If you send a request to the SetTopicAttributes
action and set the
parameter to a value of DeliveryPolicy
, the
value of the AttributeValue
parameter must be a valid JSON object. For
example, the following example sets the delivery policy to 5 total retries.
http://sns.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/ ?Action=SetTopicAttributes &TopicArn=arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-east-2%3A123456789012%3AMy-Topic &AttributeName=DeliveryPolicy &AttributeValue={"http":{"defaultHealthyRetryPolicy":{"numRetries":5}}} ...
Use the following JSON format for the value of the AttributeValue
"http" : {
"defaultHealthyRetryPolicy" : {
"minDelayTarget": int,
"maxDelayTarget": int,
"numRetries": int,
"numMaxDelayRetries": int,
"backoffFunction": "linear|arithmetic|geometric|exponential"
"disableSubscriptionOverrides" : Boolean,
"defaultThrottlePolicy" : {
"maxReceivesPerSecond" : int
"defaultRequestPolicy" : {
"headerContentType" : "text/plain | application/json | application/xml"
For more information about the SetTopicAttribute
action, go to SetTopicAttributes in the
Amazon Simple Notification Service API Reference. For more information on the supported HTTP
content-type headers, see Creating an HTTP/S delivery policy.