Sending Amazon SNS messages to an Amazon SQS queue in a different account - Amazon Simple Notification Service

Sending Amazon SNS messages to an Amazon SQS queue in a different account

This document describes how to publish a notification to an Amazon SNS topic with one or more subscriptions to Amazon SQS queues in another account. You set up the topic and queues the same way you would if they were in the same account (see Fanout to Amazon SQS queues). The major difference is how you handle subscription confirmation, and that depends on how you subscribe the queue to the topic.

It is a best practice to follow the steps referenced in the Queue owner creates subscription section when possible, because confirmation is automatic when the queue owner creates the subscription.


If the Amazon SQS queue has a high volume of messages, we recommend that the queue owner creates the subscription.

Queue owner creates subscription

The account that created the Amazon SQS queue is the queue owner. When the queue owner creates a subscription, the subscription doesn't require confirmation. The queue begins to receive notifications from the topic as soon as the Subscribe action completes. To let the queue owner subscribe to the topic owner's topic, the topic owner must give the queue owner's account permission to call the Subscribe action on the topic.

Step 1: To set the topic policy using the AWS Management Console

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.

  2. On the navigation panel, choose Topics.

  3. Select a topic and then choose Edit.

  4. On the Edit MyTopic page, expand the Access policy section.

  5. Enter the following policy:

    { "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "111122223333" }, "Action": "sns:Subscribe", "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456789012:MyTopic" } ] }

    This policy gives account 111122223333 permission to call sns:Subscribe on MyTopic in account 123456789012.

    A user with the credentials for account 111122223333 can subscribe to MyTopic. This permission allows the account ID to delegate permission to their IAM user/role. Only the root account or administrator users are allowed to call sns:Subscribe. The IAM user/role must also have sns:subscribe to allow their queue to subscribe.

  6. Choose Save changes.

    A user with the credentials for account 111122223333 can subscribe to MyTopic.

Step 2: To add an Amazon SQS queue subscription to a topic in another AWS account using the AWS Management Console

Before you begin, make sure you have the ARNs for your topic and queue, and that you have given permission to the topic to send messages to the queue.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SQS console.

  2. On the navigation panel, choose Queues.

  3. From the list of queues, choose the queue to subscribe to the Amazon SNS topic.

  4. Choose Subscribe to Amazon SNS topic.

  5. From the Specify an Amazon SNS topic available for this queue menu, choose the Amazon SNS topic for your queue.

  6. Choose Enter Amazon SNS topic ARN and then enter the topic's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  7. Choose Save.

    • To be able to communicate with the service, the queue must have permissions for Amazon SNS.

    • Because you are the owner of the queue, you don't have to confirm the subscription.

A user who does not own the queue creates a subscription

Any user who creates a subscription but isn't the owner of the queue must confirm the subscription.

When you use the Subscribe action, Amazon SNS sends a subscription confirmation to the queue. The subscription is displayed in the Amazon SNS console, with its subscription ID set to Pending Confirmation.

To confirm the subscription, a user with permission to read messages from the queue must retrieve the subscription confirmation URL, and the subscription owner must confirm the subscription using the subscription confirmation URL. Until the subscription is confirmed, no notifications published to the topic are sent to the queue. To confirm the subscription, you can use the Amazon SQS console or the ReceiveMessage action.


Before you subscribe an endpoint to the topic, make sure that the queue can receive messages from the topic by setting the sqs:SendMessage permission for the queue. For more information, see Step 2: Give permission to the Amazon SNS topic to send messages to the Amazon SQS queue.

Step 1: To add an Amazon SQS queue subscription to a topic in another AWS account using the AWS Management Console

Before you begin, make sure you have the ARNs for your topic and queue, and that you have given permission to the topic to send messages to the queue.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.

  2. On the navigation panel, choose Subscriptions.

  3. On the Subscriptions page, choose Create subscription.

  4. On the Create subscription page, in the Details section, do the following:

    1. For Topic ARN, enter the ARN of the topic.

    2. For Protocol, choose Amazon SQS.

    3. For Endpoint, enter the ARN of the queue.

    4. Choose Create subscription.

      • To be able to communicate with the service, the queue must have permissions for Amazon SNS.

The following is an example policy statement that allows the Amazon SNS topic to send a message to the Amazon SQS queue.

{ "Sid": "Stmt1234", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "sqs:SendMessage", "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:111111111111:QueueName", "Condition": { "ArnEquals": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:555555555555:TopicName" } } }

Step 2: To confirm a subscription using the AWS Management Console

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SQS console.

  2. Select the queue that has a pending subscription to the topic.

  3. Choose Send and receive messages, and then choose Poll for messages.

    A message with the subscription confirmation is received in the queue.

  4. In the Body column, do the following:

    1. Choose More Details.

    2. In the Message Details dialog box, find and note the SubscribeURL value. This is your subscription link (example below). For additional details on API token validation, see ConfirmSubscription in the Amazon SNS API Reference.
    3. Make a note of the subscription confirmation link. The URL must be passed from the queue owner to the subscription owner. The subscription owner must enter the URL into the Amazon SNS console.

  5. Log in as the subscription owner to the Amazon SNS console The subscription owner performs the confirmation.

  6. Choose the relevant topic.

  7. Choose the relevant subscription in the topic's subscription listings table. It is labeled as "Pending confirmation".

  8. Choose Confirm subscription.

  9. A modal appears prompting the subscription confirmation link. Paste the subscription confirmation link.

  10. Select the Confirm subscription in the modal.

    An XML response is displayed, for example:

    <ConfirmSubscriptionResponse> <ConfirmSubscriptionResult> <SubscriptionArn>arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456789012:MyTopic:1234a567-bc89-012d-3e45-6fg7h890123i</SubscriptionArn> </ConfirmSubscriptionResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>abcd1efg-23hi-jkl4-m5no-p67q8rstuvw9</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>

    The subscribed queue is ready to receive messages from the topic.

  11. (Optional) If you view the topic subscription in the Amazon SNS console, you can see that the Pending Confirmation message has been replaced by the subscription ARN in the Subscription ID column.

How do I force a subscription to require authentication on unsubscribe requests?

The subscription owner must set the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag to true on subscription-confirmation.

  • AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe is automatically set to true when the queue owner creates the subscription.

  • AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe cannot be set to true when the subscription confirmation link is navigated to without authentication.