Sharing a custom framework in AWS Audit Manager
You can use the framework sharing feature of AWS Audit Manager to quickly replicate the custom frameworks that you create. You can share your custom frameworks with another AWS account, or replicate your frameworks into another AWS Region under your own account. The recipient can then access your custom framework and use it to create assessments. They can do this without having to repeat any of your configuration efforts for that framework.
Key points
To share a custom framework, you create a share request. The recipient of the share request then has 120 days to accept or decline the request. When they accept the share request, Audit Manager replicates the shared custom framework into their framework library. In addition to replicating the custom framework, Audit Manager also replicates any custom control sets and custom controls that are part of that framework. These custom controls are then added to the recipient’s control library. Audit Manager doesn’t replicate standard frameworks or controls. By default, these are available in all AWS accounts and Regions where Audit Manager is enabled.
The framework sharing feature is available on the paid tier only. However, there are no
additional charges for sharing a custom framework or accepting a share request. To learn
more about pricing for AWS Audit Manager, see the AWS Audit Manager pricing page
You may not share a custom framework that is derived from a standard framework if the standard framework is designated as not eligible for sharing by AWS, unless you have obtained permission to do so from the owner of the standard framework. To see which standard frameworks are not eligible for sharing and learn more, see Framework sharing eligibility.
Additional resources
To learn more about how to share custom frameworks in Audit Manager, see the following resources.