Amazon SNS Extended Client Library for Python
The following are the prerequisites for using the Amazon SNS
Extended Client Library for Python
An AWS SDK. The example on this page uses AWS Python SDK Boto3. To install and set up the SDK, see the AWS SDK for Python
documentation. -
An AWS account with the proper credentials. To create an AWS account, navigate to the AWS home page
, and then choose Create an AWS Account. Follow the instructions. For information about credentials, see Credentials
in the AWS SDK for Python Developer Guide. -
Python 3.x (or later) and pip.
The Amazon SNS Extended Client Library for Python (also available from PyPI
Configuring message storage
The below attributes are available on Boto3 Amazon SNS Client
– The Amazon S3 bucket name that will store large messages. -
– IfTrue
, then all published messages use the Legacy reserved message attribute (SQSLargePayloadSize
) instead of the current reserved message attribute (ExtendedPayloadSize
). -
– The threshold for storing the message in the large messages bucket. Cannot be less than0
, or greater than262144
. The default is262144
. -
– IfTrue
, then all messages are stored in Amazon S3. The default isFalse
. -
– The Boto3 Amazon S3client
object to use to store objects to Amazon S3. Use this if you want to control the Amazon S3 client (for example, custom Amazon S3 config or credentials). Defaults toboto3.client("s3")
on first use if not previously set.
Example: Publishing messages to Amazon SNS with the payload stored in Amazon S3
The following code example shows how to:
Create a sample Amazon SNS topic and Amazon SQS queue.
Attach the policy to the Amazon SQS queue to receive the message from Amazon SNS topic.
Subscribe the queue to receive messages from the topic.
Publish a test message using the Amazon SNS extended client, Topic resource, and PlatformEndpoint resource.
The message payload is stored in Amazon S3, and the reference to it is published.
Print the published message from the queue along with the original message retrieved from Amazon S3.
To publish a large message, use the Amazon SNS Extended Client Library for Python. The message you send references an Amazon S3 object containing the actual message content.
import boto3 from sns_extended_client import SNSExtendedClientSession from json import loads s3_extended_payload_bucket = "extended-client-bucket-store" # S3 bucket with the given bucket name is a resource which is created and accessible with the given AWS credentials TOPIC_NAME = "---TOPIC-NAME---" QUEUE_NAME = "---QUEUE-NAME---" def allow_sns_to_write_to_sqs(topicarn, queuearn): policy_document = """{{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ {{ "Sid":"MyPolicy", "Effect":"Allow", "Principal" : {{"AWS" : "*"}}, "Action":"SQS:SendMessage", "Resource": "{}", "Condition":{{ "ArnEquals":{{ "aws:SourceArn": "{}" }} }} }} ] }}""".format(queuearn, topicarn) return policy_document def get_msg_from_s3(body,sns_extended_client): """Handy Helper to fetch message from S3""" json_msg = loads(body) s3_object = sns_extended_client.s3_client.get_object( Bucket=json_msg[1].get("s3BucketName"), Key=json_msg[1].get("s3Key") ) msg = s3_object.get("Body").read().decode() return msg def fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, queue_url,sns_extended_client): sqs_msg = sqs.receive_message( QueueUrl=queue_url, AttributeNames=['All'], MessageAttributeNames=['All'], VisibilityTimeout=0, WaitTimeSeconds=0, MaxNumberOfMessages=1 ).get("Messages")[0] message_body = sqs_msg.get("Body") print("Published Message: {}".format(message_body)) print("Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: {}\n".format(get_msg_from_s3(message_body,sns_extended_client))) # Delete the Processed Message sqs.delete_message( QueueUrl=queue_url, ReceiptHandle=sqs_msg['ReceiptHandle'] ) sns_extended_client = boto3.client("sns", region_name="us-east-1") create_topic_response = sns_extended_client.create_topic(Name=TOPIC_NAME) sns_topic_arn = create_topic_response.get("TopicArn") # create and subscribe an sqs queue to the sns client sqs = boto3.client("sqs",region_name="us-east-1") demo_queue_url = sqs.create_queue(QueueName=QUEUE_NAME).get("QueueUrl") sqs_queue_arn = sqs.get_queue_attributes( QueueUrl=demo_queue_url, AttributeNames=["QueueArn"] )["Attributes"].get("QueueArn") # Adding policy to SQS queue such that SNS topic can send msg to SQS queue policy_json = allow_sns_to_write_to_sqs(sns_topic_arn, sqs_queue_arn) response = sqs.set_queue_attributes( QueueUrl = demo_queue_url, Attributes = { 'Policy' : policy_json } ) # Set the RawMessageDelivery subscription attribute to TRUE if you want to use # SQSExtendedClient to help with retrieving msg from S3 sns_extended_client.subscribe(TopicArn=sns_topic_arn, Protocol="sqs", Endpoint=sqs_queue_arn , Attributes={"RawMessageDelivery":"true"} ) sns_extended_client.large_payload_support = s3_extended_payload_bucket # Change default s3_client attribute of sns_extended_client to use 'us-east-1' region sns_extended_client.s3_client = boto3.client("s3", region_name="us-east-1") # Below is the example that all the messages will be sent to the S3 bucket sns_extended_client.always_through_s3 = True sns_extended_client.publish( TopicArn=sns_topic_arn, Message="This message should be published to S3" ) print("\n\nPublished using SNS extended client:") fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, demo_queue_url,sns_extended_client) # Prints message stored in s3 # Below is the example that all the messages larger than 32 bytes will be sent to the S3 bucket print("\nUsing decreased message size threshold:") sns_extended_client.always_through_s3 = False sns_extended_client.message_size_threshold = 32 sns_extended_client.publish( TopicArn=sns_topic_arn, Message="This message should be published to S3 as it exceeds the limit of the 32 bytes", ) fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, demo_queue_url,sns_extended_client) # Prints message stored in s3 # Below is the example to publish message using the SNS.Topic resource sns_extended_client_resource = SNSExtendedClientSession().resource( "sns", region_name="us-east-1" ) topic = sns_extended_client_resource.Topic(sns_topic_arn) topic.large_payload_support = s3_extended_payload_bucket # Change default s3_client attribute of topic to use 'us-east-1' region topic.s3_client = boto3.client("s3", region_name="us-east-1") topic.always_through_s3 = True # Can Set custom S3 Keys to be used to store objects in S3 topic.publish( Message="This message should be published to S3 using the topic resource", MessageAttributes={ "S3Key": { "DataType": "String", "StringValue": "347c11c4-a22c-42e4-a6a2-9b5af5b76587", } }, ) print("\nPublished using Topic Resource:") fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, demo_queue_url,topic) # Below is the example to publish message using the SNS.PlatformEndpoint resource sns_extended_client_resource = SNSExtendedClientSession().resource( "sns", region_name="us-east-1" ) platform_endpoint = sns_extended_client_resource.PlatformEndpoint(sns_topic_arn) platform_endpoint.large_payload_support = s3_extended_payload_bucket # Change default s3_client attribute of platform_endpoint to use 'us-east-1' region platform_endpoint.s3_client = boto3.client("s3", region_name="us-east-1") platform_endpoint.always_through_s3 = True # Can Set custom S3 Keys to be used to store objects in S3 platform_endpoint.publish( Message="This message should be published to S3 using the PlatformEndpoint resource", MessageAttributes={ "S3Key": { "DataType": "String", "StringValue": "247c11c4-a22c-42e4-a6a2-9b5af5b76587", } }, ) print("\nPublished using PlatformEndpoint Resource:") fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, demo_queue_url,platform_endpoint)
Published using SNS extended client: Published Message: ["", {"s3BucketName": "extended-client-bucket-store", "s3Key": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}] Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: This message should be published to S3 Using decreased message size threshold: Published Message: ["", {"s3BucketName": "extended-client-bucket-store", "s3Key": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}] Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: This message should be published to S3 as it exceeds the limit of the 32 bytes Published using Topic Resource: Published Message: ["", {"s3BucketName": "extended-client-bucket-store", "s3Key": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}] Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: This message should be published to S3 using the topic resource Published using PlatformEndpoint Resource: Published Message: ["", {"s3BucketName": "extended-client-bucket-store", "s3Key": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}] Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: This message should be published to S3 using the PlatformEndpoint resource