Using hybrid post-quantum TLS with AWS KMS - AWS Key Management Service

Using hybrid post-quantum TLS with AWS KMS

AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) supports a hybrid post-quantum key exchange option for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) network encryption protocol. You can use this TLS option when you connect to AWS KMS API endpoints. These optional hybrid post-quantum key exchange features are at least as secure as the TLS encryption we use today and are likely to provide additional long-term security benefits. However, they affect latency and throughput compared to the classic key exchange protocols in use today.

The data that you send to AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) is protected in transit by the encryption provided by a Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection. The classic cipher suites that AWS KMS supports for TLS sessions make brute force attacks on the key exchange mechanisms infeasible with current technology. However, if large-scale quantum computing becomes practical in the future, the classic cipher suites used in TLS key exchange mechanisms will be susceptible to these attacks. If you’re developing applications that rely on the long-term confidentiality of data passed over a TLS connection, you should consider a plan to migrate to post-quantum cryptography before large-scale quantum computers become available for use. AWS is working to prepare for this future, and we want you to be well-prepared, too.

To protect data encrypted today against potential future attacks, AWS is participating with the cryptographic community in the development of quantum-resistant or post-quantum algorithms. We've implemented hybrid post-quantum key exchange cipher suites in AWS KMS that combine classic and post-quantum elements to ensure that your TLS connection is at least as strong as it would be with classic cipher suites.

These hybrid cipher suites are available for use on your production workloads in most AWS Regions. However, because the performance characteristics and bandwidth requirements of hybrid cipher suites are different from those of classic key exchange mechanisms, we recommend that you test them on your AWS KMS API calls under different conditions.


As always, we welcome your feedback and participation in our open-source repositories. We’d especially like to hear how your infrastructure interacts with this new variant of TLS traffic.

  • To provide feedback on this topic, use the Feedback link in the upper right corner of this page.

  • We're developing these hybrid cipher suites in open source in the s2n-tls repository on GitHub. To provide feedback on the usability of the cipher suites, or share novel test conditions or results, create an issue in the s2n-tls repository.

  • We're writing code samples for using hybrid post-quantum TLS with AWS KMS in the aws-kms-pq-tls-example GitHub repository. To ask questions or share ideas about configuring your HTTP client or AWS KMS client to use the hybrid cipher suites, create an issue in the aws-kms-pq-tls-example repository.

Supported AWS Regions

Post-quantum TLS for AWS KMS is available in all AWS Regions that AWS KMS supports except for China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia).


AWS KMS does not support hybrid post-quantum TLS for FIPS endpoints in AWS GovCloud (US).

For a list of AWS KMS endpoints for each AWS Region, see AWS Key Management Service endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. For information about FIPS endpoints, see FIPS endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

About hybrid post-quantum key exchange in TLS

AWS KMS supports hybrid post-quantum key exchange cipher suites. You can use the AWS SDK for Java 2.x and AWS Common Runtime on Linux systems to configure an HTTP client that uses these cipher suites. Then, whenever you connect to an AWS KMS endpoint with your HTTP client, the hybrid cipher suites are used.

This HTTP client uses s2n-tls, which is an open source implementation of the TLS protocol. The hybrid cipher suites that s2n-tls uses are implemented only for key exchange, not for direct data encryption. During key exchange, the client and server calculate the key they will use to encrypt and decrypt the data on the wire.

The algorithms that s2n-tls uses are a hybrid that combines Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH), a classic key exchange algorithm used today in TLS, with Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM), a public-key encryption and key-establishment algorithm that the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has designated as its first standard post-quantum key-agreement algorithm. This hybrid uses each of the algorithms independently to generate a key. Then it combines the two keys cryptographically. With s2n-tls, you can configure an HTTP client to prefer post-quantum TLS, which places ECDH with ML-KEM first in the preference list. Classic key exchange algorithms are included in the preference list to ensure compatibility, but they are lower in the preference order.

Using hybrid post-quantum TLS with AWS KMS

You can use hybrid post-quantum TLS for your calls to AWS KMS. When setting up your HTTP client test environment, be aware of the following information:

Encryption in Transit

The hybrid cipher suites in s2n-tls are used only for encryption in transit. They protect your data while it is traveling from your client to the AWS KMS endpoint. AWS KMS does not use these cipher suites to encrypt data under AWS KMS keys.

Instead, when AWS KMS encrypts your data under KMS keys, it uses symmetric cryptography with 256-bit keys and the Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM) algorithm, which is already quantum resistant. Theoretical future, large-scale quantum computing attacks on ciphertexts created under 256-bit AES-GCM keys reduce the effective security of the key to 128 bits. This security level is sufficient to make brute force attacks on AWS KMS ciphertexts infeasible.

Supported Systems

Use of the hybrid cipher suites in s2n-tls is currently supported only on Linux systems. In addition, these cipher suites are supported only in SDKs that support the AWS Common Runtime, such as the AWS SDK for Java 2.x. For an example, see Configure hybrid post-quantum TLS.

AWS KMS Endpoints

When using the hybrid cipher suites, use the standard AWS KMS endpoint. AWS KMS does not support hybrid post-quantum TLS for FIPS 140-3 validated endpoints.

When you configure a HTTP client to prefer post-quantum TLS connections with s2n-tls, the post-quantum ciphers are first in the cipher preference list. However, the preference list includes the classic, non-hybrid ciphers lower in the preference order for compatibility. When you configure an HTTP client to prefer post-quantum TLS with an AWS KMS FIPS 140-3 validated endpoint, s2n-tls negotiates a classic, non-hybrid key exchange cipher.

For a list of AWS KMS endpoints for each AWS Region, see AWS Key Management Service endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. For information about FIPS endpoints, see FIPS endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Expected Performance

Our early benchmark testing shows that the hybrid cipher suites in s2n-tls are slower than classic TLS cipher suites. The effect varies based on the network profile, CPU speed, the number of cores, and your call rate. For more information, see AWS post-quantum cryptography migration plan.

Learn more about post-quantum TLS in AWS KMS

For more information about using hybrid post-quantum TLS in AWS KMS, see the following resources.