Manage tags by using the IAM Identity Center console - AWS IAM Identity Center

Manage tags by using the IAM Identity Center console

You can use the IAM Identity Center console to add, edit, and remove tags that are associated with your instance or permission sets.

To manage permission sets tags for an IAM Identity Center console
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Permission sets.

  3. Choose the name of the permission set that has the tags you want to manage.

  4. On the Permissions tab, under Tags, do one of the following, and then proceed to the next step:

    1. If tags are already assigned for this permission set, choose Edit tags.

    2. If no tags are assigned to this permission set, choose Add tags.

  5. For each new tag, type the values in the Key and Value (optional) columns. When you're finished, choose Save changes.

To remove a tag, choose the X in the Remove column next to the tag that you want to remove.

To manage tags for an instance of IAM Identity Center
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. Choose the Tags tab.

  4. For each tag, type the values in the Key and Value (optional) fields. When you're finished, choose the Add new tag button.

To remove a tag, choose the Remove button next to the tag that you want to remove.