Opening query editor v2
With Amazon Redshift, you can execute SQL queries against your data warehouse cluster using the query editor v2 in the Amazon Redshift console. The query editor v2 is a web-based tool that provides a user-friendly interface for running ad-hoc queries, exploring data, and performing data analysis tasks. The following sections guide you through the process of opening the query editor v2 in the console and utilizing its functionalities effectively.
To open the query editor v2
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at
. -
From the navigator menu, choose Editor, then Query editor V2. The query editor v2 opens in a new browser tab.
The query editor page has a navigator menu where you choose a view as follows:
- Editor
You manage and query your data organized as tables and contained in a database. The database can contain stored data or contain a reference to data stored elsewhere, such as Amazon S3. You connect to a database contained in either a cluster or a serverless workgroup.
When working in the Editor view, you have the following controls:
The Cluster or Workgroup field displays the name you are currently connected to. The Database field displays the databases within the cluster or workgroup. The actions that you perform in the Database view default to act on the database you have selected.
A tree-view hierarchical view of your clusters or workgroups, databases, and schemas. Under schemas, you can work with your tables, views, functions, and stored procedures. Each object in the tree view supports a context menu to perform associated actions, such as Refresh or Drop, for the object.
Create action to create databases, schemas, tables, and functions.
Load data action to load data from Amazon S3 or from a local file into your database.
Save icon to save your query.
Shortcuts icon to display keyboard shortcuts for the editor.
More icon to display more actions in the editor. Such as:
Share with my team to share the query or notebook with your team. For more information, see Collaborating and sharing as a team.
Shortcuts to display keyboard shortcuts for the editor.
Tab history to display tab history of a tab in the editor.
Refresh autocomplete to refresh the displayed suggestions when authoring SQL.
Editor area where you can enter and run your query.
After you run a query, a Result tab appears with the results. Here is where you can turn on Chart to visualize your results. You can also Export your results.
Notebook area where you can add sections to enter and run SQL or add Markdown.
After you run a query, a Result tab appears with the results. Here is where you can Export your results.
- Queries
A query contains the SQL commands to manage and query your data in a database. When you use query editor v2 to load sample data, it also creates and saves sample queries for you.
When you choose a saved query, you can open, rename, and delete it using the context (right-click) menu. You can view attributes such as the Query ARN of a saved query by choosing Query details. You can also view its version history, edit tags attached to the query, and share it with your team.
- Notebooks
A SQL notebook contains SQL and Markdown cells. Use notebooks to organize, annotate, and share multiple SQL commands in a single document.
When you choose a saved notebook, you can open, rename, duplicate, and delete it using the context (right-click) menu. You can view attributes such as the Notebook ARN of a saved notebook by choosing Notebook details. You can also view its version history, edit tags attached to the notebook, export it, and share it with your team. For more information, see Notebooks in Amazon Redshift.
- Charts
A chart is a visual representation of your data. The query editor v2 provides the tools to create many types of charts and save them.
When you choose a saved chart, you can open, rename, and delete it using the context (right-click) menu. You can view attributes such as the Chart ARN of a saved chart by choosing Chart details. You can also edit tags attached to the chart and export it. For more information, see Visualizing query results.
- History
The query history is a list of queries you ran using Amazon Redshift query editor v2. These queries either ran as individual queries or as part of a SQL notebook. For more information, see Viewing query and tab history.
- Scheduled queries
A scheduled query is a query that is set up to start at specific times.
All query editor v2 views have the following icons:
Visual mode icon to toggle between light mode and dark mode.
Settings icon to show a menu of the different settings screens.
Editor preferences icon to edit your preferences when you use query editor v2. Here you can Edit workspace settings to change font size, tab size, and other display settings. You can also turn on (or off) Autocomplete to show suggestions as you enter your SQL.
Connections icon to view the connections used by your editor tabs.
A connection is used to retrieve data from a database. A connection is created for a specific database. With an isolated connection, the results of a SQL command that changes the database, such as creating a temporary table, in one editor tab, are not visible in another editor tab. When you open an editor tab in query editor v2, the default is an isolated connection. When you create a shared connection, that is, turn off the Isolated session switch, then the results in other shared connections to the same database are visible to each other. However, editor tabs using a shared connection to a database don't run in parallel. Queries using the same connection must wait until the connection is available. A connection to one database can't be shared with another database, and thus SQL results are not visible across different database connections.
The number of connections any user in the account can have active is controlled by a query editor v2 administrator.
Account settings icon used by an administrator to change certain settings of all users in the account. For more information, see Account settings.
Considerations when working with
query editor v2
Consider the following when working with query editor v2.
The maximum duration of a query is 24 hours.
The maximum query result size is 100 MB. If a call returns more than 100 MB of response data, the first 100 MB is returned with a warning.
You can run a query up to 300,000 characters long.
You can save a query up to 30,000 characters long.
By default, query editor v2 auto-commits each individual SQL command that runs. When a BEGIN statement is provided, statements within BEGIN-COMMIT or BEGIN-ROLLBACK block are run as a single transaction. For more information about transactions, see BEGIN in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
The maximum number of warnings that query editor v2 displays while running a SQL statement is
. For example, when a stored procedure is run, no more than 10 RAISE statements are displayed. -
The query editor v2 doesn't support an IAM
that contains commas (,). You might see an error similar to the following:Error Message : "'AROA123456789EXAMPLE:mytext,yourtext' is not a valid value for TagValue - it contains illegal characters"
This issue arises when you define an IAMRoleSessionName
that includes a comma and then use query editor v2 with that IAM role.For more information about an IAM
, see RoleSessionName SAML attribute in the IAM User Guide.
Account settings
A user with the right IAM permissions can view and change Account settings for other users in the same AWS account. This administrator can view or set the following:
The maximum concurrent database connections per user in the account. This includes connections for Isolated sessions. When you change this value, it can take 10 minutes for the change to take effect.
Allow users in the account to export an entire result set from a SQL command to a file.
Load and display sample databases with some associated saved queries.
Specify an Amazon S3 path used by account users to load data from a local file.
View the KMS key ARN used to encrypt query editor v2 resources.