The following information can help you troubleshoot problems that you might have while using MSK Connect. You can also post your issue to the AWS re:Post
Connector is unable to access resources hosted on the public internet
See Enabling internet access for Amazon MSK Connect.
Connector's number of running tasks is not equal to the number of tasks specified in tasks.max
Here are some reasons a connector may use fewer tasks than the specified tasks.max configuration:
Some connector implementations limit the number of tasks the can be used. For example, the Debezium connector for MySQL is limited to using a single task.
When using autoscaled capacity mode, Amazon MSK Connect overrides a connector's tasks.max property with a value that is proportional to the number of workers running in the connector and the number of MCUs per worker.
For sink connectors, the level of parallelism (number of tasks) cannot be more than the number of topic partitions. While you can set the tasks.max larger than that, a single partition is never processed by more than a single task at a time.
In Kafka Connect 2.7.x, the default consumer partition assignor is
. The behavior of this assignor is to give the first partition of every topic to a single consumer, the second partition of every topic to a single consumer, etc. This means that the maximum number of active tasks for a sink connector usingRangeAssignor
is equal to the maximum number of partitions in any single topic being consumed. If this doesn't work for your use case, you should create a Worker Configuration in which theconsumer.partition.assignment.strategy
property is set to a more suitable consumer partition assignor. See Kafka 2.7 Interface ConsumerPartitionAssignor: All Known Implementing Classes.