Hybrid nodes nodeadm reference - Amazon EKS

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Hybrid nodes nodeadm reference

The Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes CLI (nodeadm) used for hybrid nodes lifecycle management differs from the nodeadm version used for bootstrapping Amazon EC2 instances as nodes in Amazon EKS clusters. Follow the documentation and references for the appropriate nodeadm version. This documentation page is for the hybrid nodes nodeadm version and the hybrid nodes nodeadm version is available in the eks-hybrid repository on GitHub. See the nodeadm - Amazon EKS AMI documentation for the nodeadm version used for Amazon EC2 instances.

Download nodeadm

The hybrid nodes version of nodeadm is hosted in Amazon S3 fronted by Amazon CloudFront. To install nodeadm on each on-premises host, you can run the following command from your on-premises hosts.

For x86_64 hosts:

curl -OL 'https://hybrid-assets.eks.amazonaws.com/releases/latest/bin/linux/amd64/nodeadm'

For ARM hosts

curl -OL 'https://hybrid-assets.eks.amazonaws.com/releases/latest/bin/linux/arm64/nodeadm'

Add executable file permission to the downloaded binary on each host.

chmod +x nodeadm



You must run nodeadm with a user that has root/sudo privileges.


The install command is used to install the artifacts and dependencies required to run and join hybrid nodes to an Amazon EKS cluster. The install command can be run individually on each hybrid node or can be run during image build pipelines to preinstall the hybrid nodes dependencies in operating system images.


nodeadm install [KUBERNETES_VERSION] [flags]

Positional Arguments

(Required) KUBERNETES_VERSION The major.minor version of EKS Kubernetes to install, for example 1.31


Name Required Description




Credential provider to install. Supported values are iam-ra and ssm. See Prepare credentials for hybrid nodes for more information.




Source for containerd. nodeadm supports installing containerd from the OS distro, Docker packages, and skipping containerd install.


distro - This is the default value. nodeadm will install containerd package distributed by the node OS. distro is not a supported value for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating systems.

docker - nodeadm will install containerd package built and distributed by Docker. docker is not a supported value for Amazon Linux 2023

none - nodeadm will not install containerd package. You must manually install containerd before running nodeadm init.




Maximum install command duration. The input follows duration format. For example 1h23m. Default download timeout for install command is set to 20 minutes.

-h, --help


Displays help message with available flag, subcommand and positional value parameters.


Install Kubernetes version 1.31 with AWS Systems Manager (SSM) as the credential provider

nodeadm install 1.31 --credential-provider ssm

Install Kubernetes version 1.31 with AWS Systems Manager (SSM) as the credential provider, Docker as the containerd source, with a download timeout of 20 minutes.

nodeadm install 1.31 --credential-provider ssm --containerd-source docker --timeout 20m

Install Kubernetes version 1.31 with AWS IAM Roles Anywhere as the credential provider

nodeadm install 1.31 --credential-provider iam-ra

Files installed

Artifact Path

IAM Roles Anywhere CLI


Kubelet binary


Kubectl binary


ECR Credentials Provider


AWS IAM Authenticator




SSM Agent

On Ubuntu - /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/current/amazon-ssm-agent

On RHEL & AL2023 - /usr/bin/amazon-ssm-agent


On Ubuntu & AL2023 - /usr/bin/containerd

On RHEL - /bin/containerd


On Ubuntu & AL2023 - /usr/sbin/iptables

On RHEL - /sbin/iptables

CNI plugins


installed artifacts tracker


Config check

The config check command checks the provided node configuration for errors. This command can be used to verify and validate the correctness of a hybrid node configuration file.


nodeadm config check [flags]


Name Required Description




Source of nodeadm configuration. For hybrid nodes the input should follow a URI with file scheme.

-h, --help


Displays help message with available flag, subcommand and positional value parameters.


nodeadm config check --config-source file:///root/nodeConfig.yaml


The init command starts and connects the hybrid node with the configured Amazon EKS cluster.


nodeadm init [flags]


Name Required Description




Source of nodeadm configuration. For hybrid nodes the input should follow a URI with file scheme.




Phases of init to be skipped. It is not recommended to skip any of the phases unless it helps to fix an issue.


install-validation skips checking if the proceding install command ran successfully.

-h, --help


Displays help message with available flag, subcommand and positional value parameters.


nodeadm init --config-source file://root/nodeConfig.yaml

Files installed

Name Path

Kubelet kubeconfig


Kubelet config


Kubelet systemd unit


Image credentials provider config


Kubelet env file


Kubelet Certs


Containerd config


Containerd kernel modules config


AWS config file


AWS credentials file (if enable credentials file)


AWS signing helper system unit


Sysctl conf file


Apt manager files for docker repo (if containerd source is docker)



Gpg key file


Docker repo source file



The nodeadm upgrade command upgrades all the installed artifacts to the latest version and bootstraps the node to configure the upgraded artifacts and join the EKS cluster on AWS. Upgrade is a disruptive command to the workloads running on the node. Please move your workloads to another node before running upgrade.


nodeadm upgrade [KUBERNETES_VERSION] [flags]

Positional Arguments

(Required) KUBERNETES_VERSION The major.minor version of EKS Kubernetes to install, for example 1.31


Name Required Description




Source of nodeadm configuration. For hybrid nodes the input should follow a URI with file scheme.




Timeout for downloading artifacts. The input follows duration format. For example 1h23m. Default download timeout for upgrade command is set to 10 minutes.




Phases of upgrade to be skipped. It is not recommended to skip any of the phase unless it helps to fix an issue.


pod-validation skips checking if all the no pods are running on the node, except daemon sets and static pods.

node-validation skips checking if the node has been cordoned.

init-validation skips checking if the node has been initialized successfully before running upgrade.

-h, --help


Displays help message with available flag, subcommand and positional value parameters.


nodeadm upgrade 1.31 --config-source file:///root/nodeConfig.yaml
nodeadm upgrade 1.31 --config-source file:///root/nodeConfig.yaml --timeout 20m


The nodeadm uninstall command stops and removes the artifacts nodeadm installs during nodeadm install, including the kubelet and containerd. Note, the uninstall command does not drain or delete your hybrid nodes from your cluster. You must run the drain and delete operations separately, see Remove hybrid nodes for more information. By default, nodeadm uninstall will not proceed if there are pods remaining on the node. Similarly, nodeadm uninstall does not remove CNI dependencies or dependencies of other Kubernetes add-ons you run on your cluster. To fully remove the CNI installation from your host, see the instructions at Configure a CNI for hybrid nodes. If you are using AWS SSM hybrid activations as your on-premises credentials provider, the nodeadm uninstall command deregisters your hosts as AWS SSM managed instances.


nodeadm uninstall [flags]


Name Required Description




Phases of upgrade to be skipped. It is not recommended to skip any of the phase unless it helps to fix an issue.


pod-validation skips checking if all the no pods are running on the node, except daemon sets and static pods.

node-validation skips checking if the node has been cordoned.

init-validation skips checking if the node has been initialized successfully before running upgrade.




Displays help message with available flag, subcommand and positional value parameters.


nodeadm uninstall
nodeadm uninstall --skip node-validation,pod-validation


The nodeadm debug command can be used to troubleshoot unhealthy or misconfigured hybrid nodes. It validates the following requirements are in-place.

  • The node has network access to the required AWS APIs for obtaining credentials,

  • The node is able to get AWS credentials for the configured Hybrid Nodes IAM role,

  • The node has network access to the EKS Kubernetes API endpoint and the validity of the EKS Kubernetes API endpoint certificate,

  • The node is able to authenticate with the EKS cluster, its identity in the cluster is valid, and that the node has access to the EKS cluster through the VPC configured for the EKS cluster.

If errors are found, the command’s output suggests troubleshooting steps. Certain validation steps show child processes. If these fail, the output is showed in a stderr section under the validation error.


nodeadm debug [flags]


Name Required Description

-c, --config-source


Source of nodeadm configuration. For hybrid nodes the input should follow a URI with file scheme.

-h, --help


Displays help message with available flag, subcommand and positional value parameters.


nodeadm debug --config-source file://nodeConfig.yaml

Node Config API Reference

AWS SSM hybrid activations

The following is a sample nodeConfig.yaml when using AWS SSM hybrid activations for hybrid nodes credentials.

apiVersion: node.eks.aws/v1alpha1 kind: NodeConfig spec: cluster: name: # Name of the EKS cluster region: # AWS Region where the EKS cluster resides hybrid: ssm: activationCode: # SSM hybrid activation code activationId: # SSM hybrid activation id

AWS IAM Roles Anywhere

The following is a sample nodeConfig.yaml for AWS IAM Roles Anywhere for hybrid nodes credentials.

When using AWS IAM Roles Anywhere as your on-premises credentials provider, the nodeName you use in your nodeadm configuration must align with the permissions you scoped for your Hybrid Nodes IAM role. For example, if your permissions for the Hybrid Nodes IAM role only allow AWS IAM Roles Anywhere to assume the role when the role session name is equal to the CN of the host certificate, then the nodeName in your nodeadm configuration must be the same as the CN of your certificates. The nodeName that you use can’t be longer than 64 characters. For more information, see Prepare credentials for hybrid nodes.

apiVersion: node.eks.aws/v1alpha1 kind: NodeConfig spec: cluster: name: # Name of the EKS cluster region: # AWS Region where the EKS cluster resides hybrid: iamRolesAnywhere: nodeName: # Name of the node trustAnchorArn: # ARN of the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor profileArn: # ARN of the IAM Roles Anywhere profile roleArn: # ARN of the Hybrid Nodes IAM role certificatePath: # Path to the certificate file to authenticate with the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor privateKeyPath: # Path to the private key file for the certificate

(Optional) Kubelet configuration

You can pass kubelet configuration and flags in your nodeadm configuration. See the example below for how to add an additional node label abc.amazonaws.com/test-label and config for setting shutdownGracePeriod to 30 seconds.

apiVersion: node.eks.aws/v1alpha1 kind: NodeConfig spec: cluster: name: # Name of the EKS cluster region: # AWS Region where the EKS cluster resides kubelet: config: # Map of kubelet config and values shutdownGracePeriod: 30s flags: # List of kubelet flags - --node-labels=abc.company.com/test-label=true hybrid: ssm: activationCode: # SSM hybrid activation code activationId: # SSM hybrid activation id

(Optional) Containerd configuration

You can pass custom containerd configuration in your nodeadm configuration. The containerd configuration for nodeadm accepts in-line TOML. See the example below for how to configure containerd to disable deletion of unpacked image layers in the containerd content store.

apiVersion: node.eks.aws/v1alpha1 kind: NodeConfig spec: cluster: name: # Name of the EKS cluster region: # AWS Region where the EKS cluster resides containerd: config: | # Inline TOML containerd additional configuration [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd] discard_unpacked_layers = false hybrid: ssm: activationCode: # SSM hybrid activation code activationId: # SSM hybrid activation id

You can also use the containerd configuration to enable SELinux support. With SELinux enabled on containerd, ensure pods scheduled on the node have the proper securityContext and seLinuxOptions enabled. More information on configuring a security context can be found on the Kubernetes documentation.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 and RHEL 9 have SELinux enabled by default and set to strict on the host. Amazon Linux 2023 has SELinux enabled by default and set to permissive mode. When SELinux is set to permissive mode on the host, enabling it on containerd will not block requests but will log it according to the SELinux configuration on the host.

apiVersion: node.eks.aws/v1alpha1 kind: NodeConfig spec: cluster: name: # Name of the EKS cluster region: # AWS Region where the EKS cluster resides containerd: config: | # Inline TOML containerd additional configuration [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri"] enable_selinux = true hybrid: ssm: activationCode: # SSM hybrid activation code activationId: # SSM hybrid activation id