PREPARE - Amazon Athena


Prepares a statement to be run at a later time. Prepared statements are saved in the current workgroup with the name that you specify. The statement can include parameters in place of literals to be replaced when the query is run. Parameters to be replaced by values are denoted by question marks.


PREPARE statement_name FROM statement

The following table describes these parameters.

Parameter Description
statement_name The name of the statement to be prepared. The name must be unique within the workgroup.
statement A SELECT, CTAS, or INSERT INTO query.

PREPARE examples

The following examples show the use of the PREPARE statement. Question marks denote the values to be supplied by the EXECUTE statement when the query is run.

PREPARE my_select1 FROM SELECT * FROM nation
PREPARE my_select2 FROM SELECT * FROM "my_database"."my_table" WHERE year = ?
PREPARE my_select3 FROM SELECT order FROM orders WHERE productid = ? and quantity < ?
PREPARE my_insert FROM INSERT INTO cities_usa (city, state) SELECT city, state FROM cities_world WHERE country = ?
PREPARE my_unload FROM UNLOAD (SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE productid < ?) TO 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/' WITH (format='PARQUET')