@aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling module
Language | Package |
![]() | Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling |
![]() | software.amazon.awscdk.services.autoscaling |
![]() | aws_cdk.aws_autoscaling |
![]() | @aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling |
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Construct Library
AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01. This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
For more information on how to migrate, see the Migrating to AWS CDK v2 guide.
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
Auto Scaling Group
An AutoScalingGroup
represents a number of instances on which you run your code. You
pick the size of the fleet, the instance type and the OS image:
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.BURSTABLE2, ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO),
machineImage: new ec2.AmazonLinuxImage() // get the latest Amazon Linux image
NOTE: AutoScalingGroup has an property called allowAllOutbound
(allowing the instances to contact the
internet) which is set to true
by default. Be sure to set this to false
if you don't want
your instances to be able to start arbitrary connections. Alternatively, you can specify an existing security
group to attach to the instances that are launched, rather than have the group create a new one.
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
const mySecurityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'SecurityGroup', { vpc });
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.BURSTABLE2, ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO),
machineImage: new ec2.AmazonLinuxImage(),
securityGroup: mySecurityGroup,
Alternatively you can create an AutoScalingGroup
from a LaunchTemplate
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const launchTemplate: ec2.LaunchTemplate;
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
launchTemplate: launchTemplate
To launch a mixture of Spot and on-demand instances, and/or with multiple instance types, you can create an AutoScalingGroup
from a MixedInstancesPolicy:
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const launchTemplate1: ec2.LaunchTemplate;
declare const launchTemplate2: ec2.LaunchTemplate;
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
mixedInstancesPolicy: {
instancesDistribution: {
onDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity: 50, // Mix Spot and On-Demand instances
launchTemplate: launchTemplate1,
launchTemplateOverrides: [ // Mix multiple instance types
{ instanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('t3.micro') },
{ instanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('t3a.micro') },
{ instanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('t4g.micro'), launchTemplate: launchTemplate2 },
Machine Images (AMIs)
AMIs control the OS that gets launched when you start your EC2 instance. The EC2 library contains constructs to select the AMI you want to use.
Depending on the type of AMI, you select it a different way.
The latest version of Amazon Linux and Microsoft Windows images are selectable by instantiating one of these classes:
// Pick a Windows edition to use
const windows = new ec2.WindowsImage(ec2.WindowsVersion.WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_ENGLISH_FULL_BASE);
// Pick the right Amazon Linux edition. All arguments shown are optional
// and will default to these values when omitted.
const amznLinux = new ec2.AmazonLinuxImage({
generation: ec2.AmazonLinuxGeneration.AMAZON_LINUX,
edition: ec2.AmazonLinuxEdition.STANDARD,
virtualization: ec2.AmazonLinuxVirt.HVM,
storage: ec2.AmazonLinuxStorage.GENERAL_PURPOSE,
// For other custom (Linux) images, instantiate a `GenericLinuxImage` with
// a map giving the AMI to in for each region:
const linux = new ec2.GenericLinuxImage({
'us-east-1': 'ami-97785bed',
'eu-west-1': 'ami-12345678',
// ...
NOTE: The Amazon Linux images selected will be cached in your
, so that your AutoScalingGroups don't automatically change out from under you when you're making unrelated changes. To update to the latest version of Amazon Linux, remove the cache entry from thecontext
section of yourcdk.json
.We will add command-line options to make this step easier in the future.
AutoScaling Instance Counts
AutoScalingGroups make it possible to raise and lower the number of instances in the group, in response to (or in advance of) changes in workload.
When you create your AutoScalingGroup, you specify a minCapacity
and a
. AutoScaling policies that respond to metrics will never go higher
or lower than the indicated capacity (but scheduled scaling actions might, see
There are three ways to scale your capacity:
- In response to a metric (also known as step scaling); for example, you might want to scale out if the CPU usage across your cluster starts to rise, and scale in when it drops again.
- By trying to keep a certain metric around a given value (also known as target tracking scaling); you might want to automatically scale out and in to keep your CPU usage around 50%.
- On a schedule; you might want to organize your scaling around traffic flows you expect, by scaling out in the morning and scaling in in the evening.
The general pattern of autoscaling will look like this:
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const instanceType: ec2.InstanceType;
declare const machineImage: ec2.IMachineImage;
const autoScalingGroup = new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
minCapacity: 5,
maxCapacity: 100
// ...
// Then call one of the scaling methods (explained below)
// autoScalingGroup.scaleOnMetric(...);
// autoScalingGroup.scaleOnCpuUtilization(...);
// autoScalingGroup.scaleOnIncomingBytes(...);
// autoScalingGroup.scaleOnOutgoingBytes(...);
// autoScalingGroup.scaleOnRequestCount(...);
// autoScalingGroup.scaleToTrackMetric(...);
// autoScalingGroup.scaleOnSchedule(...);
Step Scaling
This type of scaling scales in and out in deterministics steps that you configure, in response to metric values. For example, your scaling strategy to scale in response to a metric that represents your average worker pool usage might look like this:
Scaling -1 (no change) +1 +3
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
Worker use 0% 10% 50% 70% 100%
(Note that this is not necessarily a recommended scaling strategy, but it's a possible one. You will have to determine what thresholds are right for you).
Note that in order to set up this scaling strategy, you will have to emit a metric representing your worker utilization from your instances. After that, you would configure the scaling something like this:
declare const autoScalingGroup: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup;
const workerUtilizationMetric = new cloudwatch.Metric({
namespace: 'MyService',
metricName: 'WorkerUtilization'
autoScalingGroup.scaleOnMetric('ScaleToCPU', {
metric: workerUtilizationMetric,
scalingSteps: [
{ upper: 10, change: -1 },
{ lower: 50, change: +1 },
{ lower: 70, change: +3 },
// Change this to AdjustmentType.PERCENT_CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY to interpret the
// 'change' numbers before as percentages instead of capacity counts.
adjustmentType: autoscaling.AdjustmentType.CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY,
The AutoScaling construct library will create the required CloudWatch alarms and AutoScaling policies for you.
Target Tracking Scaling
This type of scaling scales in and out in order to keep a metric around a value you prefer. There are four types of predefined metrics you can track, or you can choose to track a custom metric. If you do choose to track a custom metric, be aware that the metric has to represent instance utilization in some way (AutoScaling will scale out if the metric is higher than the target, and scale in if the metric is lower than the target).
If you configure multiple target tracking policies, AutoScaling will use the one that yields the highest capacity.
The following example scales to keep the CPU usage of your instances around 50% utilization:
declare const autoScalingGroup: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup;
autoScalingGroup.scaleOnCpuUtilization('KeepSpareCPU', {
targetUtilizationPercent: 50
To scale on average network traffic in and out of your instances:
declare const autoScalingGroup: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup;
autoScalingGroup.scaleOnIncomingBytes('LimitIngressPerInstance', {
targetBytesPerSecond: 10 * 1024 * 1024 // 10 MB/s
autoScalingGroup.scaleOnOutgoingBytes('LimitEgressPerInstance', {
targetBytesPerSecond: 10 * 1024 * 1024 // 10 MB/s
To scale on the average request count per instance (only works for AutoScalingGroups that have been attached to Application Load Balancers):
declare const autoScalingGroup: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup;
autoScalingGroup.scaleOnRequestCount('LimitRPS', {
targetRequestsPerSecond: 1000
Scheduled Scaling
This type of scaling is used to change capacities based on time. It works by
changing minCapacity
, maxCapacity
and desiredCapacity
of the
AutoScalingGroup, and so can be used for two purposes:
- Scale in and out on a schedule by setting the
high or themaxCapacity
low. - Still allow the regular scaling actions to do their job, but restrict
the range they can scale over (by setting both
but changing their range over time).
A schedule is expressed as a cron expression. The Schedule
class has a cron
method to help build cron expressions.
The following example scales the fleet out in the morning, going back to natural scaling (all the way down to 1 instance if necessary) at night:
declare const autoScalingGroup: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup;
autoScalingGroup.scaleOnSchedule('PrescaleInTheMorning', {
schedule: autoscaling.Schedule.cron({ hour: '8', minute: '0' }),
minCapacity: 20,
autoScalingGroup.scaleOnSchedule('AllowDownscalingAtNight', {
schedule: autoscaling.Schedule.cron({ hour: '20', minute: '0' }),
minCapacity: 1
Configuring Instances using CloudFormation Init
It is possible to use the CloudFormation Init mechanism to configure the
instances in the AutoScalingGroup. You can write files to it, run commands,
start services, etc. See the documentation of
and the documentation of CDK's aws-ec2
library for more information.
When you specify a CloudFormation Init configuration for an AutoScalingGroup:
- you must also specify
to configure how long CloudFormation should wait for the instances to successfully configure themselves. - you should also specify an
to configure how instances should be updated when the AutoScalingGroup is updated (for example, when the AMI is updated). If you don't specify an update policy, a rolling update is chosen by default.
Here's an example of using CloudFormation Init to write a file to the instance hosts on startup:
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const instanceType: ec2.InstanceType;
declare const machineImage: ec2.IMachineImage;
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
// ...
init: ec2.CloudFormationInit.fromElements(
ec2.InitFile.fromString('/etc/my_instance', 'This got written during instance startup'),
signals: autoscaling.Signals.waitForAll({
timeout: Duration.minutes(10),
In normal operation, CloudFormation will send a Create or Update command to an AutoScalingGroup and proceed with the rest of the deployment without waiting for the instances in the AutoScalingGroup.
Configure signals
to tell CloudFormation to wait for a specific number of
instances in the AutoScalingGroup to have been started (or failed to start)
before moving on. An instance is supposed to execute the
program as part of its startup to indicate whether it was started
successfully or not.
If you use CloudFormation Init support (described in the previous section),
the appropriate call to cfn-signal
is automatically added to the
AutoScalingGroup's UserData. If you don't use the signals
directly, you are
responsible for adding such a call yourself.
The following type of Signals
are available:
: wait for all ofdesiredCapacity
amount of instances to have started (recommended).Signals.waitForMinCapacity([options])
: wait for aminCapacity
amount of instances to have started (use this if waiting for all instances takes too long and you are happy with a minimum count of healthy hosts).Signals.waitForCount(count, [options])
: wait for a specific amount of instances to have started.
There are two options
you can configure:
: maximum time a host startup is allowed to take. If a host does not report success within this time, it is considered a failure. Default is 5 minutes.minSuccessPercentage
: percentage of hosts that needs to be healthy in order for the update to succeed. If you set this value lower than 100, some percentage of hosts may report failure, while still considering the deployment a success. Default is 100%.
Update Policy
The update policy describes what should happen to running instances when the definition of the AutoScalingGroup is changed. For example, if you add a command to the UserData of an AutoScalingGroup, do the existing instances get replaced with new instances that have executed the new UserData? Or do the "old" instances just keep on running?
It is recommended to always use an update policy, otherwise the current state of your instances also depends the previous state of your instances, rather than just on your source code. This degrades the reproducibility of your deployments.
The following update policies are available:
: leave existing instances alone (not recommended).UpdatePolicy.rollingUpdate([options])
: progressively replace the existing instances with new instances, in small batches. At any point in time, roughly the same amount of total instances will be running. If the deployment needs to be rolled back, the fresh instances will be replaced with the "old" configuration again.UpdatePolicy.replacingUpdate([options])
: build a completely fresh copy of the new AutoScalingGroup next to the old one. Once the AutoScalingGroup has been successfully created (and the instances started, ifsignals
is configured on the AutoScalingGroup), the old AutoScalingGroup is deleted. If the deployment needs to be rolled back, the new AutoScalingGroup is deleted and the old one is left unchanged.
Allowing Connections
See the documentation of the @aws-cdk/aws-ec2
package for more information
about allowing connections between resources backed by instances.
Max Instance Lifetime
To enable the max instance lifetime support, specify maxInstanceLifetime
for the AutoscalingGroup
resource. The value must be between 7 and 365 days(inclusive).
To clear a previously set value, leave this property undefined.
Instance Monitoring
To disable detailed instance monitoring, specify instanceMonitoring
for the AutoscalingGroup
resource as Monitoring.BASIC
. Otherwise detailed monitoring
will be enabled.
Monitoring Group Metrics
Group metrics are used to monitor group level properties; they describe the group rather than any of its instances (e.g GroupMaxSize, the group maximum size). To enable group metrics monitoring, use the groupMetrics
All group metrics are reported in a granularity of 1 minute at no additional charge.
See EC2 docs for a list of all available group metrics.
To enable group metrics monitoring using the groupMetrics
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const instanceType: ec2.InstanceType;
declare const machineImage: ec2.IMachineImage;
// Enable monitoring of all group metrics
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
// ...
groupMetrics: [autoscaling.GroupMetrics.all()],
// Enable monitoring for a subset of group metrics
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
// ...
groupMetrics: [new autoscaling.GroupMetrics(autoscaling.GroupMetric.MIN_SIZE, autoscaling.GroupMetric.MAX_SIZE)],
Termination policies
Auto Scaling uses termination policies
to determine which instances it terminates first during scale-in events. You
can specify one or more termination policies with the terminationPolicies
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const instanceType: ec2.InstanceType;
declare const machineImage: ec2.IMachineImage;
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
// ...
terminationPolicies: [
Protecting new instances from being terminated on scale-in
By default, Auto Scaling can terminate an instance at any time after launch when scaling in an Auto Scaling Group, subject to the group's termination policy.
However, you may wish to protect newly-launched instances from being scaled in
if they are going to run critical applications that should not be prematurely
terminated. EC2 Capacity Providers for Amazon ECS requires this attribute be
set to true
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const instanceType: ec2.InstanceType;
declare const machineImage: ec2.IMachineImage;
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
// ...
newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: true,
Configuring Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
Toggling IMDSv1
You can configure EC2 Instance Metadata Service options to either allow both IMDSv1 and IMDSv2 or enforce IMDSv2 when interacting with the IMDS.
To do this for a single AutoScalingGroup
, you can use set the requireImdsv2
The example below demonstrates IMDSv2 being required on a single AutoScalingGroup
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const instanceType: ec2.InstanceType;
declare const machineImage: ec2.IMachineImage;
new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, 'ASG', {
// ...
requireImdsv2: true,
You can also use AutoScalingGroupRequireImdsv2Aspect
to apply the operation to multiple AutoScalingGroups.
The example below demonstrates the AutoScalingGroupRequireImdsv2Aspect
being used to require IMDSv2 for all AutoScalingGroups in a stack:
const aspect = new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroupRequireImdsv2Aspect();
Warm Pool
Auto Scaling offers a warm pool which gives an ability to decrease latency for applications that have exceptionally long boot times. You can create a warm pool with default parameters as below:
declare const autoScalingGroup: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup;
You can also customize a warm pool by configuring parameters:
declare const autoScalingGroup: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup;
minSize: 1,
reuseOnScaleIn: true,
Future work
- [ ] CloudWatch Events (impossible to add currently as the AutoScalingGroup ARN is necessary to make this rule and this cannot be accessed from CloudFormation).