INSERT INTO - Amazon Athena


Inserts data into an Iceberg table. Athena Iceberg INSERT INTO is charged the same as current INSERT INTO queries for external Hive tables by the amount of data scanned. To insert data into an Iceberg table, use the following syntax, where query can be either VALUES (val1, val2, ...) or SELECT (col1, col2, …) FROM [db_name.]table_name WHERE predicate. For SQL syntax and semantic details, see INSERT INTO.

INSERT INTO [db_name.]table_name [(col1, col2, …)] query

The following examples insert values into the table iceberg_table.

INSERT INTO iceberg_table VALUES (1,'a','c1')
INSERT INTO iceberg_table (col1, col2, ...) VALUES (val1, val2, ...)
INSERT INTO iceberg_table SELECT * FROM another_table