Configure hybrid post-quantum TLS - AWS Key Management Service

Configure hybrid post-quantum TLS

In this procedure, add a Maven dependency for the AWS Common Runtime HTTP Client. Next, configure an HTTP client that prefers post-quantum TLS. Then, create an AWS KMS client that uses the HTTP client.

To see a complete working examples of configuring and using hybrid post-quantum TLS with AWS KMS, see the aws-kms-pq-tls-example repository.


The AWS Common Runtime HTTP Client, which has been available as a preview, became generally available in February 2023. In that release, the tlsCipherPreference class and the tlsCipherPreference() method parameter are replaced by the postQuantumTlsEnabled() method parameter. If you were using this example during the preview, you need to update your code.

  1. Add the AWS Common Runtime client to your Maven dependencies. We recommend using the latest available version.

    For example, this statement adds version 2.30.22 of the AWS Common Runtime client to your Maven dependencies.

    <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>aws-crt-client</artifactId> <version>2.30.22</version> </dependency>
  2. To enable the hybrid post-quantum cipher suites, add the AWS SDK for Java 2.x to your project and initialize it. Then enable the hybrid post-quantum cipher suites on your HTTP client as shown in the following example.

    This code uses the postQuantumTlsEnabled() method parameter to configure an AWS common runtime HTTP client that prefers the recommended hybrid post-quantum cipher suite, ECDH with ML-KEM. Then it uses the configured HTTP client to build an instance of the AWS KMS asynchronous client, KmsAsyncClient. After this code completes, all AWS KMS API requests on the KmsAsyncClient instance use hybrid post-quantum TLS.

    // Configure HTTP client SdkAsyncHttpClient awsCrtHttpClient = AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.builder() .postQuantumTlsEnabled(true) .build(); // Create the AWS KMS async client KmsAsyncClient kmsAsync = KmsAsyncClient.builder() .httpClient(awsCrtHttpClient) .build();
  3. Test your AWS KMS calls with hybrid post-quantum TLS.

    When you call AWS KMS API operations on the configured AWS KMS client, your calls are transmitted to the AWS KMS endpoint using hybrid post-quantum TLS. To test your configuration, call an AWS KMS API, such as ListKeys.

    ListKeysReponse keys = kmsAsync.listKeys().get();

Test your hybrid post-quantum TLS configuration

Consider running the following tests with hybrid cipher suites on your applications that call AWS KMS.

  • Run load tests and benchmarks. The hybrid cipher suites perform differently than traditional key exchange algorithms. You might need to adjust your connection timeouts to allow for the longer handshake times. If you’re running inside an AWS Lambda function, extend the execution timeout setting.

  • Try connecting from different locations. Depending on the network path your request takes, you might discover that intermediate hosts, proxies, or firewalls with deep packet inspection (DPI) block the request. This might result from using the new cipher suites in the ClientHello part of the TLS handshake, or from the larger key exchange messages. If you have trouble resolving these issues, work with your security team or IT administrators to update the relevant configuration and unblock the new TLS cipher suites.