When a Lambda function is invoked, the Lambda handler invokes the PowerShell script.
When the PowerShell script is invoked, the following variables are predefined:
– A PSObject that contains the input to the handler. This input can be event data (published by an event source) or custom input that you provide, such as a string or any custom data object. -
– An Amazon.Lambda.Core.ILambdaContext object that you can use to access information about the current invocation—such as the name of the current function, the memory limit, execution time remaining, and logging.
For example, consider the following PowerShell example code.
#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName='AWSPowerShell.NetCore';ModuleVersion='3.3.618.0'} Write-Host 'Function Name:' $LambdaContext.FunctionName
This script returns the FunctionName property that's obtained from the $LambdaContext variable.
You're required to use the #Requires
statement within your PowerShell scripts to indicate the
modules that your scripts depend on. This statement performs two important tasks. 1) It communicates to other
developers which modules the script uses, and 2) it identifies the dependent modules that AWS PowerShell tools
need to package with the script, as part of the deployment. For more information about the #Requires
statement in PowerShell, see About requires
When your PowerShell Lambda function uses the AWS PowerShell cmdlets, be sure to set a #Requires
statement that references the AWSPowerShell.NetCore
module, which supports PowerShell Core—and
not the AWSPowerShell
module, which only supports Windows PowerShell. Also, be sure to use version or newer of AWSPowerShell.NetCore
which optimizes the cmdlet import process. If you use an
older version, you'll experience longer cold starts. For more information, see AWS Tools for PowerShell
Returning data
Some Lambda invocations are meant to return data back to their caller. For example, if an invocation was in
response to a web request coming from API Gateway, then our Lambda function needs to return back the response. For
PowerShell Lambda, the last object that's added to the PowerShell pipeline is the return data from the Lambda
invocation. If the object is a string, the data is returned as is. Otherwise the object is converted to JSON by
using the ConvertTo-Json
For example, consider the following PowerShell statement, which adds $PSVersionTable
to the
PowerShell pipeline:
After the PowerShell script is finished, the last object in the PowerShell pipeline is the return data for the
Lambda function. $PSVersionTable
is a PowerShell global variable that also provides information about
the running environment.