Configure the Chef Server Using the Starter Kit
AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate reached end of life on May 5, 2024 and has been disabled for both new and existing customers. We recommend that existing customers migrate to Chef SaaS or an alternative solution. If you have questions,
you can reach out to the AWS Support Team on AWS re:Post
While Chef server creation is still in progress, open its Properties page in the AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate console. The first time that you work with a new Chef server, the Properties page prompts you to download two required items. Download these items before your Chef server is online; the download buttons are not available after a new server is online.

Sign-in credentials for the Chef server. You will use these credentials to sign in to the Chef Automate dashboard, where you work with Chef Automate premium features, such as workflow and compliance scans. AWS OpsWorks does not save these credentials; this is the last time that they are available for viewing and downloading. If necessary, you can change the password that is provided with these credentials after you sign in.
Starter Kit. The Starter Kit contains a README file with examples, a
configuration file, and a private key for the primary, or pivotal, user. A new key pair is generated—and the old key is reset—each time you download the Starter Kit.
In addition to the credentials that work only with the new server, the Starter Kit .zip
file includes a simple example of a Chef repository that works with any AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate server. In
the Chef repository, you store cookbooks, roles, configuration files, and other artifacts
for managing your nodes with Chef. We recommend that you store this repository in a version
control system, such as Git, and treat it as source code. For information and examples that
show how to set up a Chef repository that is tracked in Git, see About the chef-repo
While server creation is still in progress, download the sign-in credentials for the Chef server, and save them in a secure but convenient location.
Download the Starter Kit, and unzip the Starter Kit .zip file into your workspace directory. Do not share the Starter Kit private key. If other users will be managing the Chef server, add them as administrators in the Chef Automate dashboard later.
Download and install Chef Workstation
(formerly known as the Chef Development Kit, or Chef DK) on the computer you will use to manage your Chef server and nodes. The knife
utility is part of Chef Workstation. For instructions, see Install Chef Workstation on the Chef website.
Explore the Starter Kit Contents
The Starter Kit has the following contents.
- A directory for cookbooks that you create. Thecookbooks/
folder contains theopsworks-webserver
cookbook, a wrapper cookbook that depends on thenginx
cookbook from the Chef Supermarketwebsite. Policyfile.rb
defaults to Chef supermarket as a secondary source if cookbook dependencies are not available in thecookbooks/
directory. -
- A Ruby-based policy file that defines the cookbooks, dependencies, and attributes that become the policy for your nodes. -
- You can use user data files to associate nodes automatically after launching your Chef Automate
is for bootstrapping Linux-based nodes, anduserdata.ps1
is for Windows-based nodes. -
- You can use this file if you prefer to use Berkshelf andberks
commands to upload cookbooks and their dependencies. In this walkthrough, we usePolicyfile.rb
and Chef commands to upload cookbooks, dependencies, and attributes. -
, a Markdown-based file that describes how to use the Starter Kit to set up your Chef Automate server for the first time. -
is a hidden directory that contains a knife configuration file (knife.rb
) and a secret authentication key file (.pem).-
- A knife configuration file (knife.rb
). Theknife.rb
file is configured so that Chef's knife
tool operations run against the AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate server. -
- A certification authority (CA)-signed SSL private key that is provided by AWS OpsWorks. This key allows the server to identify itself to the Chef Infra client agent on nodes that your server manages.
Set Up Your Chef Repository
A Chef repository contains several directories. Each directory in the Starter Kit
contains a README file that describes the directory's purpose, and how to use it for
managing your systems with Chef. There are two ways to get cookbooks installed on your
Chef server: running knife
commands, or running a Chef command to upload a
policy file (Policyfile.rb
) to your server that downloads and
installs specified cookbooks. This walkthrough uses Chef commands and
to install cookbooks on your server.
Create a directory on your local computer for storing cookbooks, such as
. After you add cookbooks, roles, and other files to this repository, we recommend that you upload or store it in a secure, versioned system, such as CodeCommit, Git, or Amazon S3. -
In the
directory, create the following directories:-
- Stores cookbooks. -
- Stores roles in.rb
formats. -
- Stores environments in.rb
Use Policyfile.rb to Get Cookbooks from a Remote Source
In this section, edit Policyfile.rb
to specify cookbooks, then
run a Chef command to upload the file to your server and install cookbooks.
in your Starter Kit. By default,Policyfile.rb
includes theopsworks-webserver
wrapper cookbook , which depends on thenginx
cookbook available on the Chef Supermarket website. The nginx
cookbook installs and configures a web server on managed nodes. The requiredchef-client
cookbook, which installs the Chef Infra client agent on managed nodes, is also specified.Policyfile.rb
also points to the optional Chef Audit cookbook, which you can use to set up compliance scans on nodes. For more information about setting up compliance scans and getting compliance results for managed nodes, see Compliance Scans in AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate. If you do not want to configure compliance scans and auditing right now, delete'audit'
from therun_list
section, and do not specify theaudit
cookbook attributes at the end of the file.# Policyfile.rb - Describe how you want Chef to build your system. # # For more information about the Policyfile feature, visit # # A name that describes what the system you're building with Chef does. name 'opsworks-demo-webserver' # The cookbooks directory is the preferred source for external cookbooks default_source :chef_repo, "cookbooks/" do |s| s.preferred_for "nginx", "windows", "chef-client", "yum-epel", "seven_zip", "build-essential", "mingw", "ohai", "audit", "logrotate", "cron" end # Alternative source default_source :supermarket # run_list: chef-client runs these recipes in the order specified. run_list 'chef-client', 'opsworks-webserver', 'audit' # add 'ssh-hardening' to your runlist to fix compliance issues detected by the ssh-baseline profile # Specify a custom source for a single cookbook: cookbook 'opsworks-webserver', path: 'cookbooks/opsworks-webserver' # Policyfile defined attributes # Define audit cookbook attributes default["opsworks-demo"]["audit"]["reporter"] = "chef-server-automate" default["opsworks-demo"]["audit"]["profiles"] = [ { "name": "DevSec SSH Baseline", "compliance": "admin/ssh-baseline" } ]
The following is an example of
without theaudit
cookbook and attributes, if you want to configure only thenginx
web server for now.# Policyfile.rb - Describe how you want Chef to build your system. # # For more information on the Policyfile feature, visit # # A name that describes what the system you're building with Chef does. name 'opsworks-demo-webserver' # Where to find external cookbooks: default_source :supermarket # run_list: chef-client will run these recipes in the order specified. run_list 'chef-client', 'opsworks-webserver' # Specify a custom source for a single cookbook: cookbook 'opsworks-webserver', path: 'cookbooks/opsworks-webserver'
If you make changes to
, be sure to save the file. -
Download and install the cookbooks defined in
.chef install
All cookbooks are versioned in the cookbook's
file. Each time you change a cookbook, you must raise the version of the cookbook that is in itsmetadata.rb
. -
If you have chosen to configure compliance scans, and kept the
cookbook information in the policy file, push the policyopsworks-demo
to your server.chef push opsworks-demo
If you completed step 3, verify the installation of your policy. Run the following command.
chef show-policy
The results should resemble the following:
opsworks-demo-webserver ======================= * opsworks-demo: ec0fe46314
You are now ready to add or bootstrap nodes to your Chef Automate server. You can automate the association of nodes by following steps in Add nodes automatically in AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate, or add nodes one at a time by following steps in Add nodes individually.
(Alternate) Use Berkshelf to Get Cookbooks from a Remote Source
Berkshelf is a tool for managing cookbooks and their dependencies. If you prefer to
use Berkshelf instead of Policyfile.rb
to install cookbooks into
local storage, use the procedure in this section instead of the preceding section. You
can specify which cookbooks and versions to use with your Chef server and upload them.
The Starter Kit contains a file named Berksfile
that you can use to
list your cookbooks.
To get started, add the
cookbook to the included Berksfile. Thechef-client
cookbook configures the Chef Infra client agent software on each node that you connect to your Chef Automate server. To learn more about this cookbook, see Chef Client Cookbookin the Chef Supermarket. -
Using a text editor, append another cookbook to your Berksfile that installs a web server application; for example, the
cookbook, which installs the Apache web server. Your Berksfile should resemble the following.source '' cookbook 'chef-client' cookbook 'apache2'
Download and install the cookbooks on your local computer.
berks install
Upload the cookbook to the Chef server.
On Linux, run the following.
SSL_CERT_FILE='.chef/ca_certs/opsworks-cm-ca-2020-root.pem' berks upload
On Windows, run the following Chef Workstation command in a PowerShell session. Before you run the command, be sure to set the execution policy in PowerShell to
. Addchef shell-init
to make Chef Workstation utility commands available to PowerShell.$env:SSL_CERT_FILE="ca_certs\opsworks-cm-ca-2020-root.pem" chef shell-init berks upload Remove-Item Env:\SSL_CERT_FILE
Verify the installation of the cookbook by showing a list of cookbooks that are currently available on the Chef Automate server. You can do this by running the following
command.You are ready to add nodes to manage with the AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate server.
knife cookbook list
(Optional) Configure knife
to Work with a Custom Domain
If your Chef Automate server uses a custom domain, you might need to add the PEM
certificate of the root CA that signed your server's certificate chain, or your server
PEM certificate if the certificate is self-signed. ca_certs
is a
subdirectory in chef/
that contains certificate authorities (CAs)
that are trusted by the Chef knife
You can skip this section if you aren't using a custom domain, or if your custom
certificate is signed by a root CA that is trusted by your operating system. Otherwise,
configure knife
to trust your Chef Automate server SSL certificate, as
described in the following steps.
Run the following command.
knife ssl check
If the results are similar to the following, skip the rest of this procedure, and go on to Add Nodes for the Chef Server to Manage.
Connecting to host Successfully verified certificates from ''
If you get an error message similar to the following, go on to the next step.
Connecting to host ERROR: The SSL certificate of could not be verified. ...
knife ssl fetch
to trust the certificates of your AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate server. Alternatively, you can manually copy the root CA PEM-formatted certificate of your server to the directory that is the value oftrusted_certs_dir
in the output ofknife ssl check
. By default, this directory is in.chef/ca_certs/
in the Starter Kit. Your output should resemble the following:WARNING: Certificates from will be fetched and placed in your trusted_cert directory (/Users/username/starterkit/.chef/../.chef/ca_certs). Knife has no means to verify these are the correct certificates. You should verify the authenticity of these certificates after downloading. Adding certificate for my-chef-automate-server in /Users/users/starterkit/.chef/../.chef/ca_certs/servv-aqtswxu20swzkjgz.crt Adding certificate for MyCorp_Root_CA in /Users/users/starterkit/.chef/../.chef/ca_certs/MyCorp_Root_CA.crt
knife ssl check
again. Your output should resemble the following:Connecting to host Successfully verified certificates from ''
You are ready to use
with your Chef Automate server.