Transforming .NET applications with Amazon Q in the IDE is in preview, and is subject to change.
Amazon Q Developer can port your Windows-based .NET applications to Linux-compatible cross-platform .NET applications through a generative AI-powered refactoring workflow. Amazon Q also helps you upgrade outdated versions of cross-platform .NET applications to newer versions.
To transform a .NET solution or project, Amazon Q analyzes your codebase, determines the necessary updates to port your application, and generates a transformation plan before the transformation begins. During this analysis, Amazon Q divides your .NET solution or project into code groups that you can view in the transformation plan. A code group is a project and all its dependencies that together generate a buildable unit of code such as a dynamic link library (DLL) or an executable.
During the transformation, Amazon Q provides step-by-step updates in a Transformation Hub where you can monitor progress. After transforming your application, Amazon Q generates a summary with the proposed changes in a diff view for you to optionally verify the changes before you accept them. When you accept the changes, Amazon Q makes in-place updates to your .NET solution or project.
Amazon Q performs four keys tasks to port .NET applications to Linux:
Upgrades language version – Replaces outdated C# versions of code with Linux-compatible C# versions.
Migrates from .NET Framework to cross-platform .NET – Migrates projects and packages from Windows dependent .NET Framework to cross-platform .NET compatible with Linux.
Rewrites code for Linux compatibility – Refactors and rewrites deprecated and inefficient code components.
Generates a Linux compatibility readiness report – For open-ended tasks where user intervention is needed to make the code build and run on Linux, Amazon Q provides a detailed report of actions needed to configure your application after transformation.
For more information about how Amazon Q performs .NET transformations, see How it works.
Amazon Q can also transform .NET applications in the Q Developer transform web experience. For large-scale porting tasks, we recommend you use the web experience.
After you port projects in the web experience, you can port individual projects with Amazon Q in Visual Studio to verify transformations and make modifications if required.
.NET transformations with Amazon Q in the IDE maintain the following quotas:
Lines of code per job – The maximum number of code lines that Amazon Q can transform in a given transformation job. This is also the monthly total limit for .NET transformations.
Concurrent jobs – The maximum number of transformation jobs you can run at the same time. This quota applies to all transformations in the IDE, including Java transformations.
Resource | Quotas |
Lines of code per job | 100,000 lines of code |
Concurrent jobs |
1 job per user 2 jobs per AWS account |