PingOne - AWS IAM Identity Center


IAM Identity Center supports automatic provisioning (synchronization) of user information from the PingOne product by Ping Identity (hereafter “Ping”) into IAM Identity Center. This provisioning uses the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) v2.0 protocol. You configure this connection in PingOne using your IAM Identity Center SCIM endpoint and access token. When you configure SCIM synchronization, you create a mapping of your user attributes in PingOne to the named attributes in IAM Identity Center. This causes the expected attributes to match between IAM Identity Center and PingOne.

This guide is based on PingOne as of October 2020. Steps for newer versions may vary. Contact Ping for more information about how to configure provisioning to IAM Identity Center for other versions of PingOne. This guide also contains a few notes regarding configuration of user authentication through SAML.

The following steps walk you through how to enable automatic provisioning of users from PingOne to IAM Identity Center using the SCIM protocol.


Before you begin deploying SCIM, we recommend that you first review the Considerations for using automatic provisioning. Then continue reviewing additional considerations in the next section.


You will need the following before you can get started:

  • A PingOne subscription or free trial, with both federated authentication and provisioning capabilities. For more information about how to obtain a free trial, see the Ping Identity website.

  • An IAM Identity Center-enabled account (free). For more information, see Enable IAM Identity Center.

  • The PingOne IAM Identity Center application added to your PingOne admin portal. You can obtain the PingOne IAM Identity Center application from the PingOne Application Catalog. For general information, see Add an application from the Application Catalog on the Ping Identity website.

  • A SAML connection from your PingOne instance to IAM Identity Center. After the PingOne IAM Identity Center application has been added to your PingOne admin portal, you must use it to configure a SAML connection from your PingOne instance to IAM Identity Center. Use the “download” and “import" metadata feature on both ends to exchange SAML metadata between PingOne and IAM Identity Center. For instructions on how to configure this connection, see the PingOne documentation.

Additional considerations

The following are important considerations about PingOne that can affect how you implement provisioning with IAM Identity Center.

  • As of October 2020, PingOne does not support provisioning of groups through SCIM. Contact Ping for the latest information on group support in SCIM for PingOne.

  • Users may continue to be provisioned from PingOne after disabling provisioning in the PingOne admin portal. If you need to terminate provisioning immediately, delete the relevant SCIM bearer token, and/or disable Provisioning an external identity provider into IAM Identity Center using SCIM in IAM Identity Center.

  • If an attribute for a user is removed from the data store configured in PingOne, that attribute will not be removed from the corresponding user in IAM Identity Center. This is a known limitation in PingOne’s provisioner implementation. If an attribute is modified, the change will be synchronized to IAM Identity Center.

  • The following are important notes regarding your SAML configuration in PingOne:

    • IAM Identity Center supports only emailaddress as a NameId format. This means you need to choose a user attribute that is unique within your directory in PingOne, non-null, and formatted as an email/UPN (for example, for your SAML_SUBJECT mapping in PingOne. Email (Work) is a reasonable value to use for test configurations with the PingOne built-in directory.

    • Users in PingOne with an email address containing a + character may be unable to sign in to IAM Identity Center, with errors such as 'SAML_215' or 'Invalid input'. To fix this, in PingOne, choose the Advanced option for the SAML_SUBJECT mapping in Attribute Mappings. Then set Name ID Format to send to SP: to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress in the drop-down menu.

Step 1: Enable provisioning in IAM Identity Center

In this first step, you use the IAM Identity Center console to enable automatic provisioning.

To enable automatic provisioning in IAM Identity Center
  1. After you have completed the prerequisites, open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

  3. On the Settings page, locate the Automatic provisioning information box, and then choose Enable. This immediately enables automatic provisioning in IAM Identity Center and displays the necessary SCIM endpoint and access token information.

  4. In the Inbound automatic provisioning dialog box, copy each of the values for the following options. You will need to paste these in later when you configure provisioning in your IdP.

    1. SCIM endpoint - For example,

    2. Access token - Choose Show token to copy the value.


    This is the only time where you can obtain the SCIM endpoint and access token. Ensure you copy these values before moving forward. You will enter these values to configure automatic provisioning in Okta later in this tutorial.

  5. Choose Close.

Now that you have set up provisioning in the IAM Identity Center console, you need to complete the remaining tasks using the PingOne IAM Identity Center application. These steps are described in the following procedure.

Step 2: Configure provisioning in PingOne

Use the following procedure in the PingOne IAM Identity Center application to enable provisioning with IAM Identity Center. This procedure assumes that you have already added the PingOne IAM Identity Center application to your PingOne admin portal. If you have not yet done so, refer to Prerequisites, and then complete this procedure to configure SCIM provisioning.

To configure provisioning in PingOne
  1. Open the PingOne IAM Identity Center application that you installed as part of configuring SAML for PingOne (Applications > My Applications). See Prerequisites.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under User Provisioning, choose the complete link to navigate to the user provisioning configuration of your connection.

  3. On the Provisioning Instructions page, choose Continue to Next Step.

  4. In the previous procedure, you copied the SCIM endpoint value in IAM Identity Center. Paste that value into the SCIM URL field in the PingOne IAM Identity Center application. Also, in the previous procedure you copied the Access token value in IAM Identity Center. Paste that value into the ACCESS_TOKEN field in the PingOne IAM Identity Center application.

  5. For REMOVE_ACTION, choose either Disabled or Deleted (see the description text on the page for more details).

  6. On the Attribute Mapping page, choose a value to use for the SAML_SUBJECT (NameId) assertion, following guidance from Additional considerations earlier on this page. Then choose Continue to Next Step.

  7. On the PingOne App Customization - IAM Identity Center page, make any desired customization changes (optional), and click Continue to Next Step.

  8. On the Group Access page, choose the groups containing the users you would like to enable for provisioning and single sign-on to IAM Identity Center. Choose Continue to Next Step.

  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and choose Finish to start provisioning.

  10. To verify that users have been successfully synchronized to IAM Identity Center, return to the IAM Identity Center console and choose Users. Synchronized users from PingOne will appear on the Users page. These users can now be assigned to accounts and applications within IAM Identity Center.

    Remember that PingOne does not support provisioning of groups or group memberships through SCIM. Contact Ping for more information.

(Optional) Step 3: Configure user attributes in PingOne for access control in IAM Identity Center

This is an optional procedure for PingOne if you choose to configure attributes for IAM Identity Center to manage access to your AWS resources. The attributes that you define in PingOne is passed in a SAML assertion to IAM Identity Center. You then create a permission set in IAM Identity Center to manage access based on the attributes you passed from PingOne.

Before you begin this procedure, you must first enable the Attributes for access control feature. For more information about how to do this, see Enable and configure attributes for access control.

To configure user attributes in PingOne for access control in IAM Identity Center
  1. Open the PingOne IAM Identity Center application that you installed as part of configuring SAML for PingOne (Applications > My Applications).

  2. Choose Edit, and then choose Continue to Next Step until you get to the Attribute Mappings page.

  3. On the Attribute Mappings page, choose Add new attribute, and then do the following. You must perform these steps for each attribute you will add for use in IAM Identity Center for access control.

    1. In the Application Attribute field, enter Replace AttributeName with the name of the attribute you are expecting in IAM Identity Center. For example,

    2. In the Identity Bridge Attribute or Literal Value field, choose user attributes from your PingOne directory. For example, Email (Work).

  4. Choose Next a few times, and then choose Finish.

(Optional) Passing attributes for access control

You can optionally use the Attributes for access control feature in IAM Identity Center to pass an Attribute element with the Name attribute set to{TagKey}. This element allows you to pass attributes as session tags in the SAML assertion. For more information about session tags, see Passing session tags in AWS STS in the IAM User Guide.

To pass attributes as session tags, include the AttributeValue element that specifies the value of the tag. For example, to pass the tag key-value pair CostCenter = blue, use the following attribute.

<saml:AttributeStatement> <saml:Attribute Name=""> <saml:AttributeValue>blue </saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> </saml:AttributeStatement>

If you need to add multiple attributes, include a separate Attribute element for each tag.