Granting access to view
A superuser can provide access to users who aren't superusers so that they can view the datashares created by all users.
To grant access to a datashare for a user, use the following command to provide datashare access for a user, where datashare_name is the name of the datashare and user-name is the name of the user for whom you want to provide access.
grant share on datashare datashare_name to "IAM:test_user";
To grant access to a datashare for a user group, first create a user group with users. For information on how to create user groups, see CREATE GROUP. Then, grant datashare access to a user using the following command, where datashare_name is the name of the datashare and user-group is the name of the user-group to that you want to grant access.
grant share on datashare datashare_name to group user_group;
For information on how to use the GRANT statement, see GRANT.