A rule is a condition that tells Amazon Fraud Detector how to interpret variable values during a fraud prediction. A rule is part of a detector logic and it consists of the following elements:
Variable or List – Variable represents a data element in your event dataset that you want to use in a fraud prediction. A list is a set of input data elements for a variable in your event dataset. Variables used in a rule must be predefined in the evaluated event type and lists used in a rule must be associated with a variable type. For more information, see Variables and Lists.
Expression – An expression in a rule captures your business logic. If you are using variable in your rule, a simple rule expression is constructed using a variable, a comparison operator such as >, <, <=, >=. == , and a value. If you are using a list, rule expression is constructed as list entry,
, and the list name. For more information, see Rule language reference. You can combine multiple expressions together usingand
. All expressions must evaluate to a Boolean value (true or false) and be less than 4,000 characters in length. If-else type conditions are not supported. -
Outcome – An outcome is a response returned by Amazon Fraud Detector when a rule is matched. The outcome indicates the result of a fraud prediction. You can create outcomes for each possible fraud prediction and add them to a rule. For more information, see Outcomes.
A detector must have at least one associated rule. A rule can have up to 3 lists, and a detector can have up to 30 lists. You create rule as part of the detector creation process. You can also create and associate new rules with an existing detector.