enum SourceMapMode
Language | Type name |
.NET | Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda.Nodejs.SourceMapMode |
Java | software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.nodejs.SourceMapMode |
Python | aws_cdk.aws_lambda_nodejs.SourceMapMode |
TypeScript (source) | @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs » SourceMapMode |
SourceMap mode for esbuild.
See also: https://esbuild.github.io/api/#sourcemap
new lambda.NodejsFunction(this, 'my-handler', {
bundling: {
minify: true, // minify code, defaults to false
sourceMap: true, // include source map, defaults to false
sourceMapMode: lambda.SourceMapMode.INLINE, // defaults to SourceMapMode.DEFAULT
sourcesContent: false, // do not include original source into source map, defaults to true
target: 'es2020', // target environment for the generated JavaScript code
loader: { // Use the 'dataurl' loader for '.png' files
'.png': 'dataurl',
define: { // Replace strings during build time
'process.env.API_KEY': JSON.stringify('xxx-xxxx-xxx'),
'process.env.PRODUCTION': JSON.stringify(true),
'process.env.NUMBER': JSON.stringify(123),
logLevel: lambda.LogLevel.SILENT, // defaults to LogLevel.WARNING
keepNames: true, // defaults to false
tsconfig: 'custom-tsconfig.json', // use custom-tsconfig.json instead of default,
metafile: true, // include meta file, defaults to false
banner: '/* comments */', // requires esbuild >= 0.9.0, defaults to none
footer: '/* comments */', // requires esbuild >= 0.9.0, defaults to none
charset: lambda.Charset.UTF8, // do not escape non-ASCII characters, defaults to Charset.ASCII
format: lambda.OutputFormat.ESM, // ECMAScript module output format, defaults to OutputFormat.CJS (OutputFormat.ESM requires Node.js 14.x)
mainFields: ['module', 'main'], // prefer ECMAScript versions of dependencies
inject: ['./my-shim.js', './other-shim.js'], // allows to automatically replace a global variable with an import from another file
esbuildArgs: { // Pass additional arguments to esbuild
"--log-limit": "0",
"--splitting": true,
Name | Description |
DEFAULT | Default sourceMap mode - will generate a .js.map file alongside any generated .js file and add a special //# sourceMappingURL= comment to the bottom of the .js file pointing to the .js.map file. |
EXTERNAL | External sourceMap mode - If you want to omit the special //# sourceMappingURL= comment from the generated .js file but you still want to generate the .js.map files. |
INLINE | Inline sourceMap mode - If you want to insert the entire source map into the .js file instead of generating a separate .js.map file. |
BOTH | Both sourceMap mode - If you want to have the effect of both inline and external simultaneously. |
Default sourceMap mode - will generate a .js.map file alongside any generated .js file and add a special //# sourceMappingURL= comment to the bottom of the .js file pointing to the .js.map file.
External sourceMap mode - If you want to omit the special //# sourceMappingURL= comment from the generated .js file but you still want to generate the .js.map files.
Inline sourceMap mode - If you want to insert the entire source map into the .js file instead of generating a separate .js.map file.
Both sourceMap mode - If you want to have the effect of both inline and external simultaneously.