interface RestApiOptions
Language | Type name |
![]() | Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway.RestApiOptions |
![]() | |
![]() | aws_cdk.aws_apigateway.RestApiOptions |
![]() | @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway » RestApiOptions |
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
Represents the props that all Rest APIs share.
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import * as apigateway from '@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway';
import * as certificatemanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager';
import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
import * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
declare const accessLogDestination: apigateway.IAccessLogDestination;
declare const accessLogFormat: apigateway.AccessLogFormat;
declare const authorizer: apigateway.Authorizer;
declare const bucket: s3.Bucket;
declare const certificate: certificatemanager.Certificate;
declare const integration: apigateway.Integration;
declare const model: apigateway.Model;
declare const policyDocument: iam.PolicyDocument;
declare const requestValidator: apigateway.RequestValidator;
const restApiOptions: apigateway.RestApiOptions = {
cloudWatchRole: false,
defaultCorsPreflightOptions: {
allowOrigins: ['allowOrigins'],
// the properties below are optional
allowCredentials: false,
allowHeaders: ['allowHeaders'],
allowMethods: ['allowMethods'],
disableCache: false,
exposeHeaders: ['exposeHeaders'],
maxAge: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),
statusCode: 123,
defaultIntegration: integration,
defaultMethodOptions: {
apiKeyRequired: false,
authorizationScopes: ['authorizationScopes'],
authorizationType: apigateway.AuthorizationType.NONE,
authorizer: authorizer,
methodResponses: [{
statusCode: 'statusCode',
// the properties below are optional
responseModels: {
responseModelsKey: model,
responseParameters: {
responseParametersKey: false,
operationName: 'operationName',
requestModels: {
requestModelsKey: model,
requestParameters: {
requestParametersKey: false,
requestValidator: requestValidator,
requestValidatorOptions: {
requestValidatorName: 'requestValidatorName',
validateRequestBody: false,
validateRequestParameters: false,
deploy: false,
deployOptions: {
accessLogDestination: accessLogDestination,
accessLogFormat: accessLogFormat,
cacheClusterEnabled: false,
cacheClusterSize: 'cacheClusterSize',
cacheDataEncrypted: false,
cacheTtl: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),
cachingEnabled: false,
clientCertificateId: 'clientCertificateId',
dataTraceEnabled: false,
description: 'description',
documentationVersion: 'documentationVersion',
loggingLevel: apigateway.MethodLoggingLevel.OFF,
methodOptions: {
methodOptionsKey: {
cacheDataEncrypted: false,
cacheTtl: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),
cachingEnabled: false,
dataTraceEnabled: false,
loggingLevel: apigateway.MethodLoggingLevel.OFF,
metricsEnabled: false,
throttlingBurstLimit: 123,
throttlingRateLimit: 123,
metricsEnabled: false,
stageName: 'stageName',
throttlingBurstLimit: 123,
throttlingRateLimit: 123,
tracingEnabled: false,
variables: {
variablesKey: 'variables',
disableExecuteApiEndpoint: false,
domainName: {
certificate: certificate,
domainName: 'domainName',
// the properties below are optional
basePath: 'basePath',
endpointType: apigateway.EndpointType.EDGE,
mtls: {
bucket: bucket,
key: 'key',
// the properties below are optional
version: 'version',
securityPolicy: apigateway.SecurityPolicy.TLS_1_0,
endpointExportName: 'endpointExportName',
endpointTypes: [apigateway.EndpointType.EDGE],
failOnWarnings: false,
parameters: {
parametersKey: 'parameters',
policy: policyDocument,
restApiName: 'restApiName',
retainDeployments: false,
Name | Type | Description |
cloud | boolean | Automatically configure an AWS CloudWatch role for API Gateway. |
default | Cors | Adds a CORS preflight OPTIONS method to this resource and all child resources. |
default | Integration | An integration to use as a default for all methods created within this API unless an integration is specified. |
default | Method | Method options to use as a default for all methods created within this API unless custom options are specified. |
deploy? | boolean | Indicates if a Deployment should be automatically created for this API, and recreated when the API model (resources, methods) changes. |
deploy | Stage | Options for the API Gateway stage that will always point to the latest deployment when deploy is enabled. |
disable | boolean | Specifies whether clients can invoke the API using the default execute-api endpoint. |
domain | Domain | Configure a custom domain name and map it to this API. |
endpoint | string | Export name for the CfnOutput containing the API endpoint. |
endpoint | Endpoint [] | A list of the endpoint types of the API. |
fail | boolean | Indicates whether to roll back the resource if a warning occurs while API Gateway is creating the RestApi resource. |
parameters? | { [string]: string } | Custom header parameters for the request. |
policy? | Policy | A policy document that contains the permissions for this RestApi. |
rest | string | A name for the API Gateway RestApi resource. |
retain | boolean | Retains old deployment resources when the API changes. |
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: true)
Automatically configure an AWS CloudWatch role for API Gateway.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: CORS is disabled)
Adds a CORS preflight OPTIONS method to this resource and all child resources.
You can add CORS at the resource-level using addCorsPreflight
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: Inherited from parent.)
An integration to use as a default for all methods created within this API unless an integration is specified.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: Inherited from parent.)
Method options to use as a default for all methods created within this API unless custom options are specified.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: true)
Indicates if a Deployment should be automatically created for this API, and recreated when the API model (resources, methods) changes.
Since API Gateway deployments are immutable, When this option is enabled (by default), an AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment resource will automatically created with a logical ID that hashes the API model (methods, resources and options). This means that when the model changes, the logical ID of this CloudFormation resource will change, and a new deployment will be created.
If this is set, latestDeployment
will refer to the Deployment
and deploymentStage
will refer to a Stage
that points to this
deployment. To customize the stage options, use the deployOptions
A CloudFormation Output will also be defined with the root URL endpoint of this REST API.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: Based on defaults of StageOptions
Options for the API Gateway stage that will always point to the latest deployment when deploy
is enabled.
If deploy
is disabled,
this value cannot be set.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: false)
Specifies whether clients can invoke the API using the default execute-api endpoint.
To require that clients use a custom domain name to invoke the API, disable the default endpoint.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: no domain name is defined, use addDomainName
or directly define a DomainName
Configure a custom domain name and map it to this API.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: when no export name is given, output will be created without export)
Export name for the CfnOutput containing the API endpoint.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: EndpointType.EDGE)
A list of the endpoint types of the API.
Use this property when creating an API.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: false)
Indicates whether to roll back the resource if a warning occurs while API Gateway is creating the RestApi resource.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
{ [string]: string }
(optional, default: No parameters.)
Custom header parameters for the request.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: No policy.)
A policy document that contains the permissions for this RestApi.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: ID of the RestApi construct.)
A name for the API Gateway RestApi resource.
⚠️ Deprecated: - superseded by RestApiBaseProps
(optional, default: false)
Retains old deployment resources when the API changes.
This allows manually reverting stages to point to old deployments via the AWS Console.