Monitor AWS IoT SiteWise with Amazon CloudWatch metrics - AWS IoT SiteWise

Monitor AWS IoT SiteWise with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

You can monitor AWS IoT SiteWise using CloudWatch, which collects raw data and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics. These statistics are kept for 15 months, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your web application or service is performing. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds, and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

AWS IoT SiteWise publishes the metrics and dimensions listed in the sections below to the AWS/IoTSiteWise namespace.


AWS IoT SiteWise publishes metrics on a one minute interval. When you view these metrics in graphs in the CloudWatch console, we recommend that you choose a Period of 1 minute. This lets you see the highest available resolution of your metric data.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 gateway metrics

AWS IoT SiteWise publishes the following SiteWise Edge gateway metrics. All SiteWise Edge gateway metrics are published on a one minute interval.

SiteWise Edge gateway metrics
Metric Description

The CPU usage of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Percentage

Dimension: None


The total disk space of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The used disk space of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The available disk space of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The used percentage of disk space of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The total memory of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The used memory of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The available memory of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The used percentage memory of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Bytes

Dimension: None


The cloud connectivity status of a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: None

Dimension: GatewayId

OPC UA collector metrics
Metric Description

Generated every minute for each OPC UA source (sourceName) connected to a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId).

Unit: Count (1 representing the source is connected and 0 representing the source is disconnected.)

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName


The number of data streams that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) subscribed to for an OPC UA source (sourceName).

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName, PropertyGroup


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) received for an OPC UA source (sourceName), generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName, PropertyGroup


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) receives from an OPC UA source (sourceName) that are not valid values. These data points are not ingested by the OPC UA Collector, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName, PropertyGroup


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) received for an OPC UA source (sourceName) which resulted in conversion errors while sending the data to AWS IoT SiteWise. These data points will not be ingested by OPC UA Collector.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName

AWS IoT SiteWise processor metrics
Metric Description

The number of data points that were throttled, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: ThrottledAt


The number of measurements that were rejected, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: Reason


The number of measurements that were unmodeled, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: Reason


The number of messages remaining in a stream, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: StreamName


The number of processing errors, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: Reason


Generated every minute by the processor in the SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: 1 (1 representing the processor is connected to a MQTT broker.)

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of topics subscribed to the MQTT broker by the processor, generated every minute. A multilevel wild card topic is counted as 1.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of unique topics received by the processor from the MQTT broker, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of messages successfully received by the processor from the MQTT broker, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of bytes of message data successfully received by the processor from the MQTT broker, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId

AWS IoT SiteWise publisher metrics
Metric Description

Generated every minute by the Publisher in the SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: 1 (1 representing the Publisher is running and missing the data point representing the Publisher is not running.)

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (GatewayId) successfully published to the cloud, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (GatewayId) failed to publish, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of data points that a gateway (GatewayId) successfully published to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of data points that a gateway (GatewayId) failed to publish to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (GatewayId) rejected from the cloud side, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of data points that are dropped by a SiteWise Edge gateway (GatewayId) and not published to the cloud, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


Generated every minute by the Publisher in the SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: 1 (1 representing the Publisher is connected to a MQTT broker.)

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of messages successfully received by the Publisher from the MQTT broker, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The metric indicates that the gateway has detected an issue with the checkpoint file used to track data processed by the publisher. A value of 1 signifies that a failure has occurred.

Unit: None

Dimensions: AccountId, GatewayId


The number of bytes of message data successfully received by the Publisher from the MQTT broker, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of topics subscribed to the MQTT broker by the Publisher, generated every minute. A multilevel wild card topic is counted as 1.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId


The number of unique topics received by the Publisher from the MQTT broker, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId

AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 gateway metrics

AWS IoT SiteWise publishes the following SiteWise Edge gateway metrics. All SiteWise Edge gateway metrics are published on a one minute interval.


To receive SiteWise Edge gateway metrics, you must use at least version 6 of the AWS IoT SiteWise connector on your SiteWise Edge gateway. For more information, see AWS IoT SiteWise OPC UA collector in the AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 Developer Guide.

SiteWise Edge gateway metrics
Metric Description

Generated every minute for each SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) connected.

Unit: 1 (1 representing the SiteWise Edge gateway is up and missing the datapoint representing the SiteWise Edge gateway is disconnected from the cloud.)

Dimension: GatewayId


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) successfully published.

Unit: Count

Dimension: GatewayId


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) failed to publish.

This metric counts errors that result from the SiteWise Edge gateway's calls to the BatchPutAssetPropertyValue operation. For more information about troubleshooting SiteWise Edge gateways, see Troubleshooting a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Count

Dimension: GatewayId


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) failed to process.

This metric count errors that occur between the SiteWise Edge gateway and the SiteWise Edge gateway's sources, including errors reported by sources. For more information about troubleshooting SiteWise Edge gateways, see Troubleshooting a SiteWise Edge gateway.

Unit: Count

Dimension: GatewayId


The number of data points from a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) that are rejected.

Unit: Count

Dimension: GatewayId

OPC UA related metrics
Metric Description

Generated every minute for each OPC UA source (sourceName) connected to a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId).

Unit: Count (1 representing the source is connected and 0 representing the source is disconnected.)

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName


The number of data streams that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) subscribed to for an OPC UA source (sourceName).

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName, PropertyGroup


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) received for an OPC UA source (sourceName), generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName, PropertyGroup


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) received from an OPC UA source (sourceName) that are not valid values. These data points will not be ingested by the OPC UA Collector, generated every minute.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName, PropertyGroup


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) received for an OPC UA source (sourceName) which resulted in conversion errors while sending the data to AWS IoT SiteWise. These data points will not be ingested by the OPC UA Collector.

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName

EIP related metrics
Metric Description

Generated every minute for each EIP Source (sourceName) connected to a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId).

Unit: 1 (1 representing the source is connected and missing the datapoint representing the source is disconnected.)

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName


The number of data streams that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) is subscribed to for an EIP source (sourceName).

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) received for an EIP source (sourceName).

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName

Modbus related metrics
Metric Description

Generated every minute for each Modbus Source (sourceName) connected to a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId).

Unit: 1 (1 representing the Modbus source is connected and missing the datapoint representing the source is disconnected.)

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName


The number of data streams that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) is subscribed to for a Modbus source (sourceName).

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName


The number of data points that a SiteWise Edge gateway (gatewayId) received for a Modbus source (sourceName).

Unit: Count

Dimensions: GatewayId, SourceName