There are three ways to build a container image for a Ruby Lambda function:
Using an AWS base image for Ruby
The AWS base images are preloaded with a language runtime, a runtime interface client to manage the interaction between Lambda and your function code, and a runtime interface emulator for local testing.
Using an AWS OS-only base image
AWS OS-only base images
contain an Amazon Linux distribution and the runtime interface emulator . These images are commonly used to create container images for compiled languages, such as Go and Rust, and for a language or language version that Lambda doesn't provide a base image for, such as Node.js 19. You can also use OS-only base images to implement a custom runtime. To make the image compatible with Lambda, you must include the runtime interface client for Ruby in the image. -
You can use an alternative base image from another container registry, such as Alpine Linux or Debian. You can also use a custom image created by your organization. To make the image compatible with Lambda, you must include the runtime interface client for Ruby in the image.
To reduce the time it takes for Lambda container functions to become active, see Use multi-stage builds
This page explains how to build, test, and deploy container images for Lambda.
AWS base images for Ruby
AWS provides the following base images for Ruby:
Tags | Runtime | Operating system | Dockerfile | Deprecation |
3.3 |
Ruby 3.3 | Amazon Linux 2023 | Dockerfile
for Ruby 3.3 on GitHub |
Mar 31, 2027 |
3.2 |
Ruby 3.2 | Amazon Linux 2 | Dockerfile
for Ruby 3.2 on GitHub |
Mar 31, 2026 |
Amazon ECR repository:
Using an AWS base image for Ruby
To complete the steps in this section, you must have the following:
(minimum version 25.0.0) -
The Docker buildx plugin
. -
To create a container image for Ruby
Create a directory for the project, and then switch to that directory.
mkdir example cd example
Create a new file called
. This is where you list your application's required RubyGems packages. The AWS SDK for Ruby is available from RubyGems. You should choose specific AWS service gems to install. For example, to use the Ruby gem for Lambda, your Gemfile should look like this: source '' gem 'aws-sdk-lambda'
Alternatively, the aws-sdk
gem contains every available AWS service gem. This gem is very large. We recommend that you use it only if you depend on many AWS services. -
Install the dependencies specified in the Gemfile using bundle install
. bundle install
Create a new file called
. You can add the following sample function code to the file for testing, or use your own.Example Ruby function
module LambdaFunction class Handler def self.process(event:,context:) "Hello from Lambda!" end end end
Create a new Dockerfile. The following is an example Dockerfile that uses an AWS base image. This Dockerfiles uses the following configuration:
Set the
property to the URI of the base image. -
Use the COPY command to copy the function code and runtime dependencies to
, a Lambda-defined environment variable. -
Set the
argument to the Lambda function handler.
Note that the example Dockerfile does not include a USER instruction
. When you deploy a container image to Lambda, Lambda automatically defines a default Linux user with least-privileged permissions. This is different from standard Docker behavior which defaults to the root
user when noUSER
instruction is provided.Example Dockerfile
# Copy Gemfile and Gemfile.lock COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ # Install Bundler and the specified gems RUN gem install bundler:2.4.20 && \ bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle' && \ bundle install # Copy function code COPYlambda_function.rb
${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ # Set the CMD to your handler (could also be done as a parameter override outside of the Dockerfile) CMD [ "lambda_function.LambdaFunction::Handler.process
" ] -
Build the Docker image with the docker build
command. The following example names the image docker-image
and gives it thetest
tag. To make your image compatible with Lambda, you must use the --provenance=false
option.docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --provenance=false -t
The command specifies the
--platform linux/amd64
option to ensure that your container is compatible with the Lambda execution environment regardless of the architecture of your build machine. If you intend to create a Lambda function using the ARM64 instruction set architecture, be sure to change the command to use the--platform linux/arm64
option instead.
Start the Docker image with the docker run command. In this example,
is the image name andtest
is the tag.docker run --platform linux/amd64 -p 9000:8080
This command runs the image as a container and creates a local endpoint at
If you built the Docker image for the ARM64 instruction set architecture, be sure to use the
--platform linux/
option instead ofarm64
--platform linux/
From a new terminal window, post an event to the local endpoint.
Get the container ID.
docker ps
Use the docker kill
command to stop the container. In this command, replace 3766c4ab331c
with the container ID from the previous step.docker kill
To upload the image to Amazon ECR and create the Lambda function
Run the get-login-password
command to authenticate the Docker CLI to your Amazon ECR registry. -
Set the
value to the AWS Region where you want to create the Amazon ECR repository. -
with your AWS account ID.
aws ecr get-login-password --region
| docker login --username AWS --password-stdin111122223333 -
Create a repository in Amazon ECR using the create-repository
command. aws ecr create-repository --repository-name
--image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --image-tag-mutability MUTABLENote
The Amazon ECR repository must be in the same AWS Region as the Lambda function.
If successful, you see a response like this:
{ "repository": { "repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:111122223333:repository/hello-world", "registryId": "111122223333", "repositoryName": "hello-world", "repositoryUri": "", "createdAt": "2023-03-09T10:39:01+00:00", "imageTagMutability": "MUTABLE", "imageScanningConfiguration": { "scanOnPush": true }, "encryptionConfiguration": { "encryptionType": "AES256" } } }
Copy the
from the output in the previous step. -
Run the docker tag
command to tag your local image into your Amazon ECR repository as the latest version. In this command: -
is the name and tagof your Docker image. This is the image name and tag that you specified in the docker build
command. -
with therepositoryUri
that you copied. Make sure to include:latest
at the end of the URI.
docker tag docker-image:test
docker tag
:latest -
Run the docker push
command to deploy your local image to the Amazon ECR repository. Make sure to include :latest
at the end of the repository URI.docker push
:latest -
Create an execution role for the function, if you don't already have one. You need the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role in the next step.
Create the Lambda function. For
, specify the repository URI from earlier. Make sure to include:latest
at the end of the lambda create-function \ --function-name
\ --package-type Image \ --code ImageUri=111122223333
:latest \ --rolearn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/lambda-ex
You can create a function using an image in a different AWS account, as long as the image is in the same Region as the Lambda function. For more information, see Amazon ECR cross-account permissions.
Invoke the function.
aws lambda invoke --function-name
response.jsonYou should see a response like this:
{ "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST", "StatusCode": 200 }
To see the output of the function, check the
To update the function code, you must build the image again, upload the new image to the Amazon ECR repository, and then use the update-function-code
Lambda resolves the image tag to a specific image digest. This means that if you point the image tag that was used to deploy the function to a new image in Amazon ECR, Lambda doesn't automatically update the function to use the new image.
To deploy the new image to the same Lambda function, you must use the update-function-code--publish
option creates a new version of the function using the updated container image.
aws lambda update-function-code \ --function-name
\ --publish
Using an alternative base image with the runtime interface client
If you use an OS-only base image or an alternative base image, you must include the runtime interface client in your image. The runtime interface client extends the Using the Lambda runtime API for custom runtimes, which manages the interaction between Lambda and your function code.
Install the Lambda runtime interface client for Ruby
gem install aws_lambda_ric
You can also download the Ruby runtime interface client
The following example demonstrates how to build a container image for Ruby using a non-AWS base image. The example Dockerfile uses an official Ruby base image. The Dockerfile includes the runtime interface client.
To complete the steps in this section, you must have the following:
(minimum version 25.0.0) -
The Docker buildx plugin
. -
To create a container image for Ruby using an alternative base image
Create a directory for the project, and then switch to that directory.
mkdir example cd example
Create a new file called
. This is where you list your application's required RubyGems packages. The AWS SDK for Ruby is available from RubyGems. You should choose specific AWS service gems to install. For example, to use the Ruby gem for Lambda, your Gemfile should look like this: source '' gem 'aws-sdk-lambda'
Alternatively, the aws-sdk
gem contains every available AWS service gem. This gem is very large. We recommend that you use it only if you depend on many AWS services. -
Install the dependencies specified in the Gemfile using bundle install
. bundle install
Create a new file called
. You can add the following sample function code to the file for testing, or use your own.Example Ruby function
module LambdaFunction class Handler def self.process(event:,context:) "Hello from Lambda!" end end end
Create a new Dockerfile. The following Dockerfile uses a Ruby base image instead of an AWS base image. The Dockerfile includes the runtime interface client for Ruby
, which makes the image compatible with Lambda. Alternatively, you can add the runtime interface client to your application's Gemfile. -
Set the
property to the Ruby base image. -
Create a directory for the function code and an environment variable that points to that directory. In this example, the directory is
, which mirrors the Lambda execution environment. However, you can choose any directory for the function code because the Dockerfile doesn't use an AWS base image. -
Set the
to the module that you want the Docker container to run when it starts. In this case, the module is the runtime interface client. -
Set the
argument to the Lambda function handler.
Note that the example Dockerfile does not include a USER instruction
. When you deploy a container image to Lambda, Lambda automatically defines a default Linux user with least-privileged permissions. This is different from standard Docker behavior which defaults to the root
user when noUSER
instruction is provided.Example Dockerfile
# Install the runtime interface client for Ruby RUN gem install aws_lambda_ric # Add the runtime interface client to the PATH ENV PATH="/usr/local/bundle/bin:${PATH}" # Create a directory for the Lambda function ENV LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT=/var/task RUN mkdir -p ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} WORKDIR ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} # Copy Gemfile and Gemfile.lock COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ # Install Bundler and the specified gems RUN gem install bundler:2.4.20 && \ bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle' && \ bundle install # Copy function code COPYlambda_function.rb
${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ # Set runtime interface client as default command for the container runtime ENTRYPOINT [ "aws_lambda_ric
" ] # Set the CMD to your handler (could also be done as a parameter override outside of the Dockerfile) CMD [ "lambda_function.LambdaFunction::Handler.process" ]
Build the Docker image with the docker build
command. The following example names the image docker-image
and gives it thetest
tag. To make your image compatible with Lambda, you must use the --provenance=false
option.docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --provenance=false -t
The command specifies the
--platform linux/amd64
option to ensure that your container is compatible with the Lambda execution environment regardless of the architecture of your build machine. If you intend to create a Lambda function using the ARM64 instruction set architecture, be sure to change the command to use the--platform linux/arm64
option instead.
Use the runtime interface emulator
To install and run the runtime interface emulator on your local machine
From your project directory, run the following command to download the runtime interface emulator (x86-64 architecture) from GitHub and install it on your local machine.
Start the Docker image with the docker run command. Note the following:
is the image name andtest
is the tag. -
aws_lambda_ric lambda_function.LambdaFunction::Handler.process
followed by theCMD
from your Dockerfile.
This command runs the image as a container and creates a local endpoint at
If you built the Docker image for the ARM64 instruction set architecture, be sure to use the
--platform linux/
option instead ofarm64
--platform linux/
Post an event to the local endpoint.
Get the container ID.
docker ps
Use the docker kill
command to stop the container. In this command, replace 3766c4ab331c
with the container ID from the previous step.docker kill
To upload the image to Amazon ECR and create the Lambda function
Run the get-login-password
command to authenticate the Docker CLI to your Amazon ECR registry. -
Set the
value to the AWS Region where you want to create the Amazon ECR repository. -
with your AWS account ID.
aws ecr get-login-password --region
| docker login --username AWS --password-stdin111122223333 -
Create a repository in Amazon ECR using the create-repository
command. aws ecr create-repository --repository-name
--image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --image-tag-mutability MUTABLENote
The Amazon ECR repository must be in the same AWS Region as the Lambda function.
If successful, you see a response like this:
{ "repository": { "repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:111122223333:repository/hello-world", "registryId": "111122223333", "repositoryName": "hello-world", "repositoryUri": "", "createdAt": "2023-03-09T10:39:01+00:00", "imageTagMutability": "MUTABLE", "imageScanningConfiguration": { "scanOnPush": true }, "encryptionConfiguration": { "encryptionType": "AES256" } } }
Copy the
from the output in the previous step. -
Run the docker tag
command to tag your local image into your Amazon ECR repository as the latest version. In this command: -
is the name and tagof your Docker image. This is the image name and tag that you specified in the docker build
command. -
with therepositoryUri
that you copied. Make sure to include:latest
at the end of the URI.
docker tag docker-image:test
docker tag
:latest -
Run the docker push
command to deploy your local image to the Amazon ECR repository. Make sure to include :latest
at the end of the repository URI.docker push
:latest -
Create an execution role for the function, if you don't already have one. You need the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role in the next step.
Create the Lambda function. For
, specify the repository URI from earlier. Make sure to include:latest
at the end of the lambda create-function \ --function-name
\ --package-type Image \ --code ImageUri=111122223333
:latest \ --rolearn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/lambda-ex
You can create a function using an image in a different AWS account, as long as the image is in the same Region as the Lambda function. For more information, see Amazon ECR cross-account permissions.
Invoke the function.
aws lambda invoke --function-name
response.jsonYou should see a response like this:
{ "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST", "StatusCode": 200 }
To see the output of the function, check the
To update the function code, you must build the image again, upload the new image to the Amazon ECR repository, and then use the update-function-code
Lambda resolves the image tag to a specific image digest. This means that if you point the image tag that was used to deploy the function to a new image in Amazon ECR, Lambda doesn't automatically update the function to use the new image.
To deploy the new image to the same Lambda function, you must use the update-function-code--publish
option creates a new version of the function using the updated container image.
aws lambda update-function-code \ --function-name
\ --publish