The following topics provide troubleshooting advice for errors and issues that you might encounter when using self-managed Apache Kafka with Lambda. If you find an issue that is not listed here, you can use the Feedback button on this page to report it.
For more help with troubleshooting, visit the AWS Knowledge Center
Authentication and authorization errors
If any of the permissions required to consume data from the Kafka cluster are missing, Lambda displays one of the following error messages in the event source mapping under LastProcessingResult.
Error messages
Cluster failed to authorize Lambda
For SASL/SCRAM or mTLS, this error indicates that the provided user doesn't have all of the following required Kafka access control list (ACL) permissions:
DescribeConfigs Cluster
Describe Group
Read Group
Describe Topic
Read Topic
When you create Kafka ACLs with the required kafka-cluster
permissions, specify the topic and
group as resources. The topic name must match the topic in the event source mapping. The group name must match
the event source mapping's UUID.
After you add the required permissions to the execution role, it might take several minutes for the changes to take effect.
SASL authentication failed
For SASL/SCRAM or SASL/PLAIN, this error indicates that the provided sign-in credentials aren't valid.
Server failed to authenticate Lambda
This error indicates that the Kafka broker failed to authenticate Lambda. This can occur for any of the following reasons:
You didn't provide a client certificate for mTLS authentication.
You provided a client certificate, but the Kafka brokers aren't configured to use mTLS authentication.
A client certificate isn't trusted by the Kafka brokers.
Lambda failed to authenticate server
This error indicates that Lambda failed to authenticate the Kafka broker. This can occur for any of the following reasons:
The Kafka brokers use self-signed certificates or a private CA, but didn't provide the server root CA certificate.
The server root CA certificate doesn't match the root CA that signed the broker's certificate.
Hostname validation failed because the broker's certificate doesn't contain the broker's DNS name or IP address as a subject alternative name.
Provided certificate or private key is invalid
This error indicates that the Kafka consumer couldn't use the provided certificate or private key. Make sure that the certificate and key use PEM format, and that the private key encryption uses a PBES1 algorithm.
Event source mapping errors
When you add your Apache Kafka cluster as an event source for your Lambda function, if your function encounters an error, your Kafka consumer stops processing records. Consumers of a topic partition are those that subscribe to, read, and process your records. Your other Kafka consumers can continue processing records, provided they don't encounter the same error.
To determine the cause of a stopped consumer, check the StateTransitionReason
field in the response of EventSourceMapping
. The following list describes the event source errors that you can receive:
The event source mapping configuration isn't valid.
Lambda couldn't authenticate the event source.
Lambda doesn't have the required permissions to access the event source.
The function configuration isn't valid.
If your Lambda event records exceed the allowed size limit of 6 MB, they can go unprocessed.