Examples of CTAS queries - Amazon Athena

Examples of CTAS queries

Use the following examples to create CTAS queries. For information about the CTAS syntax, see CREATE TABLE AS.

In this section:

Example: Duplicating a table by selecting all columns

The following example creates a table by copying all columns from a table:

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM old_table;

In the following variation of the same example, your SELECT statement also includes a WHERE clause. In this case, the query selects only those rows from the table that satisfy the WHERE clause:

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM old_table WHERE condition;
Example: Selecting specific columns from one or more tables

The following example creates a new query that runs on a set of columns from another table:

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT column_1, column_2, ... column_n FROM old_table;

This variation of the same example creates a new table from specific columns from multiple tables:

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT column_1, column_2, ... column_n FROM old_table_1, old_table_2, ... old_table_n;
Example: Creating an empty copy of an existing table

The following example uses WITH NO DATA to create a new table that is empty and has the same schema as the original table:

Example: Specifying data storage and compression formats

With CTAS, you can use a source table in one storage format to create another table in a different storage format.

Use the format property to specify ORC, PARQUET, AVRO, JSON, or TEXTFILE as the storage format for the new table.

For the PARQUET, ORC, TEXTFILE, and JSON storage formats, use the write_compression property to specify the compression format for the new table's data. For information about the compression formats that each file format supports, see Use compression in Athena.

The following example specifies that data in the table new_table be stored in Parquet format and use Snappy compression. The default compression for Parquet is GZIP.

CREATE TABLE new_table WITH ( format = 'Parquet', write_compression = 'SNAPPY') AS SELECT * FROM old_table;

The following example specifies that data in the table new_table be stored in ORC format using Snappy compression. The default compression for ORC is ZLIB.

CREATE TABLE new_table WITH (format = 'ORC', write_compression = 'SNAPPY') AS SELECT * FROM old_table ;

The following example specifies that data in the table new_table be stored in textfile format using Snappy compression. The default compression for both the textfile and JSON formats is GZIP.

CREATE TABLE new_table WITH (format = 'TEXTFILE', write_compression = 'SNAPPY') AS SELECT * FROM old_table ;
Example: Writing query results to a different format

The following CTAS query selects all records from old_table, which could be stored in CSV or another format, and creates a new table with underlying data saved to Amazon S3 in ORC format:

CREATE TABLE my_orc_ctas_table WITH ( external_location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/my_orc_stas_table/', format = 'ORC') AS SELECT * FROM old_table;
Example: Creating unpartitioned tables

The following examples create tables that are not partitioned. The table data is stored in different formats. Some of these examples specify the external location.

The following example creates a CTAS query that stores the results as a text file:

CREATE TABLE ctas_csv_unpartitioned WITH ( format = 'TEXTFILE', external_location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_csv_unpartitioned/') AS SELECT key1, name1, address1, comment1 FROM table1;

In the following example, results are stored in Parquet, and the default results location is used:

CREATE TABLE ctas_parquet_unpartitioned WITH (format = 'PARQUET') AS SELECT key1, name1, comment1 FROM table1;

In the following query, the table is stored in JSON, and specific columns are selected from the original table's results:

CREATE TABLE ctas_json_unpartitioned WITH ( format = 'JSON', external_location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_json_unpartitioned/') AS SELECT key1, name1, address1, comment1 FROM table1;

In the following example, the format is ORC:

CREATE TABLE ctas_orc_unpartitioned WITH ( format = 'ORC') AS SELECT key1, name1, comment1 FROM table1;

In the following example, the format is Avro:

CREATE TABLE ctas_avro_unpartitioned WITH ( format = 'AVRO', external_location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_avro_unpartitioned/') AS SELECT key1, name1, comment1 FROM table1;
Example: Creating partitioned tables

The following examples show CREATE TABLE AS SELECT queries for partitioned tables in different storage formats, using partitioned_by, and other properties in the WITH clause. For syntax, see CTAS table properties. For more information about choosing the columns for partitioning, see Use partitioning and bucketing.


List partition columns at the end of the list of columns in the SELECT statement. You can partition by more than one column, and have up to 100 unique partition and bucket combinations. For example, you can have 100 partitions if no buckets are specified.

CREATE TABLE ctas_csv_partitioned WITH ( format = 'TEXTFILE', external_location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_csv_partitioned/', partitioned_by = ARRAY['key1']) AS SELECT name1, address1, comment1, key1 FROM tables1;
CREATE TABLE ctas_json_partitioned WITH ( format = 'JSON', external_location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_json_partitioned/', partitioned_by = ARRAY['key1']) AS select name1, address1, comment1, key1 FROM table1;
Example: Creating bucketed and partitioned tables

The following example shows a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT query that uses both partitioning and bucketing for storing query results in Amazon S3. The table results are partitioned and bucketed by different columns. Athena supports a maximum of 100 unique bucket and partition combinations. For example, if you create a table with five buckets, 20 partitions with five buckets each are supported. For syntax, see CTAS table properties.

For information about choosing the columns for bucketing, see Use partitioning and bucketing.

CREATE TABLE ctas_avro_bucketed WITH ( format = 'AVRO', external_location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_avro_bucketed/', partitioned_by = ARRAY['nationkey'], bucketed_by = ARRAY['mktsegment'], bucket_count = 3) AS SELECT key1, name1, address1, phone1, acctbal, mktsegment, comment1, nationkey FROM table1;
Example: Creating an Iceberg table with Parquet data

The following example creates an Iceberg table with Parquet data files. The files are partitioned by month using the dt column in table1. The example updates the retention properties on the table so that 10 snapshots are retained by default on every branch in the table. Snapshots within the past 7 days are also retained. For more information about Iceberg table properties in Athena, see Specify table properties.

CREATE TABLE ctas_iceberg_parquet WITH (table_type = 'ICEBERG', format = 'PARQUET', location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_iceberg_parquet/', is_external = false, partitioning = ARRAY['month(dt)'], vacuum_min_snapshots_to_keep = 10, vacuum_max_snapshot_age_seconds = 604800 ) AS SELECT key1, name1, dt FROM table1;
Example: Creating an Iceberg table with Avro data

The following example creates an Iceberg table with Avro data files partitioned by key1.

CREATE TABLE ctas_iceberg_avro WITH ( format = 'AVRO', location = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ctas_iceberg_avro/', is_external = false, table_type = 'ICEBERG', partitioning = ARRAY['key1']) AS SELECT key1, name1, date FROM table1;