existing Cilium minor version first. To minimize disruption, set the
option to the initial Cilium version that you installed in this cluster.Before running the helm upgrade command, preserve the values for your deployment in a
or use--set
command line options for your settings. The upgrade operation overwrites the Cilium ConfigMap, so it is critical that your configuration values are passed when you upgrade. If you are using BGP, it is recommended to use the--set bgpControlPlane=true
command line option instead of supplying this information in your values file.helm upgrade cilium cilium/cilium --version
\ --namespace kube-system \ --set upgradeCompatibility=1.X
\ -f cilium-values.yaml -
(Optional) If you need to rollback your upgrade due to issues, run the following commands.
helm history cilium --namespace kube-system helm rollback cilium [REVISION] --namespace kube-system
Delete Cilium from hybrid nodes
Run the following command to uninstall all Cilium components from your cluster. Note, uninstalling the CNI may impact the health of nodes and pods and shouldn’t be performed on production clusters.
helm uninstall cilium --namespace kube-system
The interfaces and routes configured by Cilium are not removed by default when the CNI is removed from the cluster, see the GitHub issue
for more information. -
To clean up the on-disk configuration files and resources, if you are using the standard configuration directories, you can remove the files as shown by the
scriptin the Cilium repository on GitHub. -
To remove the Cilium Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) from your cluster, you can run the following commands.
kubectl get crds -oname | grep "cilium" | xargs kubectl delete
Calico considerations
It is recommended to run Calico in overlay / tunnel mode with VXLAN as the encapsulation method
. This mode has the fewest requirements on the underlying physical network. For more information on the different Calico networking modes, see Determining the best networking option in the Calico documentation. -
It is recommended to run Calico with
set totrue
. WithnatOutgoing
set totrue
, the source IP address of all pod traffic leaving the cluster is translated to the IP address of the node. This makes it possible to run Calico with Amazon EKS clusters, whether or not remote pod networks are configured on the cluster. If you disablenatOutgoing
, then your pod CIDRs must be routable on your on-premises network and you must configure your Amazon EKS cluster with your remote pod networks. -
If you are running webhooks on your hybrid nodes, your pod CIDRs must be routable on your on-premises network and you must configure your Amazon EKS cluster with your remote pod networks. If your pod CIDRs are not routable on your on-premises network, then it is recommended to run webhooks on cloud nodes in the same cluster. See Configure webhooks for hybrid nodes for more information.
A common way to make your pod CIDR routable on your on-premises network is to advertise pod addresses with BGP. To use BGP with Calico, you must set
installation.calicoNetwork.bgp: Enabled
in your Helm configuration. For more information on Calico’s BGP support, see Configure BGP peeringin the Calico documentation. -
The default IP Address Management (IPAM) in Calico is called Calico IPAM
, where the calico-ipam
plugin allocates IP addresses for each node based on user-configured pod CIDRs. The pod CIDRs are configured with theinstallation.calicoNetwork.ipPools.cidr
Helm value, which should match the remote pod network CIDRs you configured for your Amazon EKS cluster. Calico allocates segments from theipPools.cidr
to each node. The size of the per node segments is configured with theipPools.blockSize
Helm value. For more information on IPAM with Calico, see Get started with IP address managementin the Calico documentation.
Install Calico on hybrid nodes
Ensure that you have installed the helm CLI on your command-line environment. See the Helm documentation
for installation instructions. -
Install the Cilium Helm repo.
helm repo add projectcalico
Create a YAML file called
. The following example configures all Calico components to run only on hybrid nodes by setting affinity for hybrid
with the CIDR ranges for your pods. If you configured your Amazon EKS cluster with remote pod networks, thePOD_CIDR
that you specify for Calico should be the same as the remote pod networks. For example,
. Your on-premises pod CIDR must not overlap with your on-premises node CIDR when running the CNI in overlay / tunnel mode. -
with the size of the CIDR segment you want to allocate to each node. For example,25
for a /25 segment size of 128 pod addresses per node. For more information on CIDRblockSize
and changing theblockSize
, see Change IP pool block sizein the Calico documentation. -
In the example below,
is enabled andbgp
is disabled. Modify these values based on your target configuration.installation: enabled: true cni: type: Calico ipam: type: Calico calicoNetwork: bgp:
ipPools: - cidr:POD_CIDR
encapsulation: VXLAN natOutgoing: Enabled nodeSelector: == "hybrid" controlPlaneReplicas: 1 controlPlaneNodeSelector: hybrid calicoNodeDaemonSet: spec: template: spec: nodeSelector: hybrid csiNodeDriverDaemonSet: spec: template: spec: nodeSelector: hybrid calicoKubeControllersDeployment: spec: template: spec: nodeSelector: hybrid typhaDeployment: spec: template: spec: nodeSelector: hybrid
Install Calico on your cluster.
with your desired Calico version (for example 3.29.0), see the Calico releasesto find the latest patch release for your Calico minor version. It is recommended to run the latest patch version for the Calico minor version. -
If you are using a specific
file, use the--kubeconfig
flag.helm install calico projectcalico/tigera-operator \ --version
\ --namespace kube-system \ -f calico-values.yaml
You can confirm your Calico installation was successful with the following commands. You should see the
deployment, thecalico-node
agent running on each of your hybrid nodes, thecalico-apiserver
, andcalico-kube-controllers
deployed. Additionally, your hybrid nodes should now have statusReady
. If you are usingnatOutgoing: Disabled
, then all of the Calico components will not be able to start successfully until you advertise your pod addresses with your on-premises network. For information on how to configure BGP for Calico, proceed to the next step.kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE calico-apiserver calico-apiserver-6c77bb6d46-2n8mq 1/1 Running 0 69s calico-system calico-kube-controllers-7c5f8556b5-7h267 1/1 Running 0 68s calico-system calico-node-s5nnk 1/1 Running 0 68s calico-system calico-typha-6487cc9d8c-wc5jm 1/1 Running 0 69s calico-system csi-node-driver-cv42d 2/2 Running 0 68s kube-system coredns-7bb495d866-2lc9v 1/1 Running 0 6m27s kube-system coredns-7bb495d866-2t8ln 1/1 Running 0 157m kube-system kube-proxy-lxzxh 1/1 Running 0 18m kube-system tigera-operator-f8bc97d4c-28b4d 1/1 Running 0 90s
kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION mi-0c6ec2f6f79176565 Ready <none> 5h13m v1.31.0-eks-a737599
If you installed Calico without BGP, skip this step. To configure BGP, create a file called
with aBGPPeer
configuration and aBGPConfiguration
. It is important to distinguishBGPPeer
. TheBGPPeer
is the BGP-enabled router or remote resource with which the nodes in a Calico cluster will peer. TheasNumber
in theBGPPeer
configuration is similar to the Cilium settingpeerASN
. TheBGPConfiguration
is applied to each Calico node and theasNumber
for theBGPConfiguration
is equivalent to the Cilium settinglocalASN
in the example below with the values for your on-premises environment, which you may have to obtain from your network administrator. ThekeepOriginalNextHop: true
setting is used to ensure each node advertises only the pod network CIDR that it owns.apiVersion: kind: BGPPeer metadata: name: calico-hybrid-nodes spec: peerIP:
keepOriginalNextHop: true --- apiVersion: kind: BGPConfiguration metadata: name: default spec: nodeToNodeMeshEnabled: false asNumber:LOCAL_ASN
Apply the file to your cluster.
kubectl apply -f calico-bgp.yaml
Confirm the Calico pods are running with the following command.
kubectl get pods -n calico-system -w
NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE calico-apiserver calico-apiserver-598bf99b6c-2vltk 1/1 Running 0 3h24m calico-system calico-kube-controllers-75f84bbfd6-zwmnx 1/1 Running 31 (59m ago) 3h20m calico-system calico-node-9b2pg 1/1 Running 0 5h17m calico-system calico-typha-7d55c76584-kxtnq 1/1 Running 0 5h18m calico-system csi-node-driver-dmnmm 2/2 Running 0 5h18m kube-system coredns-7bb495d866-dtn4z 1/1 Running 0 6h23m kube-system coredns-7bb495d866-mk7j4 1/1 Running 0 6h19m kube-system kube-proxy-vms28 1/1 Running 0 6h12m kube-system tigera-operator-55f9d9d565-jj9bg 1/1 Running 0 73m
If you encountered issues during these steps, see the troubleshooting guidance
Upgrade Calico on hybrid nodes
Before upgrading your Calico deployment, carefully review the Calico upgrade documentation
Download the operator manifest for the version of Calico you are upgrading to. Replace
with the version you are upgrading to, for examplev3.29.0
. Make sure to prepend thev
to the major.minor.patch.kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts \ -f
/manifests/operator-crds.yaml -
helm upgrade
to upgrade your Calico deployment. ReplaceCALICO_VERSION
with the version you are upgrading to, for examplev3.29.0
. Create thecalico-values.yaml
file from the configuration values that you used to install Calico.helm upgrade calico projectcalico/tigera-operator \ --version
\ --namespace kube-system \ -f calico-values.yaml
Delete Calico from hybrid nodes
Run the following command to uninstall Calico components from your cluster. Note that uninstalling the CNI might impact the health of nodes and pods and shouldn’t be performed on production clusters. If you installed Calico in a namespace other than
change the namespace in the command below.helm uninstall calico --namespace kube-system
Note that the interfaces and routes configured by Calico are not removed by default when you remove the CNI from the cluster.
To clean up the on-disk configuration files and resources, remove the Calico files from the
directories. -
To remove the Calico CRDs from your cluster, run the following commands.
kubectl get crds -oname | grep "calico" | xargs kubectl delete
kubectl get crds -oname | grep "tigera" | xargs kubectl delete