Delete an alias - AWS Key Management Service

Delete an alias

You can delete an alias in the AWS KMS console or by using the DeleteAlias operation. Before deleting an alias, make sure that it's not in use. Although deleting an alias doesn't affect the associated KMS key, it might create problems for any application that uses the alias. If you delete an alias by mistake, you can create a new alias with the same name and associate it with the same or a different KMS key.

If you delete a KMS key, all aliases associated with that KMS key are deleted.

To delete an alias in the AWS KMS console, use the Aliases tab on the detail page for the KMS key. You can delete multiple aliases for a KMS key at one time.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) console at

  2. To change the AWS Region, use the Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Customer managed keys. You cannot manage aliases for AWS managed keys or AWS owned keys.

  4. In the table, choose the key ID or alias of the KMS key. Then, on the KMS key detail page, choose the Aliases tab.

    If a KMS key has multiple aliases, the Aliases column in the table displays one alias and an alias summary, such as (+n more). Choosing the alias summary takes you directly to the Aliases tab on the KMS key detail page.

  5. On the Aliases tab, select the check box next to the aliases that you want to delete. Then choose Delete.

To delete an alias, use the DeleteAlias operation. This operation deletes one alias at a time. The alias name is case-sensitive and it must be preceded by the alias/ prefix.

For example, the following command deletes the test-key alias. This command does not return any output.

$ aws kms delete-alias --alias-name alias/test-key

To verify that the alias is deleted, use the ListAliases operation. The following command uses the --query parameter in the AWS CLI to get only the test-key alias. The empty brackets in the response indicate that the ListAliases response didn't include a test-key alias. To eliminate the brackets, use the --output text parameter and value.

$ aws kms list-aliases --query 'Aliases[?AliasName==`alias/test-key`]' []