UPDATE - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)


Use the UPDATE statement to modify a row in a table.


update_statement ::= UPDATE table_name [ USING update_parameter ( AND update_parameter )* ] SET assignment ( ',' assignment )* WHERE where_clause [ IF ( EXISTS | condition ( AND condition )*) ] update_parameter ::= ( integer | bind_marker ) assignment ::= simple_selection '=' term | column_name '=' column_name ( '+' | '-' ) term | column_name '=' list_literal '+' column_name simple_selection ::= column_name | column_name '[' term ']' | column_name '.' `field_name condition ::= simple_selection operator term


UPDATE "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl SET pay_scale = 5 WHERE id = '567-89-0123' AND division = 'Marketing' ;

To increment a counter, use the following syntax. For more information, see Counters.

UPDATE ActiveUsers SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE user = A70FE1C0-5408-4AE3-BE34-8733E5K09F14 AND action = 'click';

Update parameters

UPDATE supports the following values as update_parameter:

  • TTL – A time value in seconds. The maximum configurable value is 630,720,000 seconds, which is the equivalent of 20 years.

  • TIMESTAMP – A bigint value representing the number of microseconds since the standard base time known as the epoch: January 1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT. A timestamp in Amazon Keyspaces has to fall between the range of 2 days in the past and 5 minutes in the future.


UPDATE my_table (userid, time, subject, body, user) VALUES (B79CB3BA-745E-5D9A-8903-4A02327A7E09, 96a29100-5e25-11ec-90d7-b5d91eceda0a, 'Message', 'Hello again','') USING TIMESTAMP '2022-11-03 13:30:54+0400';